The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

Chapter 293 Forced Marriage to Suicide

Chapter 293 Forced Marriage to Suicide (3)
"Come here, lock the Shaozhai master in the house. Wait for the wedding." Bai Hu said.

When Bai Yue who ran out heard this, she stopped, looked at Bai Hu, and said, "Father, don't force me."

"Shut up." Bai Hu said cruelly when he thought of his plan.After finishing the order, he looked at the man who was the culprit. He should have killed this man at that time, instead of listening to Yue'er's request and arresting him.

Seeing Baihu's killing intent towards Nangong Jin.Chu Limo couldn't really let Baihu kill Nangong Jinqu.He said lightly: "Village Master, can you let me talk to him."

Bai Hu looked at Chu Limo, thought for a while, and finally turned around and left.Yun Qing didn't close the door until seeing Bai Hu really left.

"You are finally here." Nangong Jin complained.

"Tell me. What's the matter between you and this female bandit? What have you done to her? The girl wants to marry you and run away with you." Yun Qing smiled lightly.

"I'm really wronged!" Nangong Jin said aggrievedly.Isn't it wrong?He also just found out whether it was a good thing or not.He and this Bai Yuejia have not stayed together for more than a day now, who knows what's going on.

"Okay. Stop talking nonsense. Let's go quickly." Chu Limo said silently.

"No. You can't leave now." Nangong Jin said.

Yun Qing looked at Nangong Jin and smiled, "Are you really with that..."

"I've been sealed inside." Nangong Jin's face darkened.This is embarrassing, okay?

When Chu Limo's hand moved on Nangong Jin's acupuncture point, his internal energy was indeed sealed.The method is also very strange.Nangong Jin looked at Chu Limo's resentful gaze, and said, "Can you solve this acupuncture point?"

"Yes." Hearing this sentence, Nangong Jin was overjoyed, but was soon poured cold water by Chu Limo, Chu Limo said indifferently: "Just use your internal force to break through forcibly, but it is also possible to break through when you break through." One accidentally caused you to bleed to death."

"Forget it then." Nangong Jin shrugged, with a confident look on his face, "Then I'll wait for Lord Baizhai to explain it to me in person."

"He just wants to kill you now, do you think he will give you a solution?" Yun Qing raised his eyebrows and smiled.I really don't know where Nangong Jin's self-confidence comes from.

"Just watch it. Lord Baizhai will come and untie this acupuncture point for me in person." Nangong Jin laughed.He didn't have much confidence at first.But when he saw the white tiger for the first time just now, he was sure of it.So he still has this confidence.

"You're really giving your father a face. If Nangong Island Master knows that you have fallen into the hands of a group of bandits, I don't know if he will come from the East China Sea and scold you." Chu Limo said lightly.A look of contempt.

"You still have the nerve to say it. If you hadn't thrown the silver into the river, and you were stared at and didn't notice it, would I have been knocked out in the river unprepared? Look at my head, if in the future You are responsible for the disfigurement." Nangong Jin looked at Chu Limo and said.

"Okay. You two don't bicker. You can't leave now. You should think of a way." Yun Qing was a little helpless, the two really never forgot to bicker wherever they went.Yun Qing looked at Nangong Jin with a smile and said, "By the way, where did you get the confidence that Lord Baizhai will relieve your acupoints. Do you have any ideas?"

"Master Baizhai is already terminally ill. According to my years of experience as a doctor, he won't live for more than a month. But judging by his appearance, he probably knows that he won't live long." Nangong Jin explained the secret.

"So that's the case. No wonder he was in such a hurry to marry off his daughter." Yun Qing smiled lightly: "From what you said, you can save him."

"You are insulting my medical skills. As long as I, Nangong Jin, make a move, when will I miss it?" Yun Qing's disbelieving eyes are a naked insult to him!

Yun Qing smiled, "Since this is the case, then let's find a chance..."

Yun Qing lowered his voice, and spoke out the plan, and the two hit it off instantly.

Bai Yue was locked in the house.Except for the personal maid, Xiao Qiao, who can go inside to serve.Guards have been sent outside.

"Village Master, don't be angry with the old village master. Eat something." Xiao Qiao advised from the side.

"Take it away. I won't eat it." Bai Yue didn't even look at the things on the table, she sat on the side with a slightly sullen face.She never thought that her father would beat her for that bitch, Mr. Thousand Faces.It never occurred to her that her father would really lock her up so cruelly.

"Villager." Xiao Qiao wanted to persuade him again.

"Get out." Bai Yue said coldly.He raised his head, looked at this sister who had been talking to him for many years, and laughed at himself. "Little Qiao, I have always regarded you as my own sister. But I never thought that you would betray me. Remember, you have already betrayed me once."

"The village master... Xiao Qiao knows that you will hold grudges. But the village master, no matter whether you will remember Xiao Qiao or not, Xiao Qiao can't let the village master leave this house, and can't make the old village master sad."

"Get out!" Bai Yue said.

Chu Limo, Yun Qing and others have been in Baihu Village for two days. In the past two days, the two have already made a lot of people inside and out of Baihu Village.But in the past two days, Baihu ordered to see no one.Even if they had a plan, they couldn't implement it.Seeing that tomorrow is the day when 'Lang Jun with Thousand Faces' will marry Bai Yue.

"It's not's not good... something happened to the village master." It came from Bai Yue's room.

"What happened!" Chu Limo blocked the way of a guard.

"Reporting to the second master, the young village master committed suicide." After finishing speaking, he hurriedly asked to report to the old village master.In Baihuzhai, Lord Qianmian is already the second in charge.

When Baihu arrived, he saw his daughter lying unconscious in a pool of blood.

"Yue'er..." A sad shout ran through the entire Baihu Village.

(End of this chapter)

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