The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

Chapter 368 Muster Up the Courage to Confess and Be Rejected

Chapter 368 Muster Up the Courage to Confess and Be Rejected (2)
Then the deal between them is not worthwhile for Qi Rong.Qi Rong also does this kind of unprofitable business?

Qi Rong seemed to have seen through Yun Qing's thoughts, and smiled faintly, "When the time comes, no matter whether Qi Mingyang is alive or dead, the two of you just need to hand him over to Qi Rong." There was a trace of hatred in Qi Rong's tone Yun Qing obviously felt that this hatred was for Qi Mingyang.

Chu Limo once said that the current Qi Rong might not be the real Qi Rong.If it is said: this person in front of him is not the real Second Young Master Qi of the Qi Mansion, then he sneaked into the Qi Mansion and became Qi Rong, he must have a deep hatred with Qi Mingyang or the Qi Mansion.However, Yun Qing doesn't care about these, the only thing she cares about now is the medicine in the forbidden area of ​​Qi Mansion.

"Okay." Yun Qing replied.

Even if Qi Mingyang is handed over to Qi Rong now, it doesn't mean that she won't kill Qi Mingyang next time.

"Okay, then Qi Rong will go back and ask Nangong Jin to prepare some things, and we will act in five days." Qi Rong said.

"En." Yun Qing nodded.

This time, Yun Qing and Chu Limo personally sent Qi Rong out of the mansion, and after sending Qi Rong away, just about to enter the mansion, another carriage stopped at the gate of Yun Mansion.Looking at the carriage parked at the door, Chu Limo and Yun Qing also stopped. At this moment, the curtain of the carriage was lifted, and Yuhen stepped out of the carriage.

Seeing that the person who came was Yuhen, Chu Limo's expression turned cold, and he said displeasedly, "What are you doing here?"

Yuhen smiled warmly, looked at the carriage that Qi Rong had just left, and said: "It's really a coincidence that Yuhen came here, the two of you just sent away Second Young Master Qi."

Yun Qing looked at Yuhen, and remembered that Chu Limo said that Qi Rong belonged to Yuhen.Could it be that Yuhen came here today because he heard the news that Qi Rong was here, so he rushed over?

"If you're looking for Qi Rong, you can chase him now." Chu Limo said coldly.That means, you are not welcome to enter Yunfu.After finishing speaking, Chu Limo turned around and was about to go inside.

Yuhen smiled, and said lightly: "I heard that Mr. Yechen and Mr. Yunyin are ill. Yuhen is here to see two sick friends."

visiting!Another visit.

How many people in Xiyue Imperial City knew about her and Li Bi's illness.

"His Royal Highness is wrong, since when did I become friends with you?" Chu Limo said.There was no intention of inviting Yuhen in at all.After finishing speaking, he gave Yuhen a cold look and warned: "In the future, please remember your highness the crown prince. In addition, this Yunfu is too small to accommodate your noble body, your highness the crown prince." After finishing speaking, Chu Li Mo pulled Yun Qing up and entered the mansion, then closed the gate and shut Yuhen out.I'm afraid this is the first time that Yuhen has had such a strange 'closed door'.

"Your Highness, he doesn't care about His Highness too much. Your Highness, why do you still want to... For an arrogant person like him, you should give him a serious lesson and let him know that Your Highness is not..." The coachman said nothing. After finishing speaking, a sharp palm wind from the gate immediately knocked the coachman away.Then I heard a cold warning sound from inside the gate, "Your master hasn't spoken yet, how can you, a dog, speak up. Yuhen, take care of your subordinates. Otherwise, don't blame me for being rude." .”

Yuhen's indifferent eyes glanced at the talkative coachman.He said lightly, "Cut his tongue off."

"Yes." Akabane said with empathy.He has no mercy for the coachman at all, and the first thing to follow with His Highness is that you must not say more than you should not say.

I'm afraid the coachman never thought that he offended someone who shouldn't be offended just because he said something he shouldn't have said.Without her tongue, her life could not be saved.This is the law of survival in this era, the strong is king.The imperial power is supreme.

(End of this chapter)

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