The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

Chapter 295 Save Bai Yue's life and go down the mountain

Chapter 295 Save Bai Yue's life and go down the mountain (2)
"Villager, Yue'er has lost a lot of blood, already...already..." Ruan Shaotang was choked up and speechless.He only hated that he was not good at learning, that he could only stop the bleeding for Yue'er, but he couldn't save Yue'er's life.

"Who said she was dead." Nangong Jin appeared in the room.The moment she saw Bai Yue, that wicked girl was lying on the bed, breathing weakly.

"What are you doing here? Did you come to see the joke? Isn't it enough that you killed Yue'er? Do you still want to see the joke now..." Ruan Shaotang looked at Nangong Jin and asked.It was because of this person that Yue'er committed suicide.It was this person who appeared only a few days ago that made Yue'er choose to commit suicide.

"She's not dead." Nangong Jin said, "With me here, she won't die."

"What did you say?" Bai Hu was taken aback, looking at Nangong Jin.The pain of losing his daughter at this moment was beyond his ability to bear, but at this moment, hearing that Yue'er would not die, at that moment, it was as if he had grasped hope, the hope of living.

"I said, with me here, she won't die." Nangong Jin took out a pill from the small white porcelain bottle and put it in Bai Yue's mouth, making Bai Yue swallow it.

"What did you feed Yue'er? You want to kill her, don't you?" Ruan Shaotang stared at Nangong Jin's movements resentfully.

"Life extension pill." Nangong Jin said.Then he looked at Baihu, "If you don't want her to die, you can untie the acupuncture points on my body. I promise, I will give you back a lively daughter." Life extension pill can only temporarily save Bai Yue's life.But this stupid girl, I really don't know whether to call her stupid or stupid.Not only took the poison, but also cut his own wrist.She is really looking for death.

"You said that what Yue'er took just now was the life extension pill." Bai Hu said.Life extension pill can be said to be a hard-to-find item.Eat one, you can save your life for seven days.

"Yes. If you don't want her to die, just listen to me and unlock the acupuncture points." Without unlocking the acupuncture points, he couldn't use his unique therapy of Donghai to detoxify and heal Bai Yue.Originally, it was enough to just take the detoxification pill for her, but he took the last detoxification pill by himself.It is not easy to make a detoxification pill now.Having said that, Jiedu Pill is as precious as Xuming Pill, and it takes a lot of precious medicinal materials to make a Jiedu Pill.And these medicinal materials, besides what he has in the East China Sea, the rest are also obtained by chance from his travels in various countries over the years.

"Villager, you can't believe his words. You can't release the acupoint." Ruan Shaotang said.He didn't believe that Nangong Jin would be kind at all.What's more, what a precious thing the life extension pill he just mentioned is, how could there be such a thing in him.

"It's up to you to believe it or not. Her life is in your hands." He wanted to save her, but he couldn't do anything if she didn't believe her.After finishing speaking, he stood aside and leaned against him.Anyway, it depends on his own consciousness.

"The village master. Now, you can only choose to trust him. Otherwise, who else here is sure to save Miss Bai." Yun Qing, who followed, said calmly.He looked at Nangong Jin who was leaning aside and smiled, then looked at Ruan Shaotang. "Are you sure you can save Miss Bai?" Looking at Ruan Shaotang's gloomy face, Yun Qing said, "Since you can't, why do you assert that Nangong Jin can't be saved? Do you think your own medical skills are the best in the world? ? Oh! I think you guys still don't know who Nangong Jin is, so I'll tell you. Nangong Jin is the world's number one miracle doctor that you will never be able to catch up with." After speaking, Yun Qing looked at Bai Hu and said : "Whether you want to save your daughter or not depends on you, Master Bai."

Yun Qing praised Nangong Jin with elation.

(End of this chapter)

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