Chapter 332
"Where did they come from? Who is that master who can compete with me." Yuhen said in a low voice.He doesn't care about the young master Lin whose hand was chopped off by Yun Yin during the trouble.Since Yun Yin dared to do this, he had something to rely on behind him.

"The subordinates are incompetent, and their identities have not been found out."

The sooner Yun Qing and the others made their preparations when they came to the west, naturally it would not be easy for people to find out.What's more, the power in Chu Limo's hands is not a vegetarian. If Yuhen finds out how easily, he doesn't have to mess around.

"Continue. Find out who they are." Yuhen said coldly.After a pause, he said again, "Is there any news from Da Chu?"

"The subordinates are incompetent. When our people arrived, the Mu Mansion had already been burned to ashes. All the people in the Mu Mansion were burned to death in the mansion. I'm afraid the person His Highness is looking for was also burned to death." Akabane said.That fire was too sudden.The people in Dachu are all in the dark.When they arrived, the Mu Mansion had already been burned to ashes.

"Keep looking...she won't die."

"Your's just a rumor that has never been confirmed."

"Keep looking." Yuhen cast a cold glance at Akabane, and Akabane shuddered, "I obey." After finishing speaking, he turned around and went down.

Yuhen looked at the empty, dark sky without stars: I know that you will not die so easily.

On the second day, Yunfu.

"Mr. Yun, you still have time to have breakfast here. When I came just now, I saw the young master of the Qi family and the people of the Lin family taking a group of people to the 'Drunken Life, Dreams and Death'. There were dozens of people It's enough to dismantle 'Drunk Life, Dreams and Death'." Yun Qing was eating breakfast, Nangong Jin came in with a face of gloating, and sat down to pick up the breakfast on the table while talking.

Yun Qing gave Nangong Jin a hard look, "You know they're going to smash 'Drunk Life, Dreams and Death', why are you still here?" This guy is simply afraid that the world will not be chaotic, if he stays there, even if the Qi family and the Lin family are together For the sake of Nangong Jin's face, he didn't dare to do it immediately.

Nangong Jin raised his eyebrows and smiled, "Come back and report to you. You go now, there is still time." As he spoke, he continued to pick up the breakfast and ate with relish, boasting as he ate: "Xiaoxiao's cooking skills are getting better and better. All right."

Xiaoxiao on the side smiled awkwardly, "Master Jiu made it." It was the breakfast that Master Jiu got up early in the morning to make for the young lady.

"Oh! No wonder I didn't see our Ninth Master, so he went to cook." Saying that, he took another bite.

"Nangong Jin!" Yun Qing gritted his teeth.She finally knew that Chu Limo would often hate Nangong Jin so much that he wanted to beat Nangong Jin to death. His appearance was just too bad!

Yun Qing glanced again, only Nangong Jin came back.After a pause, he asked, "Where's Bai Yue?"

"She doesn't care where I am. But you don't have to rush there. With the skills of a villain and the skills of being ruthless, playing with flowers, and playing with the moon, your 'drunk life and dream' will be fine."

If something happens, nothing will happen, but it is not certain if it will be smashed. Everything in 'Drunk Life Dreams' is priceless.It hurts her to death.The most important thing is that being hit by 'Drunk Life Dreams' is her face.

"Nangong Jin, if 'Drunk Life Dreams' is smashed, I'll throw you into the river." Yun Qing gritted his teeth.Glancing at Nangong Jin, he turned around and walked outside.

" wait for me, I'll just go with you. I promise not to let them smash the 'drunk life and dream'." Nangong Jin swallowed the porridge from the night on the table, and hurriedly followed .Xiaoxiao hurriedly went to call Jiuye who was still busy making breakfast in the kitchen.

(End of this chapter)

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