The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

Chapter 390 She Didn't Die

Chapter 390 She Didn't Die (2)
"I'm fine." Yun Qing calmed down.

She didn't forget the purpose of coming here.Now, she wants to take away the medicine, and she also wants to take the person with her.It's just that with her and Bai Yue alone, there is no way to take this coffin away.Not to mention, what consequences would there be if he rashly took her mother away.Now she doesn't know what kind of special medicine Qi Mingyang put on her mother's body to keep her mother's body intact.Therefore, she must not move if she is not sure.

"Yunqing, let's get the medicine first. Go out and talk."

"No." Yun Qing immediately stopped and shouted: "I can't take it."

Bai Yue was taken aback by the sudden stop, and the half-opened coffin was also frightened to a stop.The coffin was only half opened.Bai Yue asked: "Aren't we here to find medicine? Why can't we get it? "

"We have taken the medicine away now. If Qi Mingyang comes back and sees it, he will definitely find that someone has been in the forbidden area, and it will be difficult to enter the forbidden area next time."

Yun Qing thought, since Qi Mingyang opened the secret passageway under the bed in his room, he must often go to the forbidden area.Then it is easy to find that the box is missing.Once they took the box away, Qi Mingyang found that it would be very difficult for her to come in and take away her mother next time.It is possible that Qi Mingyang will move the coffin to another place.It is even possible to destroy corpses and wipe out traces in anger.

"You're right." Bai Yue nodded upon hearing Yun Qing's words, "Then let's go quickly."

"Cover the coffin and put it back in place. And don't move the things here." Yun Qing said.

The two were about to cover the crystal coffin when Qi Rong, who came out from another passage, shouted: "Don't move around. Be careful there are traps inside."

This sound made Bai Yue stop her hands in fright.Yun Qing also stopped and looked at Qi Rong who suddenly appeared, and then glanced at the woman in the coffin.Qi Mingyang's love is so perverted.In order to keep mother by his side, he chose such a cruel way.Then he may have moved the coffin in order to prevent someone from breaking into the forbidden area one day, and it is also possible that he must have set up traps inside.

Qi Rong came over and asked, "Did you find it?"

Bai Yue replied wearily: "I found it, it's in the coffin. But Yun Qing said, I can't take it." After Bai Yue finished speaking, she looked at Qi Rong again, "Did you find it on the other side?"

Qi Rong shook his head, "There's nothing over there."

Then approached the crystal coffin.When Qi Rong approached and saw the person in the coffin, at that moment he was stunned exactly the same as Yun Qing's expression just now.

The unbelievable face was full of shock, and he murmured, "Aunt Yan..."

This sentence from Aunt Yan made Yun Qing and Bai Yue look at Qi Rong at the same time.Bai Yue became even more curious, "You call her Aunt Yan?" Then she looked at Yun Qing again, "What's the relationship between you two? Why do you call her Aunt Yan, and you call her mother."

"What did you say?" Qi Rong looked at Bai Yue and Yun Qing.The expression on his face was extremely complicated.

"I said what is the relationship between you two." Bai Yue was taken aback by Qi Rong's expression, pointed at Yun Qing and said to him.

"Are you Aunt Yan's daughter? Are you the younger sister Qing that Aunt Yan insisted on giving birth to?"

Qi Rong looked at Yun Qing, how could he be so confused, sister Qing had been by his side for so long, yet he didn't realize it at all.

"Yes. Who are you? What do you mean by saying this?" Yun Qing looked at Qi Rong.Also, he called himself Sister Qing, so what happened to the phrase "Sister Qing that Aunt Yan insisted on giving birth to"?What does Qi Rong know?
(End of this chapter)

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