The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

Chapter 379 A Farewell Without Giving Up

Chapter 379 A Farewell Without Giving Up (1)
Nangong Jin's reputation as a miracle doctor is indeed well-deserved.Although he had a busy night last night, Chu Liyou's high fever really subsided the next day.

Lying on the bed, Li You moved her body.This movement not only found that I had no strength, but my whole body was in pain.It was like being beaten up.

Can it not hurt?

I didn't eat for a few days, and practiced sword for a day and a night.He was shocked by Chu Limo and Yuhen's strong airflow and fell into the pond.Although he was not injured, he fell into the pool and was cut a few times by the small stones in the pool.

"Water..." Chu Li moved his lips in worry.It had been days since she had eaten a bite, and now she was hungry and thirsty.

"Miss Liyou, you're awake. Don't move, I'll pour you some water." Xiaoxiao said happily seeing Chu Liyou who woke up.

After working all night and taking care of her all night, it was finally all right.

Soon, Xiaoxiao poured a glass of water and helped Chu Liyou up from the bed.Seeing the water, Chu Li worriedly drank it.Xiaoxiao who was on the side looked distressed and said, "Miss Liyou, drink slowly."

Chu Liyou leaned against the bed and looked around the room.Except for Xiaoxiao, Brother Jin fell asleep lying on the chair, and Miss Baiyue also sat at the table and fell asleep with her head on her hands.

Scenes of scenes flashed in my mind, but the last scene was that in the valley, my brother and Yuhen were fighting.She wanted to stop them, but was blown away by their strong air currents, and the last one accidentally fell into the pond by herself.She remembered that she was about to die at the time, and she also thought that it would be good to just die like this.

Then she remembered that she seemed to have no strength and sank.But at that moment, she seemed to hear someone calling herself, and then there was a sound of diving.She couldn't remember everything after that.

"Miss Liyou is hungry. This servant will bring over the porridge." Early in the morning, Xiaoxiao was already busy making breakfast in the kitchen.

"Brother and Yun Qing?"

"Miss Liyou doesn't know, Master Jiu and Miss have been guarding you last night. Master Jiu and Miss ran out to buy medicine in the middle of the night. Mr. Nangong and Miss Baiyue will take care of you in the middle of the night. Master and Miss are still resting."

Just after Xiaoxiao finished speaking, Nangong Jin and Bai Yue also woke up.

"Liyou, you're awake, do you feel uncomfortable?" Bai Yue asked.

Chu Liyou shook his head, looked at Nangong Jin and Bai Yue with regret on his face, and said, "I'm fine. Let everyone worry about me."

"It's good that you're fine." Bai Yue said with a smile.

Nangong Jin went up to check on Chu Liyou, "The high fever has subsided. You are still weak now, and you need to take good care of it for the next few days." Then she looked at Xiaoxiao and ordered: "Do some Give her something light to eat." Xiaoxiao nodded.Said he remembered.

Yunfu Flower Hall.

Chu Liyou couldn't get out of bed yet and could only lie in the room.Now Xiaoxiao is taking care of her.In the flower hall, Chu Limo, Yun Qing, Nangong Jin, and Bai Yue were having breakfast.

"How is Li You's health?" Although Yun Qing took a look at Li You, she was not a doctor after all, so she didn't know about this illness.

"It's very empty." He took a sip of porridge, looked at Chu Limo and Yun Qing after drinking, and said, "She is awake now, but I can't cure her heart. .”

"Aren't you known as a miracle doctor? If you don't cure Liyou, you have the heart to let her become like this." Bai Yue said.

(End of this chapter)

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