The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

372 Chapter 3 Li You Was Dazed

372 Chapter 3 Li You Was Dazed ([-])
Chu Liyou didn't sleep all night.When she woke up the next day, she had dark circles under her eyes, but Xiaoxiao, who had come to call her, was frightened.

"Miss Liyou." Xiaoxiao knocked on the door outside.Miss Liyou usually wakes up very early every time, but today has passed the hour, and she is not seen getting up.Only then did Xiaoxiao come to knock on the door and call for someone.

Chu Liyou got up and opened the door, the same clothes as yesterday.It's just that Xiaoxiao was taken aback when the door was opened.

"Miss Li You, what's wrong with you. You didn't sleep all night last night, did you?" But even if you didn't sleep all night last night, it's impossible to become like this all of a sudden.Ms. Liyou's appearance like this did not mean she didn't sleep all night, she obviously cried all night.Otherwise, how could the eyes be black and swollen.

"What's wrong with me." Chu Liyou didn't look in the mirror, naturally he didn't know how scary he was now.

"Miss Liyou, wait a moment, this servant will get you some medicine to apply." Xiaoxiao remembered that last time Mr. Nangong left some medicine for emergencies.

When Xiaoxiao went down to look for medicine, Chu Liyou had already opened the door and came to the flower hall.

"Morning brother, morning cloud." Chu Liyou yelled and sat down to have breakfast.He said he was eating breakfast, but in fact Chu Liyou served him a bowl of porridge and didn't move, but just kept looking at it stupidly.

Chu Limo and Yun Qing looked at Chu Liyou together, and were stunned when they saw her eyes.Especially her absent-minded look.

Chu Limo looked at his sister's expression, and couldn't get angry.Just trying to wake her up.Chu Liyou suddenly stood up again, and said: "Brother, Yun Qing, eat slowly, I'm full. I'm going to practice swords."

Yun Qing looked at her untouched bowl of porridge, and seeing how Chu Liyou suddenly turned into this, couldn't help feeling worried.

Yuhen's refusal hit her too hard.Did she suddenly become like this?

"What kind of sword are you going to practice? Sit down and eat." Chu Limo said.

"Brother, I haven't practiced the Xuantian swordsmanship taught by my master. If the master knows, he will definitely punish me again. Besides, the master said that only when I have practiced the Xuantian swordsmanship well can I practice the Xuantian scriptures." , then even if my brother gets sick, I can help him." Chu Liyou murmured.Then he ran to practice the sword.

"Li You." Yun Qing shouted.But no matter how Yun Qing called her, it was as if Chu Liyou didn't hear her.

In the courtyard of the flower hall, Chu Liyou was holding a sword, practicing every move and style back and forth.And the flowers and plants in the yard will suffer, the yard is a mess caused by Chu Liyou.

"Forget it, don't go there. Let her vent a bit." Yun Qing held Chu Limo back.

Or she found such a way to vent because she was sad.Still, as long as she can vent, that's fine.

Seeing how uncomfortable Chu Liyou is now, she wondered if she should not be encouraged to express her feelings to Yuhen.If she didn't confess, at least in her heart, everything is still so beautiful.At least let her and Yuhen get along for a while, let them get to know each other first.rather than as it is now.

"What's wrong with Liyou?" Chu Limo didn't know that his sister confessed to Yuhen, if he knew that Yuhen rejected Liyou's confession, he would have already run to Yuhen's mansion.

Seeing Chu Liyou's appearance, Yun Qing also knew that he couldn't hide it from Chu Limo.So he told Chu Limo about the matter from beginning to end.

Sure enough, as soon as Chu Limo knew the whole story, his eyes turned cold, and he said coldly: "Yuhen! It's Yuhen again!"

(End of this chapter)

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