The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

Chapter 369 Muster Up the Courage to Confess and Be Rejected

Chapter 369 Muster Up the Courage to Confess and Be Rejected (3)
In Yunfu, Chu Liyou and Xiaoxiao, who heard the movement, ran over to take a look, and just happened to meet the two who came back from the door.

"Brother, Yun Qing, what happened?"

Chu Limo didn't want to mention Yuhen's matter at all, so he just took a look at Chu Liyou and left.Yun Qing frowned, what the hell is going on with this man again.Why every time I see Yuhen, I feel like I have a convulsion.

"Yun Qing, what's wrong with brother?" Chu Liyou also pouted.She didn't offend this bad-tempered elder brother.

"You don't need to worry about him, your brother has a convulsion." Yun Qing laughed.Knowing that Li You likes Yuhen, he said softly: "Yuhen is outside, you should be able to see him when you go out now."

Chu Liyou's ears turned red suddenly, and he was annoyed, "Who wants to see him?"

Yun Qing giggled, "Are you really not going to see him? Haven't you been wandering outside Yuhen Mansion these days? Could it be that I was wrong too."

Speaking of which, Chu Liyou had to take care of these two patients in the past few days, and took advantage of his free time to run outside Yuhen's mansion several times.But several times she didn't muster up the courage to go in.

"Qingqing, come here yet." Chu Limo shouted.

Yun Qing looked at Chu Liyou's blushing face and smiled, "Think about it for yourself. We won't stay in Xiyue for too long. This is a good opportunity! If you miss it, you may I don’t know when I will have the chance to see him again.”

"Are we leaving Xiyue?" Chu Liyou was startled.This is also too fast.She was not prepared at all.

"En." Yun Qing nodded.As long as they got the 'Li Hun San' from the forbidden area of ​​Qi Mansion, they would have to leave Xiyue to find other medicines.Chu Limo's body couldn't afford to wait.It was precisely because she knew that Chu Limo's body could not wait for too long, she agreed to Qi Rong and handed over Qi Mingyang to him first, so that Qi Mingyang could live for a while.Put aside the revenge of killing your mother for the time being.

Thinking that he hadn't said what he wanted to say yet, and that he might leave Xiyue soon, Chu Liyou suddenly ran out the door with the courage he didn't know where it came from.

As soon as he ran outside the door, he saw Yuhen's carriage had already left, Chu Liyou didn't care about anything else, and hurriedly chased after him.

But she was running fast, but she couldn't run as fast as the carriage, seeing the carriage getting farther and farther away.At this time, Chu Liyou just happened to see a young man leading a horse, and before he had time to think about it, his courage seemed to grow.He took out an ingot of silver and threw it to the young man, got on his horse and gave chase.

"Hey, my horse..." Before the young man who took the silver coin came to his senses, his horse had been snatched away by a girl.


"Wait a moment...wait a moment..." Seeing the carriage that was about to catch up, Chu Liyou shouted.

"Your Highness, someone is chasing up from behind." Yuhen's original coachman had his tongue cut off, and this time Akabane was driving the horse.

Yuhen lifted the curtain of the car to look at the woman who was chasing after him, and quickly put down the curtain.Seeing that His Royal Highness did not ask to stop, Akabane did not dare to stop, and kept driving the carriage forward.

Chu Liyou was about to catch up.But suddenly it was discovered that the carriage was much faster than before.But Yun Qing's words kept flashing in his mind, they didn't stay in Xiyue for long.Thinking of this, Chu Liyou drove the carriage faster and chased after him.She must say everything she has to say today.

People's potential is endless, especially a persistent woman.

Chu Liyou drove his horse and stopped in front of Yuhen's carriage.Yuhen's carriage had to stop.Chu Liyou got off the horse.Yuhen also opened the curtain of the carriage, and said indifferently: "Miss Liyou stopped Ben Gong's carriage, why?"

Chu Liyou glanced at Chiyu, Yuhen gave Chiyu a look, "You go down first."

Now, it's just the two of them here.Chu Liyou looked at Yuhen, and suddenly her heart tightened. After seeing Yuhen, she found that she didn't know how to say what she wanted to say just now.

The atmosphere was a little dull for a while.Chu Liyou was thinking in his heart how to speak.

"Miss Liyou, tell me quickly if you have anything to say, I still have things to do." Yuhen said indifferently.That means, if you don't talk, don't waste your time.

"I...I want to say...I want to tell you..." Chu Liyou's heart tightened.Obviously that sentence I like you was about to be uttered, but when it came to my mouth, I couldn't say it no matter what.

Chu Liyou was a little annoyed for a moment, how could she not live up to her expectations at this time.If you like him, you should tell him loudly if you like him.Otherwise, if she really leaves Xiyue, she doesn't know when she will see him again.

"Miss Liyou, if you have nothing to say, I will leave first if I have something to do." Yuhen said.If it wasn't because Chu Liyou was Yechen's younger sister, he wouldn't have the patience to listen to what she had to say.

"No..." Seeing Yuhen turn around and leave, Chu Liyou shouted anxiously: "I like you." Once he said this, the following words seemed not difficult, Chu Liyou paused and continued: "Yes, I just want to tell you that I like you. I have liked you since the first time I saw you in Lingyin Temple. I never thought that I would meet you again in Xiyue. At that time in Xiyue After I met you, I told myself that I must tell you what is in my heart. I like you, I really like you very much."

She likes him so much that she can't help herself, even if he wants to reject her, she still likes him so much.After Chu Liyou finished speaking, she looked at Yuhen, but Yuhen didn't respond at all, instead she was very calm.It seems that this kind of thing is used to it.That's right, Yuhen is the prince of Xiyue, with a noble status and a handsome appearance.There must be countless women who like him.There should be countless people who confessed to him.

After a while, Yuhen finally glanced at Chu Liyou lightly, and said indifferently: "Have you finished what you want to say?"

Chu Li was worried for a moment and was at a loss.I don't know what he meant by this sentence.Does he like himself, or does he not like himself?
"Yu... Yuhen, you..."

Yuhen looked at Chu Liyou with indifferent eyes, and said indifferently: "The person who can be the princess of this palace will never be you. Also, you'd better not like this palace, otherwise this palace will feel like a kind of concubine. bothered."

With a cold sentence, he directly rejected Chu Liyou's affection, and told Chu Liyou clearly that he didn't like her!

Never like it!
But things in this world are so strange.You don't like me, but I just want to like you.And he will never change until death, and he will not regret it in this life!
(End of this chapter)

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