The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

Chapter 386 The Woman in the Crystal Coffin

Chapter 386 The Woman in the Crystal Coffin (1)
The time for Qi Mingyang's three-day retreat has come, Yun Qing and others decided to act on the night when he left the retreat.

And they also began to prepare for the evacuation of Xiyue as soon as the medicine was available.Everything is in progress.

That night, Yun Qing and Chu Limo entered the Qi Mansion quietly.Qi Rong said that if he wanted to enter the forbidden area from Qi Mingyang's room, he had to lure Qi Mingyang away.And the matter of drawing Qi Mingyang away was left to Chu Limo and Nangong Jin.Naturally, only Yun Qing and Qi Rong entered the forbidden area.And they only have half an hour to enter the forbidden area, within half an hour they must find the medicine in the forbidden area, otherwise, once Qi Mingyang becomes suspicious, it will be very difficult to steal the medicine next time.

Tang Courtyard of Qi Mansion.Yun Qing and Chu Limo had already arrived here early in the morning and waited.

"Master, Lord Hou has left the customs." Xia Jin, Qi Rong's bodyguard, came to report.Qi Rong nodded, looked at Chu Limo and said with a faint smile, "The next thing is to see Mr. Yechen."

"Qingqing, you must be careful in everything in the forbidden area of ​​the Qi Mansion." Chu Limo looked at Qi Rong with raised eyebrows, and said, "I entrust Qingqing's safety to you."

Qi Rong smiled faintly, "It's natural, Qi Rong will definitely bring Miss Yun back unscathed."

"It's best." Chu Limo snorted, looked at Nangong Jin and said, "Action."

"It's not good... It's not good, it's flooded... Come on!" Soon, there was a lot of noise in the Qi Mansion. Looking from the Tangyuan, the front yard of the Qi Mansion was covered with thick smoke. After a while, the flames of the fire had already burned fiercely.

"What's going on?" Qi Mingyang heard this voice just after leaving the customs, and then saw the suddenly burning front yard and said angrily: "Hurry up and put out the fire..."

"Hehe, I haven't seen Lord Qi for a few days, so you're fine." While everyone was busy fighting the fire, a cold voice resounded faintly in the courtyard.I saw Chu Limo dressed in white, standing on the tree in the yard, looking at Qi Mingyang coldly with his cold eyes.

Qi Mingyang looked up and saw that it was Chu Limo, and then looked at the sudden fire, and said in a deep voice, "Your Excellency set this fire."

Chu Limo smiled coldly, and did not seem to want to hide it, but admitted it generously.

"Murong Yuxian threatened to smash my son's 'drunk life and dream death'. You are his uncle, and you are not strict in discipline. This crime will naturally be borne by you. Now you just burned your front yard, and I have already shown mercy. .Otherwise, you think that my son is just burning your yard as simple as that."

Qi Mingyang was furious, stared at Chu Limo and said fiercely: "Yechen, don't be too arrogant. Don't think that you can be defiant with the support of the crown prince. This Qi mansion was bestowed by the emperor. You set fire to this place. , even if you belong to the prince, do you think the prince can protect you?"

It was good that Qi Mingyang didn't mention Yuhen, but when he mentioned Yuhen, Chu Limo's face immediately became gloomy and cold.

"When does my son need others to support me when I do things. What kind of person is Yuhen? You think this son will be afraid of the failure of Emperor Xiyue. Hmph! What a joke."

When it comes to being arrogant and self-confident, Chu Limo is indeed not afraid of anyone.In this world, there is no one who makes him afraid.Of course, Yun Qing was an exception.

"Why are you talking so much nonsense to him? Didn't you say that Marquis Qi should be responsible for the price owed by Murong Yuxian?" Nangong Jin smiled and raised his eyebrows while lying on the roof of the yard that was not on fire.That way, it's completely a look of watching the fun.

Nangong Jin looked at Qi Mingyang again and said with a smile: "Master Qi, if you want to blame you, you can blame your nephew who caused trouble for you. You can't offend anyone, but you must offend Mr. Yechen."

(End of this chapter)

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