The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

Chapter 366 Qi Rong Comes to Deliver the Antidote

Chapter 366 Qi Rong Comes to Deliver the Antidote (2)
At this moment, the person who was sleeping somewhere sneezed several times.Someone who was woken up by sneezing frowned dissatisfiedly and said: Who is missing me.

"Jiuye, miss, a young master came outside, he said he was a friend of Jiuye and miss." Xiaoxiao hurried over to report.

"Young Master?" Yun Qing frowned, "Go invite him in."

"Yes." Xiaoxiao replied and went down.

Yun Qing looked at Chu Limo and said, "Go and have a look, I'll come over after changing clothes."

"En." Chu Limo nodded.Then I went to the flower hall.Soon, the son Xiaoxiao mentioned also came in.

After Yun Qing changed her clothes, she came to the flower hall to have a look. It turned out that this Second Young Master Qi had come.

"It turns out that Second Young Master Qi is here. There is news that Second Young Master Qi is here at this time." Yun Qing said.There are still two days before the agreed time, Qi Rong came to the door in person, besides bringing news, Yun Qing couldn't think of anything else.

Qi Rong smiled gently, like the spring breeze in March, and said lightly: "How can you say that Mr. Yunyin is Qi Rong's friend, and when his friend is sick, Qi Rong should come and see."

"Oh!" Yun Qing said with a smile: "That's really troublesome Second Young Master Qi."

"No trouble." Qi Rong said lightly.

Yun Qing glanced at Chu Limo again, always feeling strange between the two.Could it be that they had something to say before she came.Or, Qi Rong said something that shouldn't be said to offend Chu Limo.But this time, Yun Qing did not guess wrong at all.Qi Rong did say something that shouldn't be said, which angered Chu Limo.But the culprit of all this is that bastard Nangong Jin.I don't know if Nangong Jin said it while drunk or on purpose.Anyway, even Qi Rong didn't know what drastic things Chu Limo and Yun Qing had done to get sick.But the two of them didn't do anything this time, but what that bastard Nangong Jin said seemed to be true.

No, as soon as Qi Rong entered the door, he made fun of Chu Limo, especially emphasizing whether it is inappropriate for two big men to do such a violent thing.

So Chu Limo has always had a gloomy face.

Sure enough, when Qi Rong finished speaking, Chu Limo said coldly: "Shouldn't you go back?"

Qi Rong Wenya smiled and said: "When you come to the door, you are a guest. Is Master Yechen treating guests like this?"

"This is my son's mansion, I can do whatever I like." He was lucky that he didn't throw this bastard out.

Qi Rong didn't take Chu Limo's threat seriously at all, but looked at Yun Qing and said, "Qi Rong just wanted to talk to Mr. Yunyin about the forbidden area of ​​the Qi Mansion. Mr. Yunyin doesn't mind if Qi Rong stays. "

Yun Qing took a look, it was almost noon, and it was time for lunch.

"Xiaoxiao, go to the kitchen and prepare some side dishes. Today, Second Young Master Qi will stay for lunch."

"No." Before Xiaoxiao could speak, Chu Limo coldly refused.He didn't want to see the bastard at all right now, let alone have lunch with him.

Xiaoxiao suddenly didn't know who to listen to, Yun Qing glanced at Xiaoxiao and said, "Go down and get ready."

Xiaoxiao glanced at the dark-faced Chu Limo, then at the smiling young lady, nodded in response, and went down to prepare.

"I don't know what Second Young Master Qi has to say." Yun Qing said.

Qi Rong smiled, "What's the matter, I'm talking after dinner."

The corner of Yun Qing's mouth twitched, he dared to say that the lunch in the Qi Mansion is not delicious, and this guy came here to grab a meal.

"Okay, let's have a good chat after dinner." Yun Qing gritted his teeth.He'd better really have something to say about the forbidden area of ​​the Qi Mansion, otherwise, don't blame her for poisoning the food and poisoning this guy to death.

Soon, Xiaoxiao was ready for lunch.Chu Liyou also helped prepare together.

There are only four of them in Yunfu, and now Qi Rong has five of them.But when eating normally, Yun Qing doesn't like to have the distinction of master and servant with Xiao Xiao, and always eats together, but this time there are guests in the mansion, Xiao Xiao herself consciously waits on the sidelines.

"Let's eat." Looking at the dishes on the table, Yun Qing said.

Chu Limo first prepared the food for Yun Qing, and then watched Qi Rong's actions with a gloomy face.

Qi Rong looked at the tasty food, just about to pick it up, but Chu Limo snatched it before he got it, Chu Limo put it in Chu Liyou's bowl and said: "This is your Favorite food."

Both Yun Qing and Chu Liyou immediately became constrained, and Yun Qing was even more helpless in his heart, knowing that it would not be that simple.

"Thank you, brother." Chu Liyou took a look at the dishes in the bowl, then quickly lowered his head and ate.

Qi Rong smiled, it was his own fault.It's not good to offend anyone, but this god.

Chu Limo smiled smugly when he finished, and quickly picked up a lot of food for Yun Qing, "Look at how thin you are, you should eat more."

Yun Qing smiled helplessly, and said, "Second Master Qi, let's eat."

"it is good."

Then, every time Qi Rong went to grab a dish, Chu Limo would grab it first.Then Yun Qing and Chu Liyou's bowls were full of vegetables.Chu Limo enjoyed the meal quite happily, but Qi Rong didn't eat a few mouthfuls.

Suddenly, Qi Rong took out a small bottle from his sleeve, and said with a faint smile: "I forgot to say, this is the medicine that Mr. Nangong asked Qi Rong to give to Mr. Yunyin. Mr. Nangong said, Mr. Yunyin's appetite for the past two days Not good, must have lost a lot of weight, take this medicine, it will be fine soon."

"Nan, Gong, Jin," Chu Limo gritted his teeth.Sure enough, it was Nangong Jin who tampered with Qingqing's medicine.

Qi Rong handed the medicine bottle to Yun Qing, "Young Master Yun Yin, drink it quickly." After finishing speaking, he smiled lightly, now, Ye Chen has no time to hold grudges against him.

Yun Qing frowned, looked at Qi Rong, it seemed that Nangong Jin asked him to deliver the antidote.He stayed to eat because he wanted to put the antidote into the meal while eating.But Qi Rong gave it to her personally, and specifically stated that it was Nangong Jin's instruction.It seems that Qi Rong was hated by Chu Limo and couldn't even eat well, so he dragged Nangong Jin into the water.Is this considered to be inadvertent in making friends?However, Qi Rong is also a black-hearted guy.

No, Chu Limo can't wait to strangle that bastard Nangong Jin to death right now, so there's no room for Qi Rong.Qi Rong is enjoying himself now, but now Chu Limo has a bad face.

Yun Qing drank the medicine that Qi Rong brought over, and after a while, he felt much better.But Nangong Jin must have been miserable, Yun Qing thought very irresponsibly.

(End of this chapter)

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