The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

Chapter 310 Accompanying you to the old age and delivering it sincerely

Chapter 310 Accompanying you to the old age and delivering it sincerely (2)
"Qingqing, if you feel uncomfortable, don't talk about it." Chu Limo held Yun Qing in his arms and said softly: "Forget about the painful things in the past."

"Aren't you afraid of me?"

"Not afraid. I know that Qingqing will not hurt me." Chu Limo hugged Yun Qing even tighter.

"You know? Every day, her memory is lingering in my mind, and her memory has become a part of my life. Sometimes I even doubt that I am the real Mu Yunqing. You know me Why did you kill Mu Yunyi? I didn't even let go of the child in her belly. I have killed many people in my life, but this was the first time I killed an innocent child. In many nights, I I also want to let that innocent child go, but do you know? The memory of my previous life is deeply reflected in my mind, and he always reminds me that Mu Yunyi and Chu Feiyang also cruelly killed me in the past. The three-day-old baby fell to his death. He died right in front of my eyes. There was nothing I could do."

"Qingqing, don't say it. Don't say it." Chu Limo comforted Yun Qing with his arms.

"Chu Limo, in my previous life. Because of my selfishness, I loved someone I shouldn't love. I killed my grandfather's family who loved me the most. They all didn't end well. They all died under Chu Feiyang's knife. In the end, God punished me. Let me die with everyone. I thought I could die and forget everything after death. But, I lived again. I borrowed Mu Yunqing’s I live a whole life with my body. I survived with her memory and her hatred. Now I have avenged myself. I killed Chu Feiyang and Mu Yunyi. I killed many people. I am not the real Mu Yunyi. Yun Qing. Chu Limo, would you love me like this?"

Chu Limo never thought that such a story would happen.A story that uncovers Qing Qing's painful past.

"Qingqing, I didn't have time to participate in your past life, but your future belongs to me. No matter what happened in the past, what I love is you, the real you now. All the past lives have passed, it was a nightmare. I accompanied Qingqing to forget that nightmare. In this life, I will never let the past life happen again. Those who Qingqing wants to protect, I will accompany Qingqing to protect them. No matter whether Qingqing pays back in the future Kill as many people as you want, even if Qingqing wants to overthrow the world, I will still stand by Qingqing's side and accompany you. As I said, I will always accompany Qingqing to the old age, and I will never break my promise."

"Chu Limo. Why didn't Mu Yunqing meet you sooner!" If he could have met Chu Limo earlier, Mu Yunqing's ending would not be like this.

"It doesn't matter whether I met earlier or a lifetime later. The only person I want to meet is you!" It can only be you.If it was Mu Yunqing in the previous life, maybe their ending would still be the same as in the previous life.

So, maybe it was meant to be.

"Chu Limo, I don't know how many hardships and dangers there are on this road to Xiyue. I don't want to regret it in the future, so I want to tell you now. Because it is you, I tell you my deepest secret. Peach Blossom Town's bet, I still lost after all, I lost to you. But I don't regret it!"

"Qingqing." He had really been waiting for this moment for a long time.

"You're right. The past is over. That was Mu Yunqing's nightmare. Now, I have avenged her. And I'm not the real Mu Yunqing. It's time to let that nightmare go."

It's just that she never thought that that nightmare not only belonged to Mu Yunqing, but also belonged to her.Because she is Mu Yunqing, and Mu Yunqing is her.There is a closely linked fate between them.

The frankness that night, Yun Qing delivered her sincerity.

Knowing Yun Qing's intentions that night suddenly, Chu Limo was emotionally moved for a moment, which aroused emotions.Fortunately, Chu Limo restrained himself and did not go crazy.But after that night, Chu Limo became ill.

It has been almost half a month since I came to Jicheng.In the past half month, Chu Limo fell ill on the first night in Jicheng.Although everyone didn't know why Chu Limo fell ill all of a sudden, but Chu Limo had a sick body, so everyone didn't care about the details.

It started snowing in Jicheng a few days ago.When Chu Limo got sick, the west wing was not warm, so Chu Limo moved to the east wing.

"Drink the medicine." Yun Qing handed the medicine over.She said it impulsively at the time, but she didn't expect that this guy was so excited that he almost got sick.Thinking about it now, she shouldn't have told him then.

Chu Limo took the medicine and drank it in one gulp.Now I am drinking these medicines, no matter how I drink them, they feel sweet.I just saw clearly the slanted face, it seemed that I was still angry about what happened that night. "Qingqing has passed so many days, are you still angry?"

"No." She was just angry with herself, knowing his physical condition, but still didn't take that feeling to heart.

"Didn't Nangong Jin say that I'm fine." That night Chu Limo suddenly fell ill.Fortunately, Nangong Jin was still in Liangcheng at that time.She sent a letter to Nangong Jin overnight, and Nangong Jin rushed back to Jicheng overnight to treat Chu Limo.At this moment, Nangong Jinxiyue and his party were delayed and stopped in Jicheng.

No, just when Nangong Jin was mentioned, Nangong Jin came.

"You let me tell you what's good about you. You clearly know that your health is not good, so why didn't you hold back. You said, if you were greedy for that momentary pleasure, you would die. Wouldn't that make Yun Qing a widow. " Nangong Jin gloated at the side.

"Nan, Gong, Jin! Are you courting death?" Chu Limo gritted his teeth.

"I'm not looking for death. You are the one who is looking for death. You even made me rush over from Liangcheng overnight. I thought something serious happened to you. Who knows that you are in heat, but you don't want to die." Mentioning this, Nangong Jin expressed that he was very depressed.After finally getting rid of this bastard, he still remembers the hatred in Baishui Town.But not long after he left, something happened to this bastard.

Chu Limo's eyes are now icy cold for thousands of years.But Nangong Jin, who was desperate, was still chattering there: "You said that you were fine after kissing last time. Why did you fall ill this time? Could it be that you are too intense. If this is the case, after you get married, the bridal chamber But what should we do?" Nangong Jin looked at Chu Limo with a half-smile.

"Nan, Gong, Jin! You are courting death!"

(End of this chapter)

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