The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

Chapter 296 Save Bai Yue's life and go down the mountain

Chapter 296 Save Bai Yue's life and go down the mountain (3)
"How do you know he is..." Bai Hu was shocked, then stared at Yun Qing and Chu Limo, "You are in the same group."

Yun Qing laughed mockingly, "Master Bai, now we are discussing whether to save Miss Bai, rather than discussing who I am with. Didn't Master Bai cry just now and say that he was wrong and shouldn't be forced to Is Miss Bai married? Why does Village Master Bai still care about who I am with? Are you really not going to save your daughter?" Yun Qing neither admitted nor denied it.

She thinks she is not a good person.He has no friendship with Bai Yue.Of course, it would be a good condition to use Bai Yue to unlock Nangong Jin's acupuncture points.

"Then you are not the gentleman with thousands of faces." Bai Hu looked at Chu Limo and said angrily.

Chu Limo's face was cold and silent.What kind of thing is the gentleman with thousands of faces, he is not worthy to lift his shoes.If it wasn't for Nangong Jin, he would never have pretended to be the face of a thousand-faced gentleman.

"Master Baizhai, tell me what should I say about you. If you really don't want your daughter to die, you don't believe who we are right now. Instead, let Nangong Jin save people." Yun Qing said.She believed that Bai Hu really loved this daughter.It's just that he couldn't accept it for a while, that his own village was pretended to be entered by the person he trusted the most.He may also suspect at this moment that Bai Yue's current appearance is caused by them.

"Save people, why do you make me believe that you will save people? Didn't you do what happened to Yue'er today?" Ruan Shaotang hadn't finished cursing Yun Qing before he was stunned by Chu Limo .To deal with this kind of helpless doctor, all you need is a light slap.

Yun Qing smiled and understood that Chu Limo couldn't hear others scolding her.

"You..." Baihu only watched Ruan Shaotang faint, but didn't see when Chu Limo made the move.

"Master Baizhai. If we really want to kill people in Baihuzhai as this doctor said, we don't need to cut off Miss Bai's wrists. I believe you have seen it. It is easy to deal with Baihuzhai The power to blow the dust. Miss Bai's current situation is very critical, whether you want to save it or not depends on you, Lord Bai." Yun Qing said.

In fact, Bai Yue's death or immortality has nothing to do with them.It's just that she was shocked to see Bai Yue make such a decision for Nangong Jin.That's why he used words to provoke Nangong Jin to come over.Nangong Jin seems to be as ruthless as Chu Limo, but they are both righteous people.Nangong Jin would never watch Bai Yue die.Otherwise, Nangong Jin would feel guilty for this love for the rest of his life.

Bai Hu glanced at Yun Qing and Chu Limo, then turned his gaze to his daughter lying on the bed.He was already dying, if Yue'er really died, he would immediately go down to accompany her.But Yue'er is still young, he can't let Yue'er die in front of him.He traveled all over the world in his life, and he has never seen any kind of person.This time, he gambled.

"Okay. I'll trust you once." As he spoke, he released the acupuncture points on Nangong Jin's body.When explaining, Yun Qing pursed her lips and smiled, seeing Bai Hu's movements in her eyes and remembering them in her heart.

This one will not let Baihu lose the bet.

Half an hour later, Nangong Jin came out of Bai Yue's room.Bai Hu, who was waiting anxiously outside the door, watched Nangong Jin come out and said anxiously: "Yue'er...she's fine."

"My son made a move, when did he miss it?" Nangong Jin didn't like Bai Hu's words.This is to question his medical skills.

"When will Yue'er wake up?"

Nangong Jin looked at it and it was getting dark, "Tomorrow will be the soonest."

(End of this chapter)

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