The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

300 Chapter 1 I'll be happy after the fight

300 Chapter 1 I'll be happy after the fight ([-])
"What's wrong with our Mr. Nangong? Why is he out of his mind? Could it be that he regrets it now." Yun Qing smiled lightly and deliberately jokingly said: "It's too late to regret it now, this place is still very close to Baihu Village. You hurry now In the past, it was estimated that Village Master Bai would hold a wedding ceremony for you and Miss Bai immediately."

"What nonsense are you talking about. How could such a handsome and handsome man marry that villainous woman Bai Yue?" Nangong Jin pouted.

"Go ahead and cover up your guilt." Yun Qing said with a faint smile.

Baishui Town, a small town under Huiyang County.After passing this small town, you will arrive at the border city of Jicheng.Baishui Town is still one day away from Jicheng City.And Chu Liyou, Nonghua Nongyue Xiaoxiao and Wuqing are waiting for them to meet up in Baishui Town.At this time, Chu Liyou and others in Baishui Town had been waiting for them here for three days.Finally, on the fourth day they waited, Chu Limo, Nangong Jin, and Yun Qing arrived at the boundary of Baishui Town.

The inn in Baishui Town.This place belongs to the territory of the second cousin Wang Ziqing.But it was quite strange to say that neither Chu Limo nor his second cousin had any business in Huiyang County.Later Yun Qing asked curiously and realized that Huiyang is the world of bandits.They don't compete with bandits for territory.That's why the group of vicious bandits in Baihuzhai were allowed to dominate in Huiyang.

"Brother, Yun Qing, Brother Jin, you are finally back." In the past few days, Chu Liyou could be said to be worried and flustered.

"En." Chu Limo hummed lightly.Yun Qing knew that Chu Limo must be very depressed at this moment, and he kept holding it in his heart.However, it was embarrassing for Chu Limo. He had refrained from beating Nangong Jin along the way. It is estimated that Chu Limo wanted to save up and beat him back together.Yun Qing said indifferently: "Okay. Everyone, have a good rest tonight and set off tomorrow with peace of mind." On the way to Xiyue, it would have taken only half a month to get there if we rushed fast, but now it's been a month's journey. have not reach yet.

"What's the matter. The fire in my heart hasn't subsided yet." Yun Qing looked at Chu Limo amusedly.Ever since he entered Baihu Village, Chu Limo had been holding back his anger towards Nangong Jin.If it weren't for the fact that Nangong Jin's acupoints were sealed at that time, Chu Limo would have beaten Nangong Jin up to the point where his nose was bruised and his face was swollen.

"Qingqing." Chu Limo said quietly.

"If your anger hasn't subsided, you might as well beat up Nangong Jin now. After the beating is over, you can go on your way." Yun Qing suggested with a faint smile.Otherwise, she was really afraid that Chu Limo would have a convulsion and maim Nangong Jin on the way.Unexpectedly, Chu Limo would actually go ahead with this proposal in the middle of the night.

But Nangong Jin was wronged in this matter.After all, he himself suffered a dull loss.The dignified Mr. Nangong was murdered by a group of bandits, and it would be embarrassing to say it.But Nangong Jin offended Chu Limo, a narrow-minded guy.When I was in Huiyang, I pretended to be a "cold-faced hero" and made fun of Chu Limo.It happened that they came out to spoil the scenery when they were kissing.It's no wonder that Chu Limo has held grudges until now.

Sure enough, in the middle of the night, when Nangong Jin was fast asleep, he was suddenly kicked off the bed.Then, in the middle of the night, there were screams and screams in the inn.Then all the lights in the inn came on.All the people in the inn got up in the middle of the night to watch the excitement.Some of the guests who were woken up were still a little angry at first, but seeing those two beating so fiercely, no matter how much anger they had, they glanced back.Yun Qing smiled helplessly, she thought Chu Limo would keep holding back.

"Chu Limo, what are you smoking in the middle of the night?" Nangong Jin was not caught for a moment, Chu Limo slapped the evildoer on the face, and the evildoer's face suddenly became swollen like a pig's head.

(End of this chapter)

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