The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

Chapter 289 The Female Bandit in the Bandit Den

Chapter 289 The Female Bandit in the Bandit Den (2)
"Let's go." The girl in red said.He took Nangong Jinshang to collect herbs.

On the way up the mountain, Nangong Jin memorized the construction of the entire cottage in his mind.

"Hey! Evil woman. Let me ask you why you arrested me. I have never offended you!" Along the way, Nangong Jin understood that this vicious woman had no intention of killing him at all. .Otherwise, I wouldn't have gone up the mountain with him to collect herbs just because of his words.

The girl in red turned around and glared at Nangong Jin, "Who are you calling an evil girl? Be careful, I'll kill you with a whip." The girl tied a whip around her waist.Nangong Jin raised his eyebrows, pointed at the girl in red and smiled, "I also said that you are not a villain. Look, which girl is like you, who is fierce enough to die. No one would like a girl who is so fierce. Men Well, I like gentle women."

"I... really don't look like a girl at all?" The girl in red touched her face.gentle?What is tenderness.Daddy never taught her what a gentle girl is like since she was a child.The girl in red looked up at Nangong Jin, does he like gentle girls?

"Then you like gentle girls. Or..."

"Women? Naturally, the more gentle the better. I don't like those women who are vicious all day long. They look like a man." Nangong Jin said.

The girl in red lowered her eyes and lowered her tone suddenly, "I have a name. My name is Bai Yue. I'll call you Jin from now on, okay?"

Nangong Jin suddenly had goose bumps all over her body, this woman had a convulsion!

Just now he was vicious like a man, but now his style of painting has changed all of a sudden.

"Whatever." Nangong Jin said: "You haven't answered my question yet, why did you arrest me. I have never offended you!"

"You didn't offend us. But your friend did. Your friend killed my father's brother in Huiyang County. My father wanted revenge on your friend. But the people around your friend are strong in martial arts. We can't get close. We have to think of another way. " Bai Yue said.

"It was those bandits who offended my friend first. Kill them, they deserve what they deserve." Nangong Jin said.Looking at Bai Yue again, he said: "Don't you know how many people in Huiyang have been harmed by your father's collusion with the magistrate of Huiyang County? Shouldn't such a person be killed?"

"I don't know how many people they have harmed. It doesn't matter whether they offended your friend first. But my father wants to avenge his brother, and I will not let your friend go. I am not afraid to tell you, I Father has already sent Mr. Thousand Faces to pretend to be you to find your friend. At this time, I am afraid that your friend has died in the hands of 'you'." Bai Yue looked at Nangong Jin and said: "But You can rest assured, with me here, I won't let my father kill you."

"You are so confident that the gentleman with a thousand faces you sent can kill my friend." Nangong Jin raised his eyebrows.Chu Limo has known him for almost 20 years anyway, even if other people can't recognize him, Chu Limo will never fail to recognize him.

At this time, Chu Limo should have known that he was coming this way.Now, this cottage is afraid that it will suffer.Nangong Jin looked at the fiery girl in red, she wasn't too bad.It's just that she grew up in a den of bandits, and no one taught her to be kind.But when it comes to kindness, who among them has ever been truly kind.

I searched around the mountain casually, and pulled out a few grasses to use as medicine.Anyway, Bai Yue didn't know him.The two went back to the cottage.At this time, Nangong Jin left in no hurry.He wanted to see how long it would take for that bastard Chu Limo to rescue him.

(End of this chapter)

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