The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

Chapter 380 A Farewell Without Giving Up

Chapter 380 A Farewell Without Giving Up (2)
Bai Yue didn't know what Nangong Jin said about the so-called healing of the mind.She has been chasing after Nangong Jin, and she doesn't know anything about Chu Liyou's liking for Yuhen.

"Evil girl, don't open your mouth if you don't understand you, go eat your porridge." Nangong Jin glared at Bai Yue.Didn't you see that guy Chu Limo's face changed?
Being stared at by Nangong Jin, Bai Yue also looked at Chu Limo's face lightly, and immediately closed her mouth.I drank the porridge.

Nangong Jin looked at Chu Limo and Yun Qing again and said, "Qi Mingyang is going to retreat for three days today. I have already prepared the things that need to be prepared. Now you all have to make a decision quickly, whether to proceed according to the original plan, or to postpone it." rear."

"The plan remains unchanged." Chu Limo said.Looking at Nangong Jin again, "You take Li You and leave Jinling City first. Send her back to Lingyin Temple."

"I'll send Liyou back, so what are you going to do here? I'm not by your side, if you get sick, who here has the ability to save you. I mean, you think Qi Mingyang is really easy to deal with. Don't forget, Now there is one more Yuhen, do you think Yuhen will let you leave Xiyue easily?" After a pause, Nan Gongjin said again: "Li You's heart disease is in Jinling City, you send her back to Lingyin Temple Do you think her heart disease will be cured?"

Chu Limo could detect the strange color in Yuhen's eyes, so Nangong Jin naturally noticed it too.Besides, he has stayed in Xiyue much longer than Chu Limo, and naturally knows a little more about Yuhen than Chu Limo.

Yun Qing looked at Chu Limo and then at Nangong Jin.Nangong Jin was right.In case Chu Limo gets sick along the way, no one here can save him.But for sending Li You back, you still need to ask Li You for his opinion.Otherwise, even if the person is sent back, she will still run out.

Yun Qing thought for a while and said: "Well, let's ask Li You for his own opinion on sending Li You back. But this Xiyue is indeed not a place to recuperate. I let Nonghua and Nongyue Send Liyou back to Jicheng first. Uncle and aunt are in Jicheng, and we can rest assured that Liyou is there. When we finish our business, we will go to Jicheng to pick Liyou up."


Chu Limo didn't want his sister to have anything to do with Yuhen.

But the more you don't think about things, the more often things will develop in that direction.

"Brother, I'm not going back to Lingyin Temple." At some time, Chu Liyou had already walked over with Xiaoxiao's support.Chu Liyou must have heard all the words just now.Everyone looked in the direction where Chu Liyou's voice came from, and saw Chu Liyou walking over, looked at Nangong Jin, Bai Yue, and finally at Yun Qing, and said, "I listen to Yun Qing, you can come here Jicheng is waiting for you."

But she will never go back to Lingyin Temple.That place was too far away from him, and she was afraid that one day he would be there and forget his existence.At least when she stays in Jicheng, she can get closer to him.Maybe women are just that stupid, foolishly waiting, waiting for that impossible hope.Hope one day he can look back and see his own existence.

Yun Qing got up, walked in front of Chu Liyou, and smiled faintly, "Heal your wounds in Jicheng, and we will go to Jicheng to pick you up after we finish our business."

But I don't want to, this sentence has become empty words.What happened next happened so quickly.It was so fast that no one expected it.

"Okay. I'll wait for you."

Chu Liyou agreed to go back to Jicheng and wait, but Chu Limo didn't say anything in the end, but agreed.Yun Qing also called Nong Hua and Nong Yue over from 'Drunk Life, Dreams and Death', and ordered them to send Li You to Jicheng safely.In addition, Yun Qing also asked Xiao Xiao to stay by Li You's side to accompany her.There are too many uncertain dangers in this future road, and she doesn't want Xiaoxiao to take risks for her.Let her stay in Jicheng, by Liyou's side.Maybe for the best.

(End of this chapter)

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