The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

371 Chapter 2 Li You Was Dazed

371 Chapter 2 Li You Was Dazed ([-])
Xiaoxiao stared at Chu Liyou in a daze, "Miss Liyou, don't you remember? You were about to hit a stone pillar just now, and it was the servant who pulled you up, and then we fell down. Miss Liyou, what did you do? gone?"

Yes indeed!What's up with her?
What happened to her?
She also wanted to ask herself, what happened to herself?
yes!She remembered.

Yuhen came to Yunfu, and then she chased him out, and told Yuhen her heart, and later, Yuhen rejected herself.Later, she seemed to have walked for a long time, to every street she met with Yuhen.She seemed to have reached the mansion where Yuhen lived.Later, she didn't know how she came back to Yunfu.

"Miss Liyou, what's the matter with you? Did something happen to you?" Xiaoxiao asked worriedly.

After Chu Liyou was silent for a while, he said lightly, "It's okay. I was just thinking about something and lost my mind."

"Oh! Ms. Liyou, hurry up, Master Jiu and Miss are waiting for you to eat."

"You go. I'm not hungry."

She has no appetite to eat anything now.After speaking, he turned around and headed towards his room.

"Miss Liyou...Miss Liyou..." Xiaoxiao shouted behind her.Chu Liyou didn't look back and continued walking.

Seeing that something was wrong with Chu Liyou, Xiaoxiao hurriedly ran to tell Yun Qing about it.

"Li You, can I come in?" Yun Qing knocked on the door.

In the room, Chu Liyou wiped the remaining tears from the corners of his eyes.She didn't open the door until she wiped away her tears and there was no trace of crying.She thought she wouldn't cry at first, but when she returned to the room, remembering Yuhen's rejection of her, she couldn't help crying anymore.

"Yunqing. Why are you here?"

"I see that you didn't eat anything tonight. I went to the kitchen and made some food you like and brought it here for you." Yun Qing said softly: "Xiaoxiao, bring it here." Sure enough, I saw Yun Qing behind Still following Xiaoxiao, Xiaoxiao was holding some freshly made food in her hand.

"Yunqing, thank you. But I'm really not hungry." Chu Liyou looked at the food in Xiaoxiao's hand, and she had no appetite at all.

"How can you not be hungry? You didn't eat well at noon today, and you didn't eat anything at night. Don't you want to be like me, starving for two days and starving yourself." Yun Qing laughed.

Because of Qi Rong's presence at noon, Chu Liyou didn't eat much at all because of the thrilling meal.In the evening, she didn't even eat a single grain of rice. If she didn't know that Liyou hadn't been given anorexia medicine by that bastard Nangong Jin, she would really think that Chu Liyou was the same as she was two days ago.

Yun Qing looked at Chu Liyou, and found that her eyes were red, obviously she had just cried.But if she didn't say anything, Yun Qing would not plan to ask now.You don't need to think about it to know what happened when Li You went out today.Li You must have spoken out what was in his heart, but was rejected by Yuhen.At this time, what she needs most is for them to be by her side.Give her silent comfort.

Chu Liyou forced a smile, but she really couldn't bear it.

"Yunqing, I'm sorry, I know your kindness. But I really can't eat. I want to rest."

"Okay then. You have a good rest, and I won't bother you." Yun Qing said softly.

"En." Chu Liyou nodded, and then closed the door.

"Miss, Miss Li You, she..."

"Forget it, let her be alone for a while." Yun Qing said.

the next day.

(End of this chapter)

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