The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

Chapter 292 Forced Marriage to Suicide

Chapter 292 Forced Marriage to Suicide (2)
"Villager, where are you going? This is your home!" Xiao Qiao said.But Bai Yue has already run to Nangong Jinzai's wooden house.Chu Limo and Yun Qing happened to be wandering around in the cottage when they ran into Bai Yue who ran out.

"I think she is going to elope with Nangong Jin." Yun Qing who followed behind smiled lightly.

"How does Qingqing know?"

"Follow up and see if you don't know." Yun Qing smiled.

The wooden house where Nangong Jin lived.

"Nangong Jin, come with me." As soon as she entered the door, Bai Yue said directly.

"Where are you going?" Nangong Jin was a little confused for a moment.I don't know what kind of moth this guy wants to fix.

Bai Yue really didn't think about where to go for a while, but now, it's fine to go anywhere, as long as she leaves Baihu Village. "You can go anywhere." Without saying a word, Bai Yue pulled Nangong Jin and was about to go out.

"I won't leave unless I make it clear." Nangong Jin shook off Bai Yue's hand.After talking about where he can go now, the internal force in his body was touched by the Bai family's unique acupuncture method.

"I'll tell you in the future. It's not too late, so hurry up and follow me." Bai Yue went to pull Nangong Jin again, but Nangong Jin was not someone who was dragged away at will.Unclear, he's still safe here.

"Nangong Jin, my father forced me to marry someone I don't like."

"Wait. Stop it!" Nangong Jin interrupted Bai Yue and said, "It's none of my business that your father forced you to marry."

"Nangong Jin. really don't understand? I..."

"Of course it's none of your business. Because you are the one she wants to marry." Outside the door, Yun Qing's faint voice came in, interrupting Bai Yue's words.

It is said that Nangong Jin understands women's thoughts best, and is a flirtatious young man who is merciful everywhere.Now she can't even understand Bai Yue's thoughts.Yun Qing expressed doubts.Is this person really Nangong Jin?
"You..." Nangong Jin was startled when he saw Yun Qing and Chu Limo following behind.Although the faces of the two have changed, Yun Qing's voice has not changed.

"Who are you?" Bai Yue looked at Yun Qing suspiciously.

Yun Qing smiled faintly, "Miss, you forgot who I am so quickly."

"It's you?" Seeing Chu Limo following behind her, Bai Yue's tone turned cold, she glared at Chu Limo and said, "You really are not a good guy. You just said that you found a woman you like, and you won't marry me .Run here to stop me now. It's just a dream for a person like you to want me to marry you. "

It was the first time Chu Limo was scolded like this.Although the expression on his face was calm, his cold eyes had already shot Nangong Jin, the culprit, into countless holes.

Nangong Jin received Chu Limo's hateful eyes, indicating that he was wronged in this matter.You can't blame him!
"Yue'er, you haven't messed around enough, have you?" After Bai Yue ran out, Xiao Qiao went to sue Bai Hu.Bai Hu hurried over when he heard the news.Glaring at this wayward daughter with angry eyes, he said coldly: "Daddy has already decided to hold a wedding ceremony for you and Mr. Thousand Faces in three days. You go back to my room now."

"I don't." Bai Yue said stubbornly.

"Slap." A crisp slap hit Bai Yue's delicate face hard.The slap was so sudden that it stunned Bai Yue immediately. Bai Yue held back her tears, "Father, you hit me! You have never been willing to hit me. This time, for this person..." Bai Yue pointed Looking at Chu Limo, "You beat me because of him. I hate you! Let me tell you, I will never marry him." Holding her beaten face, Bai Yue resisted the dripping Tears ran out.

(End of this chapter)

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