The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

Chapter 385 Impossible to Be Friends

Chapter 385 Impossible to Be Friends (3)
"Shuangshuang, please come in." Yun Qing said lightly through the door.

"Qingqing. What do you see him doing. If he likes to stay here, let him stay."

Yun Qing smiled lightly, "Don't make trouble with Yinzi if you have trouble with anything." Since Yuhen wants to see them, then he should meet them, and seeing them will not lose a piece of flesh.

"My lord doesn't pay attention to this money." Chu Limo said.Anyway, he just doesn't like Qingqing meeting Yuhen.Yuhen came here obviously with bad intentions.

When Chu Limo finished speaking, Yuhen had already arrived.Naturally, Akabane did not stand at the gate of Drunken Dreams.

Seeing Yuhen approaching, Chu Limo hugged Yun Qing tightly in his arms, as if swearing sovereignty.A unique contest between men is staged between the two.

I don't know how many times I have been hugged by Chu Limo, and Yun Qing doesn't look like the girls here have a twitchy look, but instead allows him to hug her tightly.Anyway, Yuhen already knew that she was a woman.

When Yuhen saw Chu Limo's arms around Yun Qing's waist, his complexion sank.Ever since he knew that Yun Qing was the one he was looking for, this woman could only belong to him.

"What are you doing here if you're not staying in your own mansion?" Chu Limo looked cold and unwelcoming.

Yuhen smiled faintly at Yun Qing, "I wonder if Yuhen can say a few words to Miss Yun Qing?"

Chu Limo and Yun Qing turned cold at the same time, and Chu Limo refused directly, "Qingqing has nothing to say to you."

Yuhen looked at Chu Limo, and said calmly, "How does Mr. Yechen know that Miss Yunqing has nothing to say to Yuhen?" Then Yuhen looked at Yunqing with a warm smile, "Miss Yunqing, do you think so?"

Yun Qingsao took a look at Yuhen, and this person really checked her out.And what she hates the most is when others check her at will.Originally, for the sake of how much he resembled Haoyu, I thought that maybe one day we could really become friends.But that little bit of goodwill was wiped away by Miss Yun Qing.

"I really don't have anything to talk to His Highness the Crown Prince." In Yun Qing's tone, there was a bit of alienation and coldness, "His Highness the Crown Prince has seen each other now, if there is nothing else, please go back." Yun Qing After a pause, he continued: "Also, since we don't agree with each other, it is naturally impossible to become friends."

"Shuangshuang, see off the guests." Yun Qing said.

Seeing Yun Qing's cold tone, Yu Hen also knew that he was too impatient.With a faint smile, "In that case, then Yuhen will leave first." Before leaving, she smiled meaningfully and said: "Miss Yunqing doesn't want to hear it now, but I will talk about it later. We will have a long time to come."

Waiting for Yuhen to leave Zuishengmengshi, Yun Qing looked at Chu Limo, "When we get the medicine, we will leave Xiyue."

She is not stupid, so she naturally knows what Yuhen said before leaving.It's just that she doesn't understand, Yuhen has only met her a few times, why he suddenly said such things to her.He doesn't even like a woman like Li You, so why did he just take a fancy to her.Yun Qing doesn't believe that Yuhen fell in love at first sight because of Chi Tan's side.How is it possible for people like them?
Yuhen wanted to see her again and again.There must be some purpose.It's just that she doesn't know what Yuhen's purpose is now.

But Xiyue is really not suitable to stay for a long time.

(End of this chapter)

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