The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

Chapter 397 A Poisonous Needle

Chapter 397 A Poisonous Needle (3)
The wild beast had already approached the two of them, and it was only after taking a photo with the Ye Mingzhu that it turned out to be wolves, and it was a pack of wolves, about ten of them.The pack of wolves didn't know how long it had been since they had eaten. When they saw Yun Qing and Bai Yue, they looked hungry.

Wolves are afraid of fire, but they have no fire in their hands.These wolves were getting closer and closer to the two of them, and these wolves were very smart to surround them in a tight circle.

"Yunqing, what should we do?"

"It's better to strike first. Kill them." Yun Qing said.

She didn't want to kill or kill animals, but if these things want to die, don't blame her.

After the words fell, Yun Qing's dagger had already stabbed a wolf's neck, and Yun Qing's movements were very agile.Killed with one blow.It's just that just after killing this one, the other ones took the opportunity to attack, and the other one even bit Yun Qing's arm.Yun Qing was in pain, and her hand was ruthless, she pulled out the dagger, and slashed into the chest of the wolf that bit her.Blood flowed all over the place.On Bai Yue's side, she also killed a wolf with a sword.

The pack of wolves seemed to have seen the two kill their companions.The attack became more ferocious.

Yun Qing and Bai Yue kept hacking and killing.After only a while, their clothes were already stained with blood. This blood not only belonged to them, but also belonged to the pack of wolves.After half a stick of incense, all ten or so wolves were killed by the swords of Yun Qing and Bai Yue.But at the same time, the two of them also suffered some injuries.Yun Qing's arm was bitten.Bai Yue's arm was also bitten a few times.

Seeing all the fallen wolves, the two women suddenly looked at each other and smiled.Never thought that one day, the two of them would fight side by side.

"How are you doing?"

The two asked in unison.After speaking, the two smiled again.

"Okay, let's go quickly." Yun Qing said.Chu Limo and Nangong Jin's whereabouts are still unknown.

Yun Qing and Bai Yue searched all night, and at dawn they found Chu Limo and Nangong Jin in a cave.When they found them, Chu Limo was healing Nangong Jinyun Gong.

"Nangong Jin." Seeing the injured Nangong Jin, Baiyue rushed into the cave regardless of her wounds and blood.

Chu Limo opened his eyes and adjusted his breath.Seeing the blood stains on Yun Qing's body and the tattered clothes on his arm, he quickly got up, "Qingqing, you are injured." Suddenly Chu Limo's eyes turned cold, "Qi Mingyang hurt you. What happened to Qi Rong?" work."

"It's none of Qi Rong's business. It's you, how are you?" Yun Qing asked.Chu Limo's body is still highly poisonous, and he should not easily use his internal strength to heal people's injuries too much, but judging from the appearance just now, Chu Limo spent a whole night talking about Nangong Jin's injury.Yun Qing looked at the unconscious Nangong Jin again and asked, "What's going on? How did Nangong Jin get hurt?"

It stands to reason that Nangong Jin's martial arts are not bad, he may not be able to beat Qi Mingyang, but he won't be injured like this!
"I'm fine. Qingqing, don't worry." Although she talked about Nangong Jin's injury all night, it didn't make him exhausted.

"Nangong Jin, wake up." Bai Yue shouted.

"How could Nangong Jin be injured? Aren't you in the Qi Mansion? Why did you come here?" Yun Qing asked.

"In order to delay Qi Mingyang, we fought all the way from Qi Mansion to the outside of the city. Who knows that Qi Mingyang knew that he was not my opponent, so he shot Nangong Jin with a poisonous needle. Nangong Jin didn't dodge it, and got poisoned." When Chu Limo said this, he glanced at Nangong Jin again, gritted his teeth and said, "There is poison in the poisonous needle. I have forced out the poisonous needle for him to suppress the poison, but there is no antidote to detoxify Nangong Jin's life."

It never occurred to him that this bastard Nangong Jin just watched the excitement, and he didn't even have the slightest sense of defense.Got poisoned by Qi Mingyang.

"What? Nangong Jin got hit by a poisonous needle." When Bai Yue heard this, she became anxious and shouted: "Nangong Jin, wake up, you can't die, you haven't married me yet. You can't die. You If I die, I will not live."

Nangong Jin, who was being shaken by Bai Yue, woke up from a coma, "Even if I don't die from the poison, I will be killed by you."

"Nangong Jin, you finally woke up." Bai Yue cried.Tears all fell on Nangong Jin's body.

Chu Limo and Yun Qing also looked over.Chu Limo said: "You are still the young master of the East China Sea, a famous miracle doctor. This is your fate."

Nangong Jin snorted, "When I'm well, I'll prick him hundreds of times with poisonous needles."

"Okay, stop talking nonsense. Now that you're awake, tell me if you still have the antidote on your body. If not, write a prescription for the antidote yourself." Chu Limo said.

"Where is the detoxification pill? You think that thing is sugar. You can make it if you say it. This poison is secreted by Qi Mingyang, and I am a patient now." Nangong Jin looked at Chu Limo and the others, " I have entrusted this life to you." After finishing speaking, he fainted heavily.

"Nangong Jin..." Yun Qing shouted.

"Nangong Jin... wake up!" Bai Yue shouted anxiously.But no matter how she shouted, Nangong Jin didn't wake up this time.

"We can only find an antidote for Nangong Jin if we go back to the city," Yun Qing said.Yun Qing had already sent a signal to the city when he saw Chu Limo and Nangong Jin in the cave.But when they see the signal, their people will come to pick them up, otherwise they would not be able to walk to the city on foot now.With the addition of her and Bai Yue's blood all over her body, if she wanted to enter the city, it would definitely cause a sensation.So, they can only wait here now.

Nangong Jin had some disinfectants on her body.But there was no such detoxification pill, otherwise Chu Limo wouldn't have needed to heal him.

Chu Limo took the disinfectant medicine from Nangong Jin's body, gently disinfected Yunqing, and sprinkled some medicine powder to bandage it.

"Qingqing, how did you get this injury?" Chu Limo looked at the blood stains on the two of them, and the other two had wounds on their bodies.

"It's the wolves."

Yun Qing briefly talked about the encounter with wolves in the woods.

After Yun Qing sterilized the poison and bandaged the wound, she took the medicine and bandaged Bai Yue again, "Don't worry, with us here, Nangong Jin will be fine."

Yun Qing didn't believe that Nangong Jin's life would be so short, he would die.

As the saying goes: the scourge lasts for thousands of years.

Nangong Jin and Chu Limo belong to this type of people: a millennium disaster!
Therefore, the millennium scourge will not die so easily.

(End of this chapter)

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