The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

Chapter 389 She Didn't Die

Chapter 389 She Didn't Die (1)
Seeing this, Yun Qing was immediately taken aback!

"Mother..." Yun Qing shouted in a daze.

Bai Yue thought she heard it wrong, she looked at Yun Qing and asked, "Yun Qing, what did you say?"

Yun Qing didn't answer Bai Yue's words, but stared at the woman in the crystal coffin.She can't be mistaken, this is her mother.Didn't mother die in Dachu and was buried long ago?Why is it here?Why did he lie in the crystal coffin in the forbidden area of ​​Qi Mansion.Yun Qing thought again of the portrait of her mother in the false forbidden area, and the words she overheard that night.She finally understood why Qi Mingyang said that night: Only in this way can you stay by my side forever.

What does this sentence mean.He dug up his mother's body from the cemetery and brought it to this forbidden place.She finally understood why Qi Mingyang had to retreat for three days every year.She almost forgot that a few days ago was the anniversary of her mother's death.But at that time, she wanted to find medicine wholeheartedly, and she was too young when her mother died, and the real Mu Yunqing had very vague memories of this day.But now when he saw the crystal coffin and the person lying in the coffin, everything became clear.

"Mother..." Yun Qing shouted across the coffin.The hatred in my heart suddenly came to my heart again.

Qi Mingyang, Qi Mingyang, if I don't kill you, I swear I won't be human!

Now, Bai Yue finally heard clearly.Yun Qing called the woman in the coffin mother.Could it be...she is Yun Qing's mother?But why is Yunqing's mother here?
"Yunqing, she...she is your mother?" Bai Yue stared at the woman in the crystal coffin, a little incredulous: "But your mother has already... more than ten years have passed, your mother It's impossible to be the same as before."

People who have been dead for more than ten years should have turned into a pile of bones long ago.But the woman in the coffin still maintained a young and beautiful appearance.There is no trace of the passage of time at all.Not to mention that the person lying in the coffin is already a dead person, all this is incredible.

Bai Yue's words also reminded Yun Qing.It is impossible for a person to maintain the same appearance as before after being dead for so many years.Then there is only one possibility, that Qi Mingyang put a special medicine on his mother's body, which can keep the dead person's appearance.

But now no matter what, no matter what mother has become, she will take mother out.She can't put mother here.

"Look, Yunqing, what's in the coffin?" Bai Yue kept staring at the coffin carefully, then suddenly exclaimed, "See if that's the medicine we're looking for."

Yun Qing followed Bai Yue's voice, and there was an exquisite wooden box in her mother's hand.There are some strange words engraved on the wooden box.Yun Qing didn't know these words.The wooden box was locked with a lock.Could it be that the 'Li Hun San' she was looking for was in this wooden box.Back then Qi Mingyang used 'Li Hun San' to harm his mother, but now, did Qi Mingyang give 'Li Hun San' to his mother as a funeral?
"Yunqing." Bai Yue shouted again.Knowing that Yun Qing is very uncomfortable at this moment.If it was her, she would definitely be even more broken.Along the way, although Yun Qing didn't mention her life experience to her, she heard Nangong Jin mention it more or less.So she could understand that Yun Qing must be wishing to kill Qi Mingyang right now.

If it is said that she collapsed, she would not be to the extent of collapse, but seeing her mother's body here, the hatred in her heart was ignited again.After occupying Mu Yunqing's body for so long, she seems to have merged with Mu Yunqing.Mu Yunqing's joy, anger, sorrow, and joy will all be displayed on her body.Especially every time she touched her mother's matter, her situation became more obvious, and she couldn't control it no matter what.Sometimes, she would suspect that she was from here, the real Mu Yunqing.

(End of this chapter)

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