The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

Chapter 364 Walking in the Rain and Getting Sick

Chapter 364 Walking in the Rain and Getting Sick (2)
After the words fell, a piece of lips stuck to it.His Qingqing is so beautiful, he wants to eat her so beautifully.But he has to endure it all the time, he wants to give Qingqing the best.

"Qingqing..." Chu Limo's voice was full of longing and lust.If it wasn't for the wrong occasion, he was really afraid that he wouldn't be able to resist asking her here.However, it has been really hard to endure.He really didn't know how long he could bear it.

In the drizzle, the two kissed passionately.

Fortunately, there was no one on the street at this time because of the rain, otherwise, Yun Qing was now dressed in men's clothes, and they just hugged each other on the street like this, and they didn't know how they would be talked about.

Yun Qing is not the kind of old-fashioned person, but Chu Limo said that he will save that day until the day they get married.For this man who is so considerate to her and considers her, every time she sees him enduring so hard, she also feels very distressed.

"Go home." Yun Qing left Chu Limo's lips.I'm afraid that if it continues, this man will really become a beast of dissatisfaction.Although she didn't mind giving it to him, she was still not ready for this.More importantly, she was afraid that waiting for this guy to get sick would not be worth the candle.

"Hold me." Chu Limo hugged Yun Qing and did not let go.He seems to have not kissed Qingqing for a long time.It also seems that I haven't hugged Qingqing for a long time.Although he hugged it almost every day, he felt it was far from enough.

"No, go home quickly. Otherwise, you won't be allowed to hug you in the future." Yun Qing smiled mischievously.Then he ran while laughing in the drizzle.

"Qingqing." Chu Limo was aggrieved for a while.

Yun Qing smiled slightly, "Come and chase me. You caught me..." Everything is negotiable.

"Okay." Chu Limo smiled fondly.Qingqing at this time is really like a child.

The two chased each other in the rain, laughing and laughing.At this moment, I forgot all the troubles behind me.Forgot that there are still many things waiting for them to do.

The happiness at this moment belongs only to the two of them.

The rain came and went quickly.But unfortunately, because of the rain, Chu Limo and Yun Qing suddenly caught a cold.

cloud mansion.Or just a few of them.Since Wuqing and Nonghua Nongyue came to Xiyue, they have been 'drunk and dreaming'.There is only Xiaoxiao in the mansion, so all the daily life of the few people has to be troublesome for Xiaoxiao to take care of them alone.But fortunately, they are not the kind of coquettish lady in the boudoir, so they don't need to trouble Xiaoxiao everywhere.But this time, Chu Limo and Yun Qing fell ill immediately.Now, Yun Mansion is in chaos.

Nangong Jin didn't know where he got the news, and hurried over when he heard that the two were sick.He checked Chu Limo and Yun Qing's pulse, prescribed some medicine, and told Xiaoxiao to buy medicine to boil.Knowing that this guy got gonorrhea from the rain, Nangong Jin gloated and said with a smile: "Hehe, our Master Yechen will get gonorrhea one day. It's really a rare thing." After finishing speaking, he couldn't stop laughing, Chu Limo glared at Nangong Jin with a dark face, "Shut up."

"Haha. I'm getting angry from embarrassment. Could it be...?" Nangong Jin came closer and asked.After finishing speaking, he sighed and continued to make fun of him: "My son has told you a long time ago that you must restrain, restrain, restrain. Why don't you restrain yourself a bit? If you lose your life, it's not worth it!"

Bai Yue, who was on the side, looked at Chu Limo's dark face, and it was too late to hold Nangong Jin.

"Nan, Gong, Jin," Chu Limo gritted his teeth.

"Okay, okay, okay I won't say anything, but you really need to restrain yourself! Even if you really want to, you have to hold back!" Nangong Jin said with a smile.Chu Limo was already so angry that he wanted to strangle this bastard to death. Seeing that the situation was not right, Nangong Jin quickly laughed and said, "I'll go down and make medicine for Young Master Yechen and Miss Yunqing and go to the head office." Laughing all the time.He said he was going to decoct medicine for the two of them, but in fact he ran away without a trace.

Bai Yue took a look at Yun Qing, "You pay attention to rest, I won't bother you." Saying that, she quickly followed Nangong Jin.Yun Qing nodded with a smile, it was really embarrassing for Bai Yue, and chased her all the way from Baihu Village, but Nangong Jin was fine, but she was thinking about how to get rid of Bai Yue's trouble every day.However, no matter how much Nangong Jin wanted to dump him, Bai Yue just followed him.

"Look at you, Nangong Jin finally came back, and you scared him away again." Yun Qing smiled lightly.I really don't know how these two incompatible people got along these years.But Chu Limo must have bullied Nangong Jin the most.

"He deserves it." Chu Limo gritted his teeth.Anyway, Nangong Jin was hated.

"Cough cough." Yun Qing coughed.I really don't know what to say about the two of them.

She has always been in good health.Never get sick easily.But who would have thought that he would have a romance once, and fall ill after being exposed to the rain once.How unlucky it is!This God must have deliberately made things difficult for her and played tricks on her.

"Qingqing. Drink some water to moisten your mouth." Chu Limo hurriedly poured a glass of water for Yun Qing, regardless of the fact that he was still a patient.

After taking a sip of water, Yun Qing looked at Chu Limo and said, "It's all my fault that I dragged you to go for a walk in the rain. I know you..." At that time, she didn't think too much about it.Moreover, Chu Limo hadn't been ill during this period of time.Who would have thought that he would fall ill after being exposed to the rain, but luckily it didn't cause him to get sick, otherwise he would have regretted that she had gone to death.

"Brother, Yunqing, I made ginger soup, you two have a bowl to go away from the cold." At this time, Chu Liyou came over with two bowls of ginger soup.Xiaoxiao went to buy medicine, so she can only trouble Chu Liyou to do these things.

"Thank you. Sorry to trouble you." Yun Qing said.

"What are you talking about, whether it's troublesome or not." Chu Liyou smiled, "Besides, you are my brother's favorite person, my future sister-in-law." Chu Limo smiled satisfied with Chu Liyou's words, as expected his own sister.Unlike that bastard Nangong Jin just now, he didn't have any good words when he opened his mouth.

"Okay, I'll go see if Xiaoxiao's medicine has been bought, and I'll go to the kitchen to help decoct the medicine." Seeing the two finish their ginger soup, Chu Liyou left space for the two of them.Laughed and went out.

"I'm a little sleepy, I want to sleep." After being ill, she really felt a little sleepy.

"I'm holding Qingqing to sleep."

"Okay." Yun Qing said softly.He fell asleep peacefully in Chu Limo's arms.

(End of this chapter)

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