The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

Chapter 407 Yuhen has medicine 3 requirements

Chapter 407 Yuhen has medicine three requirements (2)
Yun Qing gritted his teeth angrily, this Nangong Jin must have done it on purpose.It was on purpose.It's enough to spread Nangong Jin!

Fortunately, Chu Limo is not here now, and Bai Yue is not here because she is cooking medicine in the kitchen, otherwise, if she heard what Nangong Jin said, she would not be so angry.

"You wait for me, it's best not to die." Yun Qing looked at Nong Yue again and said, "Watch him." Then Yun Qing slammed the door out angrily.Yun Qing was so angry because he was angered by that bastard Nangong Jin.Qi returns to Qi, but I still have to find Xuelian for Nangong Jin.

Just as Yun Qing slammed the door out angrily, when she was about to reach the flower hall, Bai Yue came over with the boiled medicine.For the time being, there was no way to relieve the snow lotus on Nangong Jin's body, so Nongyue could only prescribe some medicine to help him temporarily suppress it.No, Bai Yue has become a little girl, and she has to do the cooking of medicine herself.

"Yunqing, you are back. Did Xuelian get it?"

"I didn't get the snow lotus. Don't worry, we will definitely get the snow lotus to cure Nangong Jin's poison." Yun Qing said.

While the two were talking, Shuangshuang hurried over to report: "Miss, Yuhen is here."

Yuhen is here!Yun Qing frowned, thinking secretly: What is Yuhen doing here at this time?She had told Yuhen a long time ago that they could not be friends if they disagreed and did not conspire with each other.

"No see!" Yun Qing said.

Now that I've made it clear, there's no need to meet.

"Yes. I understand, I'll go report now." Shuangshuang responded and withdrew.

"Yunqing, what's the matter with Xu Yuhen? That's it..." Seeing Shuangshuang leave, Bai Yue said.What's more, Yuhen is the prince of a country, and he came to the door in person, isn't it too good not to see him?
"The medicine is getting cold soon." Yun Qing reminded.Only then did Bai Yue look at the medicine she was still holding in her hand, "I'll go there first."

Regarding Yuhen's visit, Yun Qing didn't have any superfluous reaction.She believed that Shuangshuang would handle it well.When Yun Qing came to the flower hall, Chu Limo was giving instructions to Wu Qing, when he saw Yun Qing coming, Chu Limo waved his hand to make Wu Qing retreat.

"How is Nangong Jin?"

Yun Qing frowned and said: "It's still the same. With the medicine to make the moon last, he should last for two days. By the way, I just heard that you asked Wu Qing to go to the palace. You don't mean Let Wuqing go to the palace to steal medicine?"

The two of them went out in person and didn't take the snow lotus out of the Xiyue Palace, so it's okay to go alone ruthlessly?Having said that, Emperor Xiyue is already prepared.

Chu Limo smiled charmingly, "No, Wuqing is going to do another thing. Qingqing just wait and see the good show."

Let Wuqing go to Xiyue Palace to do another thing?There is still excitement to watch, Yun Qing looks at Chu Limo with scrutinizing eyes, this guy can't really send Wuqing to set fire to the Xiyue Palace, right?
At this time, I saw Shuangshuang hurried over again.

"Master, Miss." Shuangshuang said respectfully.

Yun Qing looked at Shuangshuang who was in a hurry, frowned and said, "What happened?"

Shuangshuang replied: "Yuhen said he has something we want."

"What?" Yun Qing stood up from his seat in a daze.Hastily said: "What about others."

Shuangshuang glanced at Chu Limo, then shifted her gaze to Yun Qing, and replied without changing Yuhen's words: "Yuhen said, if you want something, I want you to go to the Prince's Mansion to find him in person. When the time comes, he will naturally offer things with both hands."

"He thinks well." Chu Limo's face was gloomy.Chu Limo looked at Yun Qing, "Qingqing, Yuhen's words are not trustworthy, I won't allow you to go." It was obvious that Yuhen wanted to make a big fuss about this matter, and even wanted to put some conditions on Qingqing.

(End of this chapter)

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