The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

Chapter 367 Muster Up the Courage to Confess and Be Rejected

Chapter 367 Muster Up the Courage to Confess and Be Rejected (1)
Yun Qing thought very irresponsibly, Nangong Jin must be in trouble now.

Yun Qing looked at Qi Rong, who was eating with relish, this guy, the Qi family could have abused him, and he came to her place to have a meal, and it was so delicious.But Nangong Jin gave him the antidote, did Nangong Jin live in Qi Rong's house again?

"Is Nangong Jin with you?" Yun Qing looked at Qi Rong and asked.

Can he say no?But it seems that they won't believe it.Qi Rong nodded, and said with a gentle smile, "Yes."

"In this way, Nangong Jin and Second Young Master Qi are very familiar!" Yun Qing raised his eyebrows.Although she didn't ask much last time, Nangong Jin himself rejected the relationship with Qi Rong, but Nangong Jin will send the antidote to Qi Rong, which proves one thing, Qi Rong and Nangong Jin are very close .Know enough to trust this person.Can make Nangong Jin trust, who is this Qi Rong?

Although Yun Qing is very curious now, she doesn't plan to delve into it further.As long as Qi Rong doesn't hinder her from taking revenge, she won't care who Qi Rong is.It doesn't matter what his relationship with Nangong Jin is.

A meal is almost enough.Knowing that they must have something to talk about, Chu Liyou helped Xiaoxiao go to the kitchen to pack things.

"You've finished your meal, you can go." Chu Limo said coldly.For the sake of Qi Rong's delivery of the medicine, he didn't bother with him about this matter today.

Qi Rong twitched the corners of his mouth, "I just wanted to drive me away after eating. Don't you two really want to know where the real forbidden area of ​​Qi Mansion is? If that's the case, then Qi Rong should leave." Said Then, he really went out.

"Stop!" Chu Limo said: "Leave the news, if you want to leave, I will not stop you."

Qi Rong didn't really want to leave, he came here today to deliver medicine, and to bring news.

"Let's talk." Seeing Qi Rong stop, Chu Limo said.Yun Qing was also very curious about where the forbidden area of ​​the Qi Mansion was.

Qi Rong sat down and said lightly: "Every year in mid-February, which is two days later, Qi Mingyang will retreat in his room for three days every year. During these three days, he does not allow anyone to go in and disturb him. Over the years, it has never stopped."

"What do you mean by this?" Yun Qing asked.

Qi Rong smiled and said: "Young Master Yunyin, don't worry, Qi Rong hasn't finished speaking yet. Qi Mingyang said that he was in retreat in the room for the past three days. But last year, Qi Rong went to check, and there was no one in the room at all."

"No one!" Yun Qing was taken aback.He quickly understood, "Qi Mingyang's three-day retreat is actually a cover. Second Young Master Qi wants to tell us that there is a secret room in his room, and that secret room is the real forbidden area of ​​Qi Mansion." Otherwise, it is impossible to explain, Qi Mingyang is in the room But when Qi Rong went to investigate, he didn't see anyone.Then there is only one explanation, Qi Mingyang has entered the secret room for the past three days.But what's in the chamber?Why does Qi Mingyang retreat for three days every year?

"Mr. Yunyin is really smart." Qi Rong smiled lightly.

"Then how do we get into this secret room?" Yun Qing said.If the entrance to the forbidden area is in Qi Mingyang's room, then they will definitely be found if they want to go in.At that time, it will be difficult to get 'Li Hun San'.But since it is a secret room, there must be other entrances to the Qi Mansion.

Qi Rong glanced at Chu Limo, and said with a smile: "Then it's up to Mr. Yechen. As long as Mr. Yechen lures Qi Mingyang away, the rest of the matter will be easy."

It is indeed a good idea for Chu Limo to lure Qi Mingyang away.However, Chu Limo usually would not leave a way for people to survive.Yun Qing looked at Qi Rong, didn't this person say at the beginning: As long as he delivers the news, they only need to leave Qi Mingyang's life to him?Now that Qi Rong asked Chu Limo to lure Qi Mingyang away, wouldn't he be afraid that Chu Limo would strike ruthlessly and kill Qi Mingyang?
(End of this chapter)

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