The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

Chapter 294 Save Bai Yue's life and go down the mountain

Chapter 294 Save Bai Yue's life and go down the mountain (1)
Baihu Village.

"Yue' silly child." Bai Hu hugged Bai Yue, who was lying in a pool of blood, and cried bitterly. "How can you be so stupid. How can you punish dad like this. If you don't marry, just don't marry. Why do you commit suicide so stupidly. You are dead, what do you want dad to do. Yue'er..."

A generation of heroes, now he is just a poor old man in front of losing his daughter.

"Yue'er." Ruan Shaotang also heard the news, and hurried over with the medicine box.

Seeing Ruan Shaotang, Baihu seemed to grab a life-saving straw and urgently said: "Shaotang, save Yue'er quickly, save Yue'er quickly."

Ruan Shaotang grabbed Bai Yue's arm, took out the medicine to stop the bleeding...

In the wooden house where Nangong Jin lived.

"You still have the mood to sit here, Bai Yue committed suicide for you." Yun Qing and Chu Limo came all the way from the accident side.As soon as he entered the door, he saw Nangong Jin with a straw in his mouth, looking very uncomfortable.

"That villain will commit suicide. Miss Mu, stop joking. She is so fierce, how could she commit suicide?" Nangong Jin shook her head in disbelief.

"Do you think I'm joking?" Yun Qing stared at Nangong Jin with a slightly cold tone, "Although she is a female bandit, she brought you here again. But she is sincere to you anyway. You don't want to go see her." Want to see her one last time?"

Although it was only the first time for her to come to Baihu Village and see Bai Yue, she was shocked and regretful at the same time what Bai Yue did.Apart from her identity as a female bandit, this woman is actually quite a cute girl.If you talk about a good person or something, she is not a good person, and she also killed a lot of people.If Bai Yue didn't die.She thought that they would definitely become good friends who cherish each other.

"You mean it, the villain..."

Yun Qing looked at Nangong Jin with slightly cold eyes, "Go and see her. Maybe in the last journey of her life, the person she wants to see most is you." After saying that, Nangong Jin had already run out.

"Qingqing, you want Nangong Jin to save that female bandit." Chu Limo said flatly.Otherwise, how could Qingqing provoke Nangong Jin again.

"Don't you think Bai Yue is actually quite cute? Maybe, she is the catastrophe that Nangong Jin will go through in this life." Yun Qing smiled lightly.But I didn't want to, this word became a prophecy.Maybe Yun Qing and everyone else never thought that Bai Yue really became the catastrophe of Nangong Jin's life.

"Qingqing is the cutest." Chu Limo said softly with tenderness.Yun Qing smiled.Like a ray of sunshine in that winter day, it warmed Chu Limo's cold heart.

"Get out of the way." Nangong Jin looked coldly at the guards blocking his way.Although the internal strength is gone, but the kung fu is still there, these few people alone are not worthy of fighting with him.But now, he doesn't want to fight.Yun Qing's words are still ringing in his ears, the villain committed suicide, she committed suicide because of him!
"Nangong Jin, hurry up and go in. Let us take care of this." The two who followed said.Because Yun Qing is the woman brought back by the 'Lang Jun with Thousand Faces', in the past two days, she has already had a face-to-face meeting with the people in Baihu Village.

"Second in charge." The guard was a little embarrassed.The old village head had already ordered Nangong Jin to be killed, but it was because the young village head hadn't done it for a long time.

"Go down. I'll take care of anything." Chu Limo said coldly.I have to say, 'Lang Jun with Thousand Faces; this identity is very useful in Baihuzhai.

When Nangong Jin rushed into the room, Bai Yue had already been hugged to the bed, lying peacefully on the bed, without the appearance of a villain in the past.But the pool of blood on the ground was still there.It shows everything that just happened to the hostess in this house.

(End of this chapter)

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