The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

301 Chapter 2 I'll be happy after the fight

301 Chapter 2 I'll be happy after the fight ([-])
"I see you are not happy." Chu Limo said coolly.

Both Chu Limo and Nangong Jin are masters.When the two got into a fight, the inn suffered.A remnant.

Yun Qing looked at the remnants and raised his forehead. If his second cousin saw Chu Limo and Nangong Jin smashing his inn, would he run from the capital overnight to settle accounts with them in anger?

"Yun Qing, you said that Brother Jin and Brother Jin wouldn't be performing for us in the middle of the night, right? That's too intentional." Chu Liyou was completely watching the excitement.After finishing speaking, Chu Liyou still shouted loudly: "Brother, come on! Brother Jin, come on too!"

"Yes! Yes!" Yun Qing said while holding his forehead.Both of your older brothers are crazy.This sister is also a lunatic.It's okay to watch the two of them fight in the middle of the night, it's even more fueling.It's okay to refuel, but also refuel on both sides.Who does this girl think will win and who will lose?Sure enough, it's not that the whole family does not enter the house.

"Yunqing, let's cheer up brother and brother Jin together." He said, pulling Yunqing to shout with her.After pulling, Yun Qing also called the other people who had already woken up.

The two fought from upstairs to downstairs, where Chu Liyou kept shouting excitedly: "Brother, come on! Brother, come on!" After shouting this side, he continued to call this side: "Brother Jin, come on! Brother Jin, come on!" !"

The fight between the two below was in full swing, inseparable.It has been more than 200 strokes and there is no trace of fatigue between the two.Instead, he fought more and more courageously.

Yun Qing thought: What if she yelled at this time.It is estimated that these two people will not stop.What's more, Chu Limo would beat Nangong Jin to death.

"Let them play slowly, you watch slowly. I'm going to sleep." Yun Qing said.Turned around and went back to the room.

Chu Liyou blinked, a hint of cunning flashed in her nimble eyes, and shouted loudly: "Brother, Yun Qing said, you guys are too useless in fighting. After fighting for so long, there is no winner. She doesn't even want to watch it." .”

"Li You, I won't take you to play like this." Nangong Jin shouted with a bitter face.He was about to be beaten to death by this bastard now.Chu Liyou actually said such a sentence, isn't it adding fuel to the fire?
Sure enough, Chu Liyou's words were very useful.In the next dozens of moves, Nangong Jin had no chance to fight back.Chu Limo unleashed all the anger that had been simmering for the past few days and hit Nangong Jin hard.But he still has a sense of proportion, he only hits the face, not the deadly place.It's just that Nangong Jin is crippled, with a monstrous face that can only be described as a ghost now.That's really a bruised nose and a swollen face!But Chu Limo didn't feel any better. He was injured all over his body, but he didn't hurt his face.

Until the 310th eighth move, Nangong Jin was finally beaten to the ground by Chu Limo.In this round, Chu Limo not only fought happily, but also improved his cultivation base. After the fight, he felt that he had broken through another level.

After the fight, there was nothing good in the inn.

"Qingqing. It hurts!" Chu Limo was sitting at the table, while Yun Qing was giving him medicine.

"You deserve it. You're in pain, but Nangong Jin won't die in pain." Now Nangong Jin is still screaming and screaming in the room.No one was allowed in to give him medicine.Hearing Nangong Jin's ghostly screaming voice was because he looked in the mirror and found that his face was swollen like a pig's head.So no one else is allowed to go in and have a look.

"Qingqing. I don't allow you to care about that bastard Nangong Jin. You can only care about me." Chu Limo said domineeringly.He secretly thought in his heart that he had to ruin Nangong Jin's annoying face.Qingqing will not care anymore, nor will she stare at Nangong Jin's face.

(End of this chapter)

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