Chapter 331
"Li Mo, you are already in my heart, even if I am here for the rest of my life, I will not be able to let you go from my heart." Yun Qing said.

"Qingqing...Qingqing..." Apart from the sound of Qingqing, besides holding Yunqing tightly in his arms, he couldn't express his feelings in words.

"But you can tell me, do you have any enmity with Prince Xiyue?" She didn't ignore that Chu Limo really wanted to kill Yuhen at that time.The killing intent emanating from it didn't just happen for a while.But now Chu Liyou has a deep-rooted affection for Yuhen. As Liyou's friend, she naturally doesn't want Chu Limo to shout and kill Yuhen when she sees Yuhen.Kill Yuhen, not only will they have big troubles in Xiyue, even Li You will be very sad.

"Qingqing, let's not mention him, okay?" As for Yuhen, who resembled the Haoyu Yunqing said, he was actually damn jealous, so jealous that he was about to go crazy.Qingqing said she loved him, and he loved Qingqing too.But he doesn't like Qingqing's heart, there are other men besides him, not even friends from previous lives.Because he gets mad with jealousy.

"Okay, if you don't want to talk about it, we won't mention him. Let's talk about it when you want to tell me." Yun Qing smiled lightly.

"Halal is really good."

In fact, she didn't really want to know about Yuhen.A prince of Xiyue, the future emperor of Xiyue, would not be someone to be trifled with.At first glance, she knew that Yuhen and Chu Limo were the same kind of people. Yuhen looked as warm as jade on the surface, but in his heart, he was actually a cold-blooded person.Otherwise, he would not sit firmly as the prince of Xiyue for many years.For such a dangerous person, she didn't want to know, or even know and contact.

She understands why Chu Limo is so jealous, but she is not an innocent and innocent woman like Chu Liyou, who would think that Yuhen is truly innocent and harmless.Not to mention that because the jade marks look like Haoyu, you can fall in love at first sight with just one glance.In her heart, she didn't believe in the so-called love at first sight.For people like them, there is no such thing as love at first sight.

But falling in love with Chu Limo was an accident to her.She used to be on guard against him.Even once wanted him dead.But she still fell into his gentle whirlpool.She also understood that Chu Limo approached her for a purpose, but when he would rather die than use her blood to survive, at that moment, maybe at that moment, her heart softened and she became emotional.Or maybe it was when Chu Limo kissed her lips lightly for the first time, or even more maybe it was his infinite trust in himself and the promise he made in front of his grandpas: He would protect her well and not let her suffer any more. harm.Or maybe it was the wind and rain that accompanied Xiyue along the way, his infatuation and unrepentance, so that he no longer avoided his feelings for him.Therefore, the appearance of Chu Limo was an accident to her, more likely a fateful accident.

But she also understands that apart from Chu Limo, she will never fall in love with anyone else in this life.Because falling in love with someone is difficult for her.So Chu Limo's jealousy is a bit baffling.

A mansion in Jinling City.This is the current prince's residence.Although Yuhen is the prince of Xiyue, he has never lived in the East Palace.Instead, a mansion was built outside.Although it was inappropriate for the crown prince not to live in the East Palace, Emperor Xiyue didn't take it seriously.Let Yuhen go.

"Your Highness. His name is Yun Yin, and he opened a 'drunk dream' brothel in Jinling City. The master who fought against His Highness is said to be Yun Yin's bodyguard, and his subordinates have not found out who this person is. However, when the Lin family opened According to the people who were there at the time, Yun Yin chopped off the hands of the young master of the Lin family on the spot." Akabane stood aside and said respectfully.

(End of this chapter)

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