The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

Chapter 382 A Farewell Without Giving Up

Chapter 382 A Farewell Without Giving Up (4)
Chu Liyou looked at Yuhen's back, smiled faintly, and murmured mockingly: "I don't think you will believe in such a thing as love at first sight. But do you know? For you, from the day of Lingyin Temple, you have been deeply attached to each other. Deep in my heart. I always thought that I would never have a chance to see you. But I never thought that I would meet you once when I came to Xiyue. At that time, I was thinking, it must be the old man God gave us a fate." Chu Liyou laughed as he said, and then said after laughing, "But I never thought that you would hate me so much. The first time we met in Xiyue, you hated me so much that you wanted to kill me." At that time, I was really sad and sad. But I still didn't let you go from my heart. "

Chu Liyou kept talking, and while talking, felt extremely uncomfortable.Yuhen just listened quietly.

"Yuhen, do you know? Even if you ruthlessly reject my love for you, do you know it? I can't let you go from my heart in my whole life. No matter where I am, I don't care about you. Where will I be. My heart for you will not change."

Once a woman loves, she is so stupid.Stupid enough to wait and wait.

If Chu Liyou had never fallen in love with Yuhen, she might have been happier, always so innocent and lively, and be a carefree girl.But when she met Yuhen, Yuhen was the catastrophe of her life.

Their life is destined to be entangled in love and hate.Don't stop dying!
Chu Liyou walked up gently, and gently hugged Yuhen's waist from behind.Yuhen was stunned for a moment.Sad and hot tears flowed down Chu Liyou's face, dripped on Yuhen's clothes, and fell into his skin.

"Don't reject me. Just let me hug you like this. I know you don't have me in your heart. But it doesn't matter, I don't mind. I will still love you like that, so deeply, so deeply. Still don't regret it! "

If possible, how she wished this moment could be eternal.She was always so close to him.

After a while, Chu Liyou let go of Yuhen's waist.Walking in front of Yuhen, he took Yuhen's hand and gave him a desperate kiss.

Regarding love, members of their Chu family, no matter they are men or women, are always so proactive.Always so infatuated.

Tears dripped down Yuhen's hands.His heart froze suddenly.Looking at this tearful woman, she said: Love him!Still do not regret!

Love!What kind of taste is it.

What is it like to fall in love with someone?
When he later understood what it was like to fall in love with someone, it was too late.Some people won't stand still and wait for him forever, even if the love they once had was so vigorous and unrepentant.Only when you lose it, you will know that the original love is so precious.

The gate of Xiyue Jinling City.

"Brother, Yunqing, Brother Jin, Bai Yue, I'll be waiting for you in Jicheng."

"Take care along the way."


Nangong Jin and Bai Yue said in unison.

Chu Liyou smiled and looked at the two of them, "Brother Jin, cherish Miss Bai Yue. If you can meet such a good girl in this life, you have to treat her well. In addition, I will entrust my brother's health to you Yes. You must find the medicine to cure your brother’s illness.”

"Brother Jin promises you." Nangong Jin smiled.This little kid who loved to play with him since he was a child has finally grown up.

"Liyou, you have grown up. My brother knows that you are capable of protecting yourself now, and you don't need my brother's protection anymore. My brother will go to Jicheng to find you soon." For this younger sister, Chu Limo It is sincere love.In this world, there are three women who are the most important to him, one is his mother, one is Qingqing, and the other is his sister.

"Okay. I'll wait for my brother in Jicheng." Chu Liyou glanced at Yun Qing, "You and brother must be happy, forever."

Yun Qing nodded and smiled faintly.

What she can't get in this life, she hopes to see in her brother and Yun Qing, brother Jin and Bai Yue.

She took a last look at Jinling City in Xiyue, the place where she had only lived for a month.There is too much regret here.In the end, he looked back and stepped into the carriage.

"Xiaoxiao, take care of Li You. Take care of yourself too." Yun Qing ordered.Xiaoxiao nodded, with reluctance, got into the carriage and left here.

Looking at the direction in which the carriage was leaving, everyone remained silent for a long time.

But no one noticed that on the high wall at the gate of the city, there was a figure in black clothes, looking at the direction of the departing carriage until the sun set.

(End of this chapter)

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