The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

Chapter 396 A Poisonous Needle

Chapter 396 A Poisonous Needle (2)
Yun Qing and Bai Yue came to the gate of Jinling City.At this time, the gate of the city was closed.If you want to go out of the city, you have to wait until the city gate is opened early tomorrow morning.However, they don't have so much time to wait until tomorrow morning.Now, I can only take advantage of the night and take advantage of the slackness of the soldiers guarding the city gate to sneak past.

"Bai Yue, are you confident that you can pass by quietly?" Yun Qing is not worried at the height of the city gate, even if she doesn't have such good lightness skills as Chu Limo and Nangong Jin, she can easily pass by. past.But Bai Yue didn't know if she could do it.

"I can." Bai Yue said firmly, staring at the high city wall.

"Okay. Let's go there then." Yun Qing said.

The two stopped under a city wall that was not guarded by soldiers, and Yun Qing took out the silver whip made in the old West Railway Shop.The length of this silver whip can be stretched freely, about 100 meters long.When Yun Qing came over with the blueprints to make it, Chu Limo deliberately used thousand-year-old ice silk to make it.It is said that thousands of years of ice silk was born in extremely cold places, and it was constantly burned and chopped.To make this weapon, all of Chu Limo's ice silk thread was used.This weapon is a priceless treasure.

Usually it looks like a silver whip, but when it comes to impassable walls or cliffs, it is an excellent rope with a hook on it.With a light wave of Yun Qing, the end of the hook caught the city wall.Yun Qing held the other end with one hand and jumped lightly.People have reached the city wall.Yun Qing gestured to Bai Yue who was under the city to come up quickly.But it was a coincidence.Among the people Yun Qing knew, not only Bai Yue used a whip as a weapon, but also Chu Liyou and Feng Qingluan each used a whip to defend themselves, especially Feng Qingluan, who played with the whip really well.But more often, when encountering fights, Bai Yue and Chu Liyou would still use swords.

Bai Yue didn't delay, she saw Bai Yue leaped lightly and flew onto the city wall.It is indeed a great thing to have lightness kung fu, especially if you have practiced lightness kung fu so well.

The two left the city quietly.It was dark now, dark.Fortunately, the night pearls on the two of them were brought out.No need to bring a torch or light a lamp, just take out the luminous pearl and light up the road ahead.

The two had no horses, so they had to walk outside the city to find them.

"Chu Limo...Nangong Jin...where are you..."


The shouts of the two echoed in the woods.The two were shouting as they walked.Now there is no other way but to call them and hope they can hear.The two walked further and further into the depths of the woods.

The two took a photo of the Ye Mingzhu and shouted loudly. Chu Limo and Nangong Jin were not found in the wilderness, but they attracted the screams of many wild animals.In front of them, many things with green light came towards them.

"Be careful, we are being targeted." Yun Qing took out a self-defense dagger and looked around the forest vigilantly.When the two of them appeared in the wilderness at this time, they would definitely attract hungry beasts.When Bai Yue heard this, she also drew out the sword at her waist, and stared at the woods vigilantly.

"Let's go quickly." Yun Qing pulled Bai Yue back.Yun Qing watched them getting closer in the green light.This is a pack of hungry beasts.I didn't expect that I didn't find anyone, but I was so unlucky to encounter these things.

"What should I do? There seem to be more and more of them." Bai Yue anxiously stared at the place where there were more and more green lights.Did they break into the wolf's den?
"Get ready. Let's fight out." Yun Qing said coldly on his cold face.The dagger in hand is ready.

(End of this chapter)

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