The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

Chapter 348 Was Discovered

Chapter 348 Was Discovered (2)
Just two days have passed since the time to visit the Qi Mansion that night. After Nangong Jin and Bai Yue made a fuss that day, and the people in the Qi Mansion found out, the guards of the Qi Mansion became more strict in the past two days.Even the back door they walked through last time, in the past two days, several guards have been added to guard it.It seemed a little difficult to enter the Qi Mansion quietly this time.

Although it is a bit troublesome, to Chu Limo, this trouble is nothing more than a trivial matter.Taking advantage of the time when the guards were changing, Chu Limo hugged Yun Qing, flew directly over the roof of Qi's house, and landed silently on the rockery where Yun Qing avoided the guards last time.This place is very close to the forbidden area, only about fifty steps away, hiding here can clearly see all the movements of the forbidden area.

"Wait, there are people inside." Chu Limo said.For a person with deep inner strength like Chu Limo, as long as he calms down, he can hear the voice clearly at a distance of a hundred steps, but she can't. She can only see sporadic lights flickering in the forbidden room.

It's so late, who could be here?Yun Qing thought secretly in her heart.Chu Limo picked up Yun Qing, and we went to the front to have a look.As he said that, he jumped and stopped on a tree outside the forbidden area.Hiding in the tree, you can see clearly and hear the voice inside very clearly.

The lights in the room were very dim, as if the people inside had made the lights so dark on purpose.It was so dark, and separated by a certain distance, Yun Qing couldn't see clearly what this person's face looked like through the window.But Yun Qing could really hear his voice.

"Xiaoyan, after so many years, you are still so beautiful. The beauty can still make me fascinated. Xiaoyan, tell me what I need to do so that you can get you back to me." The man inside looked Looking at the painting hanging on the wall, the smiling woman in the painting said in a low voice.


That was her mother's name.

The sound inside was still going on, Yun Qing held her breath and listened quietly, for fear of being discovered by the people inside if she moved.

"Why? You just refuse to agree to me. Why do you prefer to marry other men, but you just don't want to look at me more. Xiaoyan, tell me! What's wrong with me, I met you first, you Why don't you." The man inside suddenly roared and shouted.

Listening to the word-by-word questions of the people inside, Yun Qing already understood a general idea in his heart.This person is the head of the Qi family, Qi Mingyang, and she also understood that the person mother loves is not him.She has nothing to do with the Qi family.

There was another sound inside, upon hearing this sound, Yun Qing's suppressed hatred burned up again, "Xiaoyan, do you know, watching you die, how painful it is for me. Tell me, you would rather die , you are not willing to come to my side. You know, you have always known that I fell in love with you from the first time I saw you. But you never gave me a chance. In order to let You stay by my side, stay by my side forever, only belong to me. There is only one way. Xiaoyan, I did it. After more than ten years, you are finally mine. You are finally mine. Haha Haha..." The man inside laughed like crazy.When Yun Qing outside heard these words, his eyes were filled with raging fire.There is only one thought in my heart, kill him!Go in and kill him!

"Who!" The slight movement outside was still discovered by the people inside.Qi Mingyang opened the door, looked outside, and said, "Since you're here, why are you so sneaky and dare not show up." With this sound, Qi Mingyang used his internal strength, and it quickly spread throughout the backyard of the Qi Mansion. Those guards heard the sound , all surrounded here.

(End of this chapter)

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