The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

370 Chapter 1 Li You Was Dazed

370 Chapter 1 Li You Was Dazed ([-])
Chu Liyou looked at the direction in which Yuhen's carriage was leaving, and felt that his heart was suddenly empty.

He said: liking him will be a kind of trouble for him.He really hates himself.He hated it so much that he didn't care about her feelings at all, so he coldly rejected her affection, and drove her into the abyss at once.

It hurts, my heart really hurts.

But she knew that it was all over.There will never be a possibility between her and Yuhen.

They were about to leave Xiyue soon, and before they left, it was good to know that Yuhen's attitude was good, at least she would no longer have dreams that did not belong to her at all.

Everything can be over.Everything can be over.In the future, she will no longer hold fantasies that will never come true.

She kept walking, walking through every street in the imperial city of Xiyue, and walked to the place where they met for the first time in Xiyue.

She looked at this place, where she met Yuhen once.It was here that Yuhen saved her, and the scene of that day was still replaying in her mind. She remembered it so clearly, knowing what kind of expression he had at that time, and what kind of words he said at that time.

Looking at these familiar and unfamiliar places, she realized that everything was just her own one-man show.Yuhen never liked her.All of this is just her own love.They have no memories, no past, not even a single word.Everything is just wishful thinking of her alone, Chu Liyou.

As night fell, she kept walking until she reached Yuhen's mansion.

He raised his head and looked at the mansion.She knew that she would never exist here.The last time I entered this mansion, I am afraid that Yuhen saved her once because of his brother's face.But after today, she knew that it was impossible for her and Yuhen to be friends, not to mention being a couple.

She will never be eligible to enter this mansion in her life.

She should wake up!It's time to wake up from the dream I've had for months.

She didn't know how she got back to Yunfu.It's just that when Yuhen rejected her, her whole body and mind seemed to be pulled away, she couldn't cry, laugh, or make trouble...

"Miss Liyou, you are finally back. Where did you go this day?" Xiaoxiao waited anxiously at the door.Seeing Chu Liyou appear, he hurriedly stepped forward and asked.

Chu Liyou didn't seem to hear Xiaoxiao's words, his eyes were out of focus, and he entered the mansion.Xiaoxiao also hurriedly followed, although she didn't know what happened, but luckily Miss Li You came back safely.

"Miss Liyou, Master Jiu and Miss are waiting for you to eat in the flower hall." Seeing that Chu Liyou was going in the wrong direction, Xiaoxiao hurriedly shouted.Miss Li You was in a trance, what happened?

Yuhen's indifferent words kept flashing in Chu Liyou's mind, so Xiaoxiao didn't listen to her words.

"Miss Liyou, be careful..." Seeing that Chu Liyou was about to hit the stone pillar, Xiaoxiao quickly grabbed her.With this pull, the two fell to the ground together.

"Oh, it hurts to death." Xiaoxiao fell to the bottom and became a meat pad for a while.But seeing that Chu Liyou didn't even make a sound, Xiaoxiao quickly asked, "Miss Liyou, did you fall somewhere?"

Only then did Chu Liyou wake up, seeing herself and Xiaoxiao lying on the ground, and seeing herself on Xiaoxiao's body, she quickly stood up, pulled Xiaoxiao up from the ground, and asked, "How do we They all fell to the ground."

(End of this chapter)

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