The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

Chapter 378 Chasing down the destined person

Chapter 378 Chasing down the destined person (3)
"Ah... don't want brother, don't kill him!" There was another scream.Chu Liyou was crying and begging in her dream.

"Li You, wake up."

"Li You. Sober up."


Everyone kept shouting in Chu Liyou's ear.But Chu Liyou still didn't wake up.Still crying, "Why? Why? Why? You tell me, what's wrong with me, you hate me so much. Do you hate me that much?"

"Li You." Yun Qing shouted.Touching Chu Liyou's forehead, she looked at Nangong Jin and said, "She is very hot. If she burns like this, her head will burn out. Please save her quickly."

"With my young master here, how could it be possible for her to burn out her head." Nangong Jin raised her eyebrows. If she really burnt out her head, he would lose the title of genius doctor.Not to mention the bastard Chu Limo, he will definitely find himself desperate.

"Take this to get some medicine. After drinking this, I promise to make her fever go down." Nangong Jin wrote a prescription and handed it to Yun Qing.Yun Qing looked at the pitch-black sky outside the room, it was the middle of the night, where to buy medicine, even if he bought the medicine, it would take time to cook it.It can be seen that Li You can't drag on like this now.

"Where's the medicine on your body?"

"Myrrh." Nangong Jin curled his lips, "How could I have such a fever-reducing medicine on my body?"

He was a genius doctor of the generation, and he carried medicines and poisons for difficult and miscellaneous diseases.

Yun Qing took a hard look at Nangong Jin, he really was an unreliable guy.

"You are here to take care of Liyou," Yun Qing looked at Chu Limo again and said, "Let's go out to find medicine." No matter what time it is now, even if you knock on the door, you have to buy medicine for Liyou.

"Yun Qing, don't worry, I will take good care of Li You with me here." Bai Yue assured her, patting her chest.

Ever since Bai Yue followed Nangong Jin to live in Qi Mansion, they have always been the only ones in this Yun Mansion. Now that Nangong Jin is back, Bai Yue is also back.

"sorry to bother you."

After finishing speaking, Chu Limo and Yun Qing went out in the middle of the night.

It was already midnight, and the street was eerily quiet.The shops on the street were also closed, and people were sleeping soundly.

The two found the largest pharmacy in Jinling City.Yun Qing stepped forward and patted on the door forcefully.The people in the room were sleeping soundly, but he was startled when he heard the sound suddenly.Who was knocking on the door outside in the middle of the night.

There was a knock on the door.No one in the room dared to make a sound.In the middle of the night, it's either a ghost or a bad person.How dare he open the door.

Chu Limo outside the door waited impatiently, and kicked the door open.

"Qingqing, let's find the medicine ourselves."

Fortunately, there are medicine names written on the medicine cabinets, and Yun Qing can recognize some of them.Soon the two packed the medicine, and before leaving, Yun Qing put a piece of silver on the counter.

Prince's residence.Except for the dim lights in Yuhen's room, the whole Prince's mansion was completely dark.

"Your Highness." In the dim light, Akabane stood aside and said respectfully.

"It's clear. Who is she?"

"Your Highness. According to the news from Da Chu, Yun Yin's identity has always been mysterious. Our people have no way of finding out who he is. But our people also sent news. On the day the Mu Mansion caught fire, Yun Yin Yin also disappeared from Dachu. Besides, Yechen used to call Yunyin 'Qingqing' in front of Chu Feiyang on the street of Dachu." Chiyu said.

Although the news did not specify that Yunyin was Yunqing.But with Yuhen's cleverness, he quickly guessed that Yunyin was Yunqing, the destined person he was looking for.

He finally found her.

After searching for so long, he finally found her.

The reason why he went to Dachu at the beginning was because he got the news that the destined person he was looking for appeared in the territory of Dachu.But when he arrived, he couldn't find who the destined person was.He has been waiting, and has been chasing the news.But he didn't expect to meet Ye Chen, and got into a fight with Ye Chen and was seriously injured.He had to heal his injuries for a long time, and when he knew that the destined person was Mu Yunqing, an accident happened.The Mu Mansion suddenly caught fire.Mu Yunqing disappeared in the fire.As a last resort, he had no choice but to return to Xiyue.But he would never have thought that this destined person would come to his side by himself.

That person really didn't lie to him.

"Your Highness, there is another matter from Da Chu. The person His Highness is looking for has been married to His Highness King Li of Da Chu by the Emperor of Chu. Does His Highness..."

"No need to say much. Since she came to Ben Gong's side by herself, this time, Ben Gong will never let go." Yuhen narrowed his eyes, as for His Royal Highness Li Wang.He had also heard of it, but it was just a sickly son of the former emperor.She has been raised in Li Wang's mansion and never showed up.It is precisely because of this that there are very few people in this world who know Chu Limo's appearance.Not many people knew that Chu Limo was Yechen.

Yuhen thought of what Master Lingyin once said: This person will not live to be 21 years old.

Counting the time, the time for Master Li Lingyin's comment is almost here.

"Akabane, send the news back to Da Chu, tell our people, let them keep an eye on Li Wangfu's movements."

"Yes." Akabane replied.

Yuhen looked in the direction of Yunfu, a smile appeared on his perennially silent face.

After waiting for so many years, you finally came to my side!
Yun Qing!

Yuhen pulled his lips and smiled: Yunqing, I finally waited for you.

Cloud House.

Chu Limo and Yun Qing found the medicine from the pharmacy, boiled the medicine quickly and brought it over.

Tired all night, now Chu Limo and Yun Qing are sitting aside to rest, and Bai Yue stops him from feeding the medicine.

"Li You, open your mouth and drink the medicine."

But no matter how Bai Yue feeds the medicine, Li You just can't drink the medicine.Even if you force yourself to drink a little, you will spit it all out.

"What to do. She can't drink at all." Bai Yue looked at Nangong Jin and didn't know what to do.The high fever on Li You's body has not subsided, and he is still babbling nonsense.

"Give her down." Nangong Jin said.

The two started to fight, Xiaoxiao helped Chu Liyou forcefully down a bowl of medicine.After finishing the bowl of medicine, they finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"Don't worry. After drinking this medicine, she will be fine tomorrow. I'm exhausted." Nangong Jin fell asleep soundly on the chair beside her.Bai Yue and Xiaoxiao saw Nangong Jin lying down like this, and then looked at Chu Liyou who was still raving.After tonight, everything will be fine tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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