The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

Chapter 363 Walking in the Rain and Getting Sick

Chapter 363 Walking in the Rain and Getting Sick (1)
Qi Rong said that he would give them news in five days, that is, five days, and they would wait for five days.Coupled with the fact that Qi Lu had just been taught a lesson, Yun Qing was in a particularly happy mood.

It is almost mid-February now, and it is the season of recovery of all things, and this season, it is also a cloudy and cloudy sky that has just returned to the sky, and there is a drizzle of spring rain immediately.

"It's raining." Yun Qing whispered.

"Qingqing. It's raining, let's find a place to shelter from the rain." Chu Limo took off his coat and covered Yun Qing's head, propping up a sky for Yun Qing.

"No. It's not too rainy. You don't need to take shelter from the rain. Don't you think it's romantic for us to walk in the rain like this?" This sudden spring rain made Yun Qing smile as innocently and cutely as a three-year-old child .

romantic!This word Chu Limo felt a little new.However, since Qingqing likes it, he is of course willing to walk in the rain with Qingqing.

Just like that, the two children, holding each other's hands in the rain, walked slowly on the streets of Jinling City in Xiyue.The whole street seems to be filled with the taste of happiness.This should be the first time Yun Qing felt relaxed after waking up from this other world.I really want to hold each other's hands like this forever and grow old.

"Li Mo, after the poison on your body is cured, let's find a quiet place where no one will disturb you." Yun Qing smiled lightly.From her past life to this life, her dream has always been to find someone who knows how to love her and is worthy of her dependence.The two of them were looking for a comfortable place to live a normal life.

Life doesn't need to be so gorgeous, as long as you have the one you love by your side.

Even if she was a killer in her previous life, she always wanted someone who could accompany her to grow old.Live a peaceful and happy life.

"Okay. As long as Qingqing is here, Qingqing can go wherever she wants." Chu Limo said softly.

It's just that they never thought of it.The simple life they wanted was a luxury.Just because, after all, they want to compose a magnificent but thrilling song for the world.

Yun Qing joked, "Are you really willing? Are you willing to give up the glory of this body, give up this noble status, and even give up that supreme power."

"If there is no you, what is the use of my glory, noble status and supreme power. These are not as important to me as Qingqing in my heart."

The most beautiful love story in the world is nothing more than this!
In this era, which man does not want to have that glory, dignity and supreme power.

Chu Limo is willing to give up everything for her.In this life, what more could her husband ask for.To get Chu Limo's love, she is already the happiest person in the world.

"If only I could have met you earlier in my previous life." Yun Qing murmured softly.If she could have met earlier, she would not have hatred in her heart.Will not waste a lifetime.Never wrong to love non-human.

"Qingqing, I am very grateful to God for sending you to my side. Although you have experienced so much hatred and pain, it is Qingqing like this who I love. The time is just right, you can Let me meet you first." Chu Limo said softly.

If it was Yun Qing from the previous life, maybe they would still have no chance.Perhaps, he still wouldn't love that Yun Qing from his previous life.He has always understood that what he loves has always been the woman in front of him, always her.

Yun Qing smiled sweetly.But Chu Limo leaned down at this moment and whispered: "I really want to marry Qingqing back quickly. Then Qingqing will belong to me forever." There are countless feelings and love in the words. ambiguous.For some reason, Yun Qing suddenly felt his ears turn red.The whole person became shy.Chu Limo chuckled, "Clear and beautiful."

(End of this chapter)

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