The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

Chapter 401 Who Is Hallucinating Yun Qing

Chapter 401 Who Is Hallucinating Yun Qing (4)
"What's wrong with Yunqing?" Bai Yue said anxiously.A good person, why suddenly passed out.

Nangong Jin took the pulse, turned around and looked at Chu Limo, "First, she was not poisoned, and second, she was not seriously injured. But there is a strange breath running around in her body, as if it wants to break out. But that qi seemed to be sealed and couldn't get out no matter what. This caused her to pass out."

"Then what happened to Yunqing." Nangong Jin's words made Bai Yue a little confused. First, he was not poisoned, and second, he was not seriously injured.No, Yun Qing was bitten by wolves just like her.Thinking of this, Bai Yue lifted Yun Qing's sleeves and took a look, and all the people present were stunned.

"How did this happen? Didn't the wound on her hand take medicine? How did it become like this?"

The moment she lifted Yun Qing's sleeves, Bai Yue was startled.Yun Qing's wound bitten by a wolf was severely inflamed, and there was a wave of black energy flying around the wound.

"My son said why her face is so ugly, so the problem is here. Quickly bring my ice butterfly." Nangong Jin shouted.Wuqing was outside. Hearing the shout, he hurriedly went to Yunqing's room to get the ice butterfly.Quickly took the ice butterfly over.

"You two help catch her, don't let her move around." Nangong Jin looked at Chu Limo and Bai Yue and said.The two did as they did and grabbed Yun Qing's hand.Nangong Jin put the ice butterfly that was not dormant on Yun Qing's black arm, and as soon as the ice butterfly touched Yun Qing's hand, she stabbed Yun Qing with something, and Yun Qing struggled in pain .I saw the ice butterfly attached to Yun Qing's arm, and the black energy slowly began to dissipate.

"What's going on here?" Seeing this, Bai Yue asked in surprise.It's incredible.

Nangong Jin said: "It's the effect of the wolf blood. She was bitten by a wolf, and the wolf blood remained in the wound. I don't know if something strange in her body touched the wolf blood, and she became like this. I think the aura in her body that wanted to break out just now is because the wolf blood has merged into her blood."

"Then I was also bitten by a wolf, why am I fine?" Bai Yue felt very strange.

"If you have the same problem as Yun Qing, I won't die from exhaustion if I want to save you two." Nangong Jin raised his eyebrows.Bai Yue saw that the ice butterfly seemed to be sucking away the black energy in Yun Qing's hand, and said softly, "What kind of treasure are you, the ice butterfly, you can not only lead the way, but also absorb this black energy. What is the black air on Yun Qing's arm? Will something happen to your Bingdie."

Chu Limo also wanted to know what the black air on Qingqing's arm was.

"This ice butterfly has lived for hundreds of years. How could something happen. As for the black air on Yun Qing's arm, it was the wolf blood that was impacted in her body, causing her arm to become inflamed, and a black air stuck in her body It got into her blood, so it became like this. Now this black air must be sucked out, so that she will be fine." Nangong Jin explained.

Nangong Jin squinted his eyes and looked at Yun Qing: Who is she?What are you carrying in your body?Thinking of this, I couldn't help but think of the words of Monk Lingyin, Yun Qing's blood can detoxify.Could it be that Yun Qing's blood and wolf's blood came into contact with each other?Could it be that the fusion of her blood and wolf blood created an impact, so that the arm became inflamed, and the place where the wolf bit it turned into a puff of black air, and only this explanation can make sense.

Chu Limo's eyes also sank, was it because Qingqing's hallucinations yesterday were because wolf blood had merged into Qingqing's blood?And what did Nangong Jin say about the aura in Qingqing's body that wanted to break through?
He used his internal strength to analyze last night, and he also discovered the inexplicable aura in Qingqing's body.But this breath is different from the internal force they practiced, but it seems that the breath of internal force is also very similar.But Qingqing has never practiced internal strength.The aura in Qingqing's body doesn't seem to be forcibly punched in, but it seems to be born with it.Nangong Jin also said just now that Qingqing's aura seemed to be sealed.Then, who sealed the breath in Qingqing's body?
Where did Qing Qing come from?

Bai Yue nodded half understanding.Watching the ice butterfly suck out the black air from Yun Qing's arm bit by bit.

The ice butterfly finished sucking the black air, flapped its wings, and fell asleep in Nangong Jin's palm.

"Okay, let her rest for a while, she will be fine after the black air is sucked out. Also, you have to be careful not to let her wound get inflamed." Nangong Jin put the ice butterfly into the box.Sighed lightly, "It's all right now, I don't know how long this ice butterfly will sleep this time." After speaking, Nangong Jin looked at Bai Yue again, "And you, don't let the wound become inflamed Otherwise, I will not have Bingdie to save you."

In fact, Nangong Jin knew that Bai Yue's hand bitten by a wolf was not like Yun Qing's at all, he was just caring about Bai Yue in a different way.

After finishing speaking, Nangong Jinlei's half life is almost gone.Poor himself is still a poisoned patient?I really don't know what evil he did to meet these uneasy people.

Nangong Jin pointed to Chu Limo and said, "Hurry up and find Xuelian for me!"

(End of this chapter)

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