The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

Chapter 402 Lost snow lotus in Xiyue Palace

Chapter 402 Lost snow lotus in Xiyue Palace (1)
Cloud House.

Chu Limo carried Yun Qing back to his room to rest.The room was returned to Nangong Jin who was still poisoned.

Nangong Jin woke up, the toxicity was suppressed for a while and everything would be fine, Bai Yue felt relieved a lot.Instead, seeing Yun Qing suddenly changed into such a worried face.But Bai Yue has been guarding Nangong Jin's side to take care of her for a whole day and night without rest, and her eyes are already red.Shuangshuang changed Bai Yue's medicine at the side, and Nangong Jin ordered Bai Yue to go to sleep now.This was the first time Nangong Jin cared about herself. Bai Yue really listened to Nangong Jin's words and went to sleep obediently.And Yun Qing was temporarily watched by Shuangshuang.

Chu Limo walked out of the room and came to the next door.

"I knew you had something to ask. But you already had something wrong with Yun Qing, didn't you?" Nangong Jin was lying on the bed in a weak state.To be honest, Qi Mingyang's poison is indeed powerful.

"Qingqing had some abnormalities yesterday, hallucinated and said some nonsense. But after waking up, Qingqing didn't remember anything."

"Don't worry. The black air on Yun Qing's arm has been sucked out by Bingdie. I also checked her pulse just now, and the rushing breath in her body is gone."

"No breath?" Chu Limo stared at Nangong Jin.

"Well, this is also what I find very strange. Once the black air on her body is exhausted, that breath is gone." Nangong Jin said mysteriously: "Who do you think Yun Qing is? Or, she is Not human?"

"Nan, Gong, Jin," Chu Limo gritted his teeth.

"Okay, okay, okay, I was wrong, but I'm really curious about who Yun Qing is? You should know that my son's ice butterfly is the treasure of the East China Sea. It has lived for hundreds of years. It's not easy for people to bear it, but just now Yun Qing only felt a little pain, but after that, she didn't feel anything at all."

Now Nangong Jin only needs to think of when Bingdie helped Yun Qing suck that black energy, Yun Qing didn't even cry out in pain.He wasted his expression in vain, and let Bai Yue and Chu Limo grab her.Who knew that Yun Qing was fine.

"Can Qingqing's situation still happen?" Chu Limo asked.This was the main question he came here to ask Nangong Jin.As for who is Qingqing?Or to say: He doesn't care about whether Qingqing is human or not, because no matter who Qingqing is, Qingqing is just his Qingqing.

"No." Nangong Jin replied with certainty this time: "It hasn't happened to Yunqing in the past 16 years, which means that the aura in her body will not break through. As for Yunqing's attack this time, it should be the wolf. The role of blood. You also know that Lingyin said that Yun Qing’s blood is peculiar. It should be that her blood and wolf’s blood had conflicted, and it became like this. Now that the wolf’s blood has been sucked out, Yun Qing will not It will relapse. As for what you said just now that Yunqing had hallucinations, it should be caused by the breath running around in her body, and she couldn't bear it all at once. Now she is fine." Nangong Jin seemed to think of something Suddenly sadly said: "It's just my son's ice butterfly! I don't know how long it will take to sleep this time before waking up."

"Thank you this time." Chu Limo ignored Nangong Jin's pretended sadness, and said thank you for the first time.

Hearing this thank you, Nangong Jin instantly stopped being sad, raised his eyebrows and said: "If you really want to thank me, you should go to the Xiyue Palace and bring the snow lotus to me. If you drag it on, I will leave it to you." Going to die of poison."

Just after saying thank you, Chu Limo changed his face the next second, and said coldly: "With me here, I won't let you die."

(End of this chapter)

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