The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

Chapter 395 A Poisonous Needle

Chapter 395 A Poisonous Needle (1)
There was Qi Lu who took the place of the dead.The three of Yun Qing escaped the catastrophe without any risk.After Qi Mingyang and the others had left, Yun Qing and the others walked out from the flowers and headed for the Tang Courtyard of Qi Mansion.

The Tangyuan where Qi Rong lives is far away from other courtyards in Qi Mansion.Where Qi Rong lived, people from the Qi Mansion would not easily disturb her.

As soon as he arrived at the gate of Tang Yuan, Xia Jin, Qi Rong's personal bodyguard, greeted him, and said respectfully, "My lord."

"Where are Young Master Yechen and Young Master Nangong?" Qi Rong asked.If it wasn't for what happened to Ye Chen and Nangong Jin, Ye Chen would never have allowed Qi Mingyang to appear in the forbidden area.

"Return to the young master. The martial arts of the two young masters and Lord Hou are so strong that the subordinates have not caught up." Xia Jin reported truthfully.

At that time, a big fire broke out in the mansion, the young master only ordered him to wait at the side, and did not let him make a move.In addition, the few of them were too fast at that time, and they left Qi's mansion all at once.Even if he tried to catch up, he couldn't catch up.

Yun Qing looked at the frighteningly dark sky, but Qi Mingyang suddenly returned at this moment.There was a bad premonition in my heart, something must have happened to them.

"Bai Yue, let's go."

"Oh." Bai Yue also had a bad feeling that something was wrong.

Taking advantage of the darkness, the two hurried out of Qi Mansion.In the night, Qi Rong looked at Yun Qing's leaving back with a faint smile on his lips.The person who thought she had been dead for many years did not expect that after so many years, she would appear.

Yun Qing and Bai Yue first went back to Yun Mansion to search around, but found that they were not in Yun Mansion, and then ran to 'Drunken Life, Dreams and Death', but there were still no signs of them.At this time, a bad feeling came to the hearts of the two of them.Something must have happened to them.

At this time, Nonghua Nongyue sent Liyou to Jicheng.There are only Wuqing and Shuangshuang in Zuishengmengde.But this time is the best time for drunk life and dream business.

Drunk life and dream death.

"Shuangshuang, shut down for the night tonight." Yun Qing sat in the room on the second floor and ordered.

"Yes. The servants will go in and do it right away." At this time, they are not in the mood to do business.

Soon, Shuangshuang cleared away all the guests in the building.Although some guests didn't enjoy themselves, they didn't dare to say much because of the boss behind this brothel.I can only walk away in embarrassment.

"Wuqing, you go to the east, Shuangshuang, you go to the west. Huaqing and Thrush, go to the south. Lianqiao, Lianxin, go to the north." Yun Qing ordered: "Turn Jinling City over. Find your master and Nangong Jin."


Everyone responded in unison.It went down quickly.These are all people from Chu Limo, they were specially trained by Chu Limo, and they are all very skilled.

As for the girls that Yunqing found from Yingchun Building, they could only stay at home to watch the house.Letting them go out is entirely due to being bullied.

"Yunqing, where should we find it?" Bai Yue asked.Bai Yue was very anxious because she couldn't find any news about Nangong Jin.

"Let's go out of town."

With the lightness skills of the few of them, it was easy to get out of the city when fighting.If they can't find them in Jinling City, then they must have gone outside the city.But this is just Yun Qing's speculation, I hope they are not outside the city, but in Jinling City.Otherwise, it would be so late, and if the two of them were injured outside the city, there would be many beasts outside the city.

Thinking of this, Yun Qing quickly got up, "Let's go outside the city."

(End of this chapter)

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