The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

Chapter 383 Impossible to Be Friends

Chapter 383 Impossible to Be Friends (1)
Qi Mingyang has already retreated.There was also news from Qi Rong that Qi Mingyang hadn't left the room since he entered the room for retreat, but there was no sign of Qi Mingyang in the room.Qi Mingyang seemed to disappear out of thin air.But they all understood that there was a secret passage in Qi Mingyang's room.Qi Mingyang went into the secret path.

Qi Mingyang will have to retreat for three days before coming out.It's been a day now.Before Qi Mingyang left the customs, they would not do anything.

Because of Chu Liyou's departure, Yunfu suddenly seemed to be empty.Chu Liyou left, and Xiaoxiao followed.Nonghua and Nongyue also escorted Liyou to Jicheng according to Yunqing's instructions.So in this mansion, only Chu Limo and Yun Qing are left.And Nangong Jin and Bai Yue.Nangong Jin's whereabouts have been uncertain since she came to Xiyue.But everyone knows why.Nangong Jin was hiding from someone from Xiyue.Fortunately, the person Nangong Jin was hiding from didn't know that Nangong Jin had come to Xiyue, otherwise, the gate of Yun Mansion would probably be broken by that person.

Drunk life and dream death.

Ever since Yun Qing cut off Qi Yu's tongue after making a fuss here, the Qi family has not moved at all.Later, it was rumored that the boss behind this drunken dream and Prince Xiyue was a good friend.The limelight of this drunkenness has always overshadowed another brothel in Jinling City.

The guests who come here every day are either high-ranking officials or dignitaries, or princes and nobles.

And they came here for only one purpose, that is to meet the boss behind this drunken dream.But they came almost every day, and they didn't see Yun Qing's figure.

"Master..." Shuangshuang came over and leaned over and whispered a few words in Yun Qing's ear.After Yun Qing heard this, he frowned, with a cold expression on his face, and snorted coldly, "I'm going to see how capable he is to smash this place." Yun Qing glanced coldly at the opposite side In the private room, he paused and said: "Go and tell him that if you want to see me, you will have to pay a price."

"Yes." Shuangshuang replied and stepped back.

Chu Limo sat aside, his tone was doting, but his voice was cold and murderous, "Who made Qingqing unhappy. I will kill him for you."

Yun Qing took a look at Chu Limo, curled his lips and said, "We are gentle people, it's not good to see blood."

Gentlemen!From head to toe, they don't look like gentle people, okay?
Yun Qing smiled, "But. Someone is here to relieve you."

Ever since Liyou left, the fight with Yuhen hadn't finished yet, Chu Limo's heart had been simmering with anger and had nowhere to vent.Sometimes Yunqing was really afraid that Chu Limo would be overwhelmed in the middle of the night, so she ran to Yuhen's house to fight with him.But fortunately, Chu Limo is still a little rational.

No, someone came to his door to vent his anger that had nowhere to vent.

The person sitting in the private room opposite them was none other than His Royal Highness Murong Yuxian, the Sixth Prince of Xiyue.Qi Mingyang is Murong Yuxian's uncle.The last time this Murong Yuxian met at the Qi family's martial arts contest to recruit relatives.

This Murong Yuxian has come here many times.But each time, he did not see Yun Qing and the others.The sixth prince of Xiyue, who thought he was dignified and honorable, was turned away.It is estimated that the resentment in my heart can't come out.So he declared that he was going to smash this drunken dream to death.Unfortunately, this sentence was heard by Shuangshuang just now.So, just now Shuangshuang came over and told Yun Qing the exact words.

Sure enough, it didn't take long for Shuangshuang to come over, along with the sixth prince Murong Yuxian.

The sixth prince, Yun Qing, has also heard that he is a dandy and lustful, and it is said that he eats both men and women.At the age of 15, he already had more than 20 concubines.Looking at him like this, he is not afraid that he will die before he is [-] years old.This Murong Yuxian and Qi Yu are the same kind.It's no wonder that Yuhen didn't take this Murong Yuxian seriously.

(End of this chapter)

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