The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

Chapter 400 Who Is Hallucinating Yun Qing

Chapter 400 Who Is Hallucinating Yun Qing (3)
"Nangong Jin! You're finally awake." Bai Yue called in the next room.For the convenience of taking care of her, Chu Limo placed Nangong Jin next door to Yunqing.Hearing Bai Yue's voice, the two hurried to the next door.

"Nangong Jin, you finally woke up. Do you know that you have been in a coma for a day and a night. I'm almost worried to death." Bai Yue's voice.

"I'm not going to die so easily." Nangong Jin raised his eyebrows in a weak voice.Seeing Chu Limo and Yun Qing coming in, he curled his lips and said, "I've only been poisoned a little bit, and you haven't found the antidote yet." After speaking, he looked at Bai Yue and Yun Qing, and shouted With a voice, "Wicked girl, Yun Qing, what the hell are you doing? It's fine if I'm poisoned, but you two also look sick. Especially you, Yun Qing. Why do you look so ugly."

Yun Qing was taken aback by Nangong Jin's words, "Does my face look ugly?" At most, she and Bai Yue were bitten by wolves, a small wound, and they looked sickly.

"It's ugly to death. It's even uglier than this poisoned man. What did you do? Didn't you just go to a forbidden place? How did you end up like this?" Nangong Jin leaned against the bed and pouted.

Yun Qing took a look at Nangong Jin, "It's not because you were poisoned. Bai Yue and I went out of the city in the middle of the night to look for you, and met wolves. I was bitten when I fought with wolves. Look at Bai Yue's arms for you. I was bitten by a wolf a few times."

Upon hearing this, Nangong Jin looked at the bandaged wounds on Bai Yue and Yun Qing's arms, "Wicked girl, you are so stupid!"

"It's good that you know. Don't abandon me anymore." Bai Yue said.This wound is really nothing.

"By the way, do you know how to detoxify yourself?" Yun Qing said.Nangong Jin is known as a genius doctor, so he is already awake, so this poison should not trouble him, right?
"My lord is a patient." Nangong Jin said: "Qi Mingyang should have the antidote, but I probably can't get it. I just remembered that there is a detoxifying snow lotus in the Xiyue Imperial Palace."

So what Nangong Jin meant was to ask them to go to the Xiyue Palace to get the snow lotus to save him.

"Then can Snow Lotus undo the 'Unfeeling Gu'?" Yun Qing said.Since the snow lotus can detoxify, can it also detoxify Chu Limo from the unfeeling Gu poison?

But soon the hope that had just been ignited was shattered by Nangong Jin's words. Nangong Jin raised his eyebrows and said: "If I can really solve it, have I spent so many years looking for the antidote?" It is the most strange poison in the world, and it is rumored that there is no medicine to cure it. The medicine of snow lotus has no problem in curing ordinary poisons, but it is impossible to cure the unfeeling Gu."

If the snow lotus could be solved, they would have gone to the Xiyue Palace to take out the snow lotus a few years ago, so there is no need to wait until now.

Knowing that Xuelian can cure Nangong Jin's poison, they don't have to go to Qi Rong anymore.But what about the Xiyue Palace?It doesn't seem to be so easy to get in.

"Let's go to the Xiyue Palace to help you get the snow lotus." Yun Qing turned around and left after speaking.But at this moment, his mind went blank, and he fell to the ground.



Suddenly, the room became chaotic.

"Hurry up and put her on the bed." Poor Nangong Jin was still poisoned, and he didn't care about the poison on his body, so he got up from the bed and gave the bed to Yun Qing who passed out.

Regardless of her own body, Nangong Jin quickly felt Yun Qing's pulse, Nangong Jin kept frowning, "It's strange, why is there a rush of energy in her body?"

(End of this chapter)

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