The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

Chapter 330 Prince Yuhen seems to be an old friend

Chapter 330 Prince Yuhen seems to be an old friend (2)
"Let's go." Chu Limo stepped forward, pulled Yun Qing up, turned around and left.He didn't even think about it, just now he wanted to beat this guy to death, now he can't let Qingqing look at this guy any more.This guy felt like a scourge to him.

Chu Liyou bit her lip, but mustered up the courage to step forward and said, "My name is Liyou. Will we meet again?"

Yuhen's eyes as warm and moist as jade were as indifferent as a thousand-year-old cold jade, and Yuhen didn't answer Chu Liyou's question.Maybe see you again, maybe not.

Seeing Yuhen's indifferent face, Chu Liyou finally turned around and left.

Looking at the leaving back, a faint smile appeared on the corner of Yuhen's mouth, it seems that Jinling City will no longer feel bored.

"Akabane, go find out who they are." Yuhen said.


Go back to Yunfu.Chu Limo was full of questions and jealousy.Chu Liyou also wanted to ask Yun Qing a lot. She wanted to know, did Yun Qing know him?

"Yun Qing, we are good friends, right?" Chu Liyou looked at Yun Qing seriously.

Yun Qing nodded, "Of course we are good friends. Do you still need to ask this question?" We haven't known each other for a long time, but she already regards her as a good friend.

"Yun Qing, let me ask you, do you know him... and Prince Xiyue?" Chu Liyou took a deep breath and asked what was suffocating in his heart.It would be hard for her if she didn't ask.

"Li You. I'm telling you seriously, before today I didn't even know what Prince Xiyue looked like." If she knew, she wouldn't be so surprised today, and even mistook him.

"Then just..."

"He looks a lot like a friend I once knew." Yun Qing said.Yun Qing looked at Chu Liyou's nervous appearance, the prince of Xiyue seemed to have a great influence on Chu Liyou.Yun Qing smiled, "Then let me ask you, what's going on with you and Prince Xiyue."

When this question was raised, Chu Limo looked at his younger sister. It seemed that Li You had known Yuhen a long time ago.

"Liyou, how did you know Yuhen?" Chu Limo said.

"I met him at Lingyin Temple. He was seriously injured at the time, and I was the one who rescued him on the mountain of Lingyin Temple. I saw him in 'Drunk Life, Dreams and Death' today, so I chased him out. Later, I encountered a small state, and then..." Chu Liyou seemed to have remembered something, her face blushed a little, she paused and said: "He saved me. What you saw today is not true. He didn't want to kill me. It's true. It's just a misunderstanding." Chu Li said worryingly.

She didn't know why Yuhen wanted to kill her when he saw her.But from what he said before, she now thinks that maybe he has encountered some trouble.Then I misunderstood who sent her.After all, he is the prince of Xiyue, and many people want him to die.There was nothing wrong with his vigilance.

"You saved Yuhen last June."

"Brother." Chu Li was stunned for a moment, "Brother, how did you know?" She didn't even tell Master about this, so how could my brother know.Yun Qing is also very curious, Chu Limo will know.But she also understood that Yuhen was the man Chu Li was worried about.At that time, she was joking about Chu Liyou not wanting such a good person as Nangong Jin, but later Chu Liyou told her about saving Yuhen and falling in love with Yuhen at first sight.However, they didn't talk about it in front of Chu Limo, so how could Chu Limo know how to know.

"So you saved him." Chu Limo gritted his teeth.At that time, he never thought that the person who beat him seriously was actually his sister who saved him.No wonder he searched all over the capital of Dachu and couldn't find Yuhen.

"Brother, what are you talking about?" Chu Liyou was at a loss.Looking at my brother's appearance, it seems that he has a grudge against him.

"In the future, stay away from Yuhen." Chu Limo looked at his sister and said, "He is not a good person."

"Brother, I told you, what happened tonight was a misunderstanding, he didn't really want to kill me." Chu Liyou said anxiously.

"You go down. I have something to talk to Qingqing." Chu Limo didn't want to talk to her about whether Yuhen really wanted to kill her, or it was just a misunderstanding.But there was no misunderstanding between him and Yuhen, that sword vendetta.He must report.Now that his sister is involved, the bridge between him and Yuhen has grown bigger.

"Liyou, you are also tired today, go down first." Yun Qing glanced at Chu Liyou and signaled.In the end, Chu Liyou nodded and went back to the room.Yun Qing glanced at Xiaoxiao who was waiting on the side, "You go down too."

"Yes." Blessing her body, Xiaoxiao also went down.In this cloud mansion, there are only four of them now.Several other people stayed in the 'drunk life dream' to go.

When everyone left, Yun Qing looked at Chu Limo who had been holding back all night with some amusement. This man seemed to be getting jealous more and more.

"Qingqing, should you give me an explanation?"

"What explanation do you want to hear?" Yun Qing said with a faint smile, "Do you want to hear about Yuhen, or... Haoyu?" .As for Haoyu. You should remember that I told you that I am not from this place, I come from another world. Haoyu is my friend in another world. When I saw Yuhen today, his profile The face is very similar to Haoyu, at that moment, I mistakenly thought he was Haoyu, but when I saw Yuhen's face, I realized that he was not Haoyu, I just recognized the wrong person."

"Qingqing, do you like...Haoyu?"

Seeing that Chu Limo asked cautiously, Yun Qing suddenly wanted to make fun of him, Yun Qing smiled mischievously, "What kind of liking are you talking about?"

"That kind of liking is not allowed. Qingqing can't like others. Qingqing can only like me." As he said, Chu Limo hugged Yunqing domineeringly, and kissed him fiercely with a punishment-like fanaticism kissed Yun Qing's lips, as if he wanted to kiss away Yun Qing's liking for others.In Yun Qing's heart, he is the only one.

"Qingqing, you are mine. I don't allow you to have anyone else in your heart except me."

The kiss came urgently and violently, Yun Qing was almost suffocated by his kiss.

Didn't she just want to tease him?Just look at how jealous he looks.Why did the painting style change all of a sudden, and he kissed himself forcefully?

"Chu Limo... Li Mo... let go of me, I can hardly breathe." Yun Qing struggled to push Chu Limo away.Yun Qing looked at Chu Limo with his hands on his heart very seriously and said, "It's hard for me to fall in love with someone. I didn't fall in love with Haoyu in my previous life, and I won't fall in love with Haoyu in this life. And if I put a If you put it in your heart, it will be for the rest of your life, and you will never regret it.”

(End of this chapter)

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