The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

Chapter 311 Love Can Make One Person Forget All the Pain

Chapter 311 Love can make a person forget all the pain (1)
Nangong Jin's words hurt Chu Limo's self-esteem.He can be injured, he can be poisoned without making a sound.But he must not allow others to say he 'can't'.This is a blatant insult to him.

"Yun Qing! According to my son's years of experience, you should break up with this bastard as soon as possible. Otherwise, you will have to be a widow at that time." Nangong Jin seemed to be deliberately serious in front of Chu Limo. Yun Qing said.

The corner of Yun Qing's mouth twitched, and he looked at Nangong Jin.Has this guy forgotten the lesson of Baishui Town?If you mention this now, are you courting death?Chu Limo is sick now, but it doesn't mean that he won't kill people if he is sick.At this moment, Chu Limo probably has the heart to kill Nangong Jin.

"Nangong Jin, I think you are really tired of living." Chu Limo gritted his teeth and wanted to kill someone.

"You don't hurry up, you really want to be beaten to death by him." Yun Qing glared at Nangong Jin who was gloating.She was not afraid that Chu Limo would really kill Nangong Jin, but she was afraid that Chu Limo would be agitated and unable to restrain himself, and if he really went crazy, no one here could suppress him.

Seeing Chu Limo's icy eyes, Nangong Jin also knew that the joke seemed to have gone too far.He smiled sarcastically and said: "Okay. Then I'll go back to Xiyue quickly." When leaving, he still reminded, "Remember, even if you think about that, you have to hold back. You can't do it because of that. , Don’t die!” After finishing speaking, he ran away from the palace faster than a rabbit.Probably because he was afraid that Chu Limo would beat him to death, and he would slip away.

"Qingqing, why are you stopping me?" Chu Limo looked at Yun Qing quietly.Could it be that Qingqing believed Nangong Jin's words and thought he was 'not good'?

"Don't stop me, do you really want to fight here? If you really beat him to death, who will detoxify you?"

"He's dead, and his father, Nangong Jue," Chu Limo said bitterly.

Yun Qing curled his lips, "You beat his son to death, it's fine if he doesn't use poison to kill you. You still expect him to detoxify you." Could it be that this guy is sick and confused.

"Qingqing, don't worry, I will never let you be a widow." Chu Limo's words were unusually ambiguous.

In the previous life, Mu Yunqing was married and had a child with Chu Feiyang, but that child was still confused because she was drunk. That time was also the first meaningful bridal night between her and Chu Feiyang. He didn't understand that Chu Feiyang didn't touch her even after he married him.But in front of outsiders, he pretended to be in love with her.She didn't understand until she died, because Chu Feiyang loved Mu Yunyi, and he disdained her.That's why he didn't want to touch her after being married for ten years.And that night, maybe it was just a joke God made for them.That night, she didn't see his appearance clearly, and his warmth was ruthlessly snatched away.Also that night, she had a child.

A blush flashed across Yun Qing's face, and she whispered, "Who said I'm going to marry you."

"Qingqing. You promised me, you can't go back on your word." Chu Limo grabbed Yunqing and whispered in Yunqing's ear: "If Qingqing doubts my ability, why not try now Give it a try." Saying that, she was about to kiss her.

"Ah... I'm sorry. I didn't see anything, you guys continue." Just when Chu Limo was about to kiss, the door was not closed, and Chu Liyou rushed in recklessly. Seeing that scene, he quickly covered it Eyes, while saying that he didn't see it, he secretly peeked at it.

Chu Limo's face darkened immediately.

"That... I really didn't intend to disturb you. That... that, I'm leaving first." Seeing his brother's angry eyes, Chu Liyou hurriedly slipped away.

(End of this chapter)

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