The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

Chapter 290 The Female Bandit in the Bandit Den

Chapter 290 The Female Bandit in the Bandit Den (3)
Huiyang County.

Chu Limo and Yun Qing decided to use their tricks, and Chu Limo pretended to be a thousand-faced gentleman.And Yun Qing changed into a man's clothes and dressed up as a beautiful girl who was kidnapped by the 'Lord with Thousand Faces'.

As soon as he entered the city, someone came to meet him.

"Mr. Qianmian, the village master has been waiting for your news for a long time. Has anyone solved it?"

"I am a thousand-faced gentleman, when did I miss it?" Chu Limo said: "The village master asked you to come."

"Yes. The village owner said that you should go back to the village as soon as you finish your work." The person who came to meet him said humanely.Then he looked at the beautiful girl next to Chu Limo obsessively, "Mr. Qianmian is really blessed. Where did I find such a beautiful girl?"

Chu Limo's eyes turned cold, and he stared at the man coldly, "I'm watching to dig out your eyeballs."

"Yes, yes, I know you only have this little hobby. Let's go back to the village quickly." The man smiled apologetically.But in his heart, he cursed Lord Qianmian countless times, didn't he rely on himself to be appreciated by the old village master?What are you proud of.Now there is a new village owner in the cottage.See how long you can go horizontally.

Someone led the way and saved a lot of trouble.It took half an hour to reach the cottage.

"Mr. Qianmian, you are back. The matter has been settled." As soon as he entered the village, Bai Hu, the old owner of the village, greeted him personally.

Baihu, the head of the Baihu Village, built this village owner single-handedly.Anyone who entered this village master was his brother.

"Return to the village master's words. The matter has been settled." Chu Limo said lightly.The faint gaze took a large look at the cottage.And Yun Qing followed behind, like a captive girl, with fear and panic on her face.

"Okay. I've worked hard this time." Baihu laughed loudly and said, "By the way, I have something to announce to you. The position of village master has been passed on to Yue'er. This village master intends to let the two of you choose a date." Get married."

"I don't agree." At this moment, a female voice came over.Bai Yue came over aggressively.Walking up to Chu Limo, he glanced at Chu Limo coldly, and said with disgust, "Father, I won't marry him."

"Yue'er. Nonsense! Mr. Qianmian is a young talent in our Baihu village, and he has been with his father for many years. You can rest assured that you marry his father." Baihu glared at his daughter angrily.

"Daddy. Anyway, I won't marry him. If you want to marry, you marry him yourself." Bai Yue glanced at Chu Limo, becoming more and more disgusted.

The corner of Yun Qing's mouth twitched as he stood behind.What's the situation? As soon as he entered the village, Chu Limo still had this peach blossom.

"Villager, I will not marry a young lady either. This time down the mountain, Lord Qianmian has already found a woman he likes." As he spoke, Chu Limo embraced Yun Qing.

"This is the best!" Bai Yue glared at Chu Limo.She coquettishly said to her father again: "Daddy, Yue'er already has someone she likes. Yue'er only wants to marry the person she likes." When mentioning that person, Bai Yue's face was shy.

Bai Hu was a little embarrassed at first.Mr. Thousand Faces is his favorite son-in-law.His health is getting worse and worse now, and he just hopes to find someone for Yue'er to rely on in his lifetime.But being rejected by Yue'er, he didn't look good in face, and the man with thousands of faces didn't look good either.But unexpectedly, Lord Qianmian didn't want to marry, and even brought a woman back from outside.Only then did Bai Hu let go of his heart.Otherwise, I was rejected by Yue'er.According to Lord Thousand Faces' temperament, if he dies in the future, Lord Thousand Faces may also go down the mountain.At that time, there will be no one Yue'er can rely on in this Baihu village. How can Yue'er be able to manage such a big Baihu village well.How can he have the ability to deter the people below.

But I heard my daughter say that there is someone she likes.Bai Hu asked: "Which one in the cottage does Yue'er take a fancy to?"

"Daddy." Bai Yue was coquettish.

Baihu thought for a while, in this Baihu village, besides Mr. Qianmianlang, only Ruan Shaotang was left. Could it be that what Yueer fell in love with was... "Yueer fell in love with Ruan Shaotang."

"No. Daddy, where are you going?" Bai Yue raised her eyebrows.How could she fall in love with Ruan Shaotang?

"It's not him, who is that?" Baihu said.

"It's Nangong Jin who was caught three days ago. I want to marry Nangong Jin." Bai Yue said.

"What? No way!" Bai Hu immediately became angry when he heard this.

Chu Limo and Yun Qing were also stunned as they stood aside.

It seems that it is not Chu Limo who provokes the peach blossoms, but Nangong Jin!Fortunately, they were still worried that he was worried to death, but luckily he ran here to meet the bandit's son-in-law.

(End of this chapter)

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