The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

Chapter 388 The Woman in the Crystal Coffin

Chapter 388 The Woman in the Crystal Coffin (3)
"What should we do? Which way should we go?" Bai Yue looked at the two roads and asked.

Qi Rong looked at Yun Qing and said: "Miss Yun, we only have half an hour. In order not to waste time, let's go one by one. No matter if we find something after half an hour, we will meet here."

"Okay." Yun Qing said: "Bai Yue and I go this way. You go that way." Yun Qing pointed to two roads.

Now there is no other better way than this.As for Qi Rong, she always felt that Qi Rong came to this secret room with them not only to help her find the things in the forbidden area, Qi Rong came here for other things.Otherwise, it is impossible for Qi Rong to do things that are not beneficial.

As for what he wanted to do, she didn't know.But as long as it doesn't hinder her getting the medicine, it's none of her business to do what Qi Rong wants.

Long before Qi Mingyang was going to retreat, Qi Rong sprinkled some colorless and odorless medicinal powder specially made by Nangong Jin on Qi Mingyang's body.Once this medicinal powder is sprinkled on the body, it will stay on the skin, and it will not disperse for several days and nights.As long as Qi Mingyang walks through this secret passage, the smell of the medicine powder will be left behind.But people's nose can't smell the smell of the powder, so they have to use the ice butterfly unique to the East China Sea to lead the way.

When Yun Qing came, Nangong Jin gave her the ice butterfly.It is said that this ice butterfly is the treasure of the East China Sea and has lived for hundreds of years.But usually, the ice butterfly is in the sleeping period.Only when it is needed, it can be awakened with the blood of the heir of the East China Sea.But it is said that the blood of Donghai's heir must be used to awaken the ice butterfly, and the blood of other people is useless at all.In other words, this Bingdie has already recognized Nangong Jin as the master.When Nangong Jin gave her this thing, she wondered for a while, is this Nangong Jin human?

She even began to wonder, what kind of existence is this East China Sea?
Yun Qing dripped Nangong Jin's blood on Bingdie's body, as soon as it touched the blood, the Bingdie shook its ice-like wings and flew up.Seeing this scene, Bai Yue opened her mouth wide.Isn't this too surprising?

"Follow up." Yun Qing said.

With the ice butterfly leading the way, they don't have to go around in the secret passage.Smelling the unique scent, the ice butterfly brought Yun Qing and Bai Yue all the way to the middle of the secret road, which is the real forbidden area of ​​Qi Mansion.

"Hey, why does Yunqing have a crystal coffin here?"

Once in the middle of the forbidden area, there is a crystal coffin in the forbidden area.Around the coffin are large and small antique calligraphy and paintings, as well as gold jewelry.But she just didn't see the medicine she was looking for.And there is an incense burner next to it, and there is no incense in it.But strangely, there was a faint fragrance in the forbidden area.This smell is very familiar, Yun Qing seems to have smelled it somewhere before.Yun Qing thought for a while, this scent was the one he smelled in that fake forbidden area.But there is no incense in this censer, why is there a scent here?
Yun Qing looked around in the forbidden area, and suddenly, he saw something strange about the seat where the incense burner was placed and the things next to the incense burner.She understood that above the forbidden area was the seat of the fake forbidden area.This censer is connected to the purple gold censer above.It was the incense that was lit above that made the fragrance waft into the forbidden area.In other words, there must be a place connected here and above, and there must be another entrance.

But why do you want to light incense on it here, and let the fragrance float here.

Yun Qing had no time to think about this, nor did he think about who built this forbidden area so creatively that it could connect the upper and lower.Naturally, Yun Qing did not look at who was lying in the crystal coffin.

"It's important to find the medicine first, we don't have much time," Yun Qing said.

It has been a long time since entering the forbidden area.She was wasting it, she was afraid that something would happen to Chu Limo up there.Although she knows Chu Limo's martial arts, Qi Mingyang can't beat him, but Qi Mingyang lost once last time, it doesn't mean that he won't be on guard this time, and won't play any tricks.

Yun Qing and Bai Yue searched all the boxes, antique bottles, calligraphy and paintings in the forbidden area, but they couldn't find 'Li Hun San', even Yun Qing, the incense burner, even if they didn't find it.

"What should we do about Yun Qing? Could it be that what we are looking for is not here?" Bai Yue glanced at the crystal coffin, "The things here look like they were buried with the person in that coffin, could it be that we I found the wrong place, the medicine is where Qi Rong found it."

Following Bai Yue's words, Yun Qing looked towards the crystal coffin.Just now she was only in a hurry to find medicine, and she didn't pay attention to the crystal coffin at all.

Now I've searched all over here and haven't found 'Li Hun San', but there is still one place I haven't found, and that is the crystal coffin.Maybe, Qi Mingyang put 'Li Hun San' in that coffin.

Thinking of this possibility, Yun Qing walked towards the crystal coffin.

"Yun Qing, you don't mean to..."

"We have searched all over here, and now this coffin is the only one left. If Qi Rong didn't find the medicine, then the medicine must be in this coffin." Yun Qing said.

After finishing speaking, he continued to walk towards the coffin.She killed so many people in her previous life.She was no longer afraid of the dead.But Bai Yue is different, even though she is the young head of Baihu Village, she is unruly, willful, domineering and unreasonable.She looked like a wicked girl just like her.But in fact, Bai Yue never killed anyone with her own hands.At most, it's just maiming and injuring people.

Although Bai Yue was a little scared in her heart, she pretended to be fearless, and walked in front of Yun Qing. It was impossible for her to let Yun Qing underestimate her.

Originally thought that there would be a horrible corpse in the coffin, but Bai Yue opened her eyes wide and looked again and again, and found that the person lying in the crystal coffin was actually a stunning woman.He looked about 25 or six years old.

She was lying in the coffin like this, An Yang was peaceful as if she was asleep.Everything outside seems to have nothing to do with her.If she didn't know that it was a coffin, Bai Yue would really think that she didn't die, but just lay here and fell asleep.

"It's so beautiful. It's a pity to die at such a young age." Bai Yue sighed.

Yun Qing also walked over quickly, and took a look at the crystal coffin. After seeing it, she was immediately stunned!

(End of this chapter)

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