The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

Chapter 349 Was Discovered

Chapter 349 Was Discovered (3)
After being discovered, Chu Limo and Yun Qing were not hiding. They would meet sooner or later, but the time was earlier.The two jumped down from the tree, Yun Qing looked at Qi Mingyang, Qi Mingyang also looked at Yun Qing and Chu Limo.

This person is over half a hundred years old, but he still has the domineering aura of a man in the world, with seven parts murderous and three parts anger in his domineering aura.He has tall sword eyebrows, and the eyes under the eyebrows shoot out a cold killing intent.With just one glance, Yun Qing sized him up thoroughly.

Yun Qing looked at Qi Mingyang with eyes full of hatred, from what he said just now, it can be concluded that her mother's death was related to him.This also confirms one thing, that is, 'Li Hun San' is in Qi Mansion.Thinking of 'Li Hun San', the hatred in Yun Qing's eyes was hidden again.Now that we already know the whereabouts of 'Li Hun San', now we need to get 'Li Hun San'. As long as we get it, Qi Mingyang should send him to be buried with his mother.

But now, not the time!
"It's you! You sent yourself to the door to die." Seeing that it was Chu Limo and Yun Qing, Qi Mingyang's gloomy face was filled with anger.It was these two people who hurt his eldest son.He hadn't looked for them yet, but they were brave enough to come and die by themselves.

"We must have misunderstood." Yun Qing hid the hatred in his heart, calmed down, raised his eyebrows and smiled, "It is said that Lord Qi Hou is a sensible person, and he should have found out the truth of the matter long ago. .If I hadn’t ordered the young master to take advantage of me, I wouldn’t have made such a bad plan.” Qi Yu was lucky not to have killed him at that time.

"Hmph, let your eloquence be as good as you are. Today, Lord Ben wants you two to be buried with him." Qi Mingyang is not an ordinary rich man, he is a man from the world, the most unruly man from the world.Yun Qing and Chu Limo are now in the Qi Mansion, Qi Mingyang can't let them go easily.

After the words fell, Qi Mingyang had already slapped Yunqing.

"Be careful." Chu Limo pulled Yun Qing away and took Qi Mingyang's palm.Both of them were people with profound internal strength, and the ground shook when the palm was received.Yun Qing's eyes turned cold, this Qi Mingyang was indeed a cruel and merciless person.That being the case, don't blame her for killing.The dagger at his waist was already taken out, Chu Limo dealt with Qi Mingyang, and Yun Qing dealt with the guards.These guards are not like Qi Mingyang, who have high martial arts skills.Therefore, in Yun Qing's eyes, they are no different from corpses.

The old spirit stick of Lingyin once said that once the "Soul of Xueyin" is shot, it will definitely be stained with blood.Once infected with blood, then, these people will undoubtedly die.

What Lingyin said was not wrong, wherever Yun Qing went, everyone was killed with a single blow.She didn't use any extra moves, and directly cut off the guard's neck.Chu Limo and Qi Mingyang also fought inextricably, and were evenly matched for a while.

"Boy, you are good at martial arts. It's been a long time since Master Ben Hou has encountered a young master like you. It's a pity, your martial arts are high, but you will die in the hands of Master Ben Hou."

"Really? It's not certain who died." Chu Limo smiled bloodthirstyly.The shots became more aggressive.The two fought nearly a hundred moves, but they still couldn't defeat each other.On Yunqing's side, at this time, more and more people fell down.Yun Qing burst out the hatred in her heart.Vented this hatred on these guards.She's never been kind.Now, knowing the truth, she doesn't even want to be a kind person.This hatred!She must report.

(End of this chapter)

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