The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

Chapter 408 Yuhen has medicine 3 requirements

Chapter 408 Yuhen has medicine three requirements (3)
"No, what about Nangong Jin?"

Prince's mansion.

In the end, Yun Qing still couldn't let Nangong Jin's life go, and came to Yuhen's mansion.Of course, Chu Limo would not let Yun Qing come to Yuhen's mansion alone.Naturally also followed.

Yun Qing and Chu Limo were here last time, and the janitor of Yuhen Mansion also recognized them. When they saw them appearing at the door, they were respectful, and the steward of Yuhen Mansion had already greeted them outside. , Thinking about it, Yuhen had expected that they would definitely come.

"Please, both of you." The steward of Yuhen Mansion said respectfully.He led the two into the flower hall, served tea, and the person in charge withdrew.

"What trick do you want to play?" As soon as he entered the door, Chu Limo sat down as if in his own home, looked at Yuhen and snorted.

Yuhen smiled lightly and said, "What kind of tricks can I play in front of Mr. Yechen? But why should Mr. Yechen be so nervous? It's just that I don't seem to have invited Mr. Yechen to come with you. Mr. Yechen didn't invite me Come on." After speaking, Yuhen looked at Yun Qing, "Who made Miss Yun always reject Yuhen? Yuhen really wants to make friends with Miss Yunqing."

"You said you have what I want in your hand." Yun Qing looked at Yuhen and said directly.

"Yes. I heard that Miss Yunqing and Mr. Yechen went to the palace and returned empty-handed. Presumably they didn't get what they wanted. It just happened that what Miss Yunqing wanted, Yuhen also had a plant in her hand. .”

After Yuhen finished speaking, Yun Qing stared at Yuhen. They had just left the palace, and Yuhen got the news. It seemed that Yuhen saw everything they said and did in the palace.

"I don't know what price the prince wants to sell us." Yun Qing said.She didn't believe that Yuhen would give the snow lotus to them for nothing.There is no such thing as a free lunch.

"As long as Miss Yunqing agrees to Yuhen's three requests, Xuelian Yuhen will deliver it immediately."

"Yuhen! Why do you think that my son will agree to your request." Chu Limo stared at Yuhen coldly and said angrily.

Yuhen ignored Chu Limo's anger, instead, he looked at Yun Qing and said with a smile: "Miss Yun Qing, one snow lotus plant, one life. In exchange for Miss Yun Qing's three requirements, Miss Yun Qing, you won't suffer from this deal of."

"Oh!" Yun Qing smiled lightly, "What are the three requests from His Highness the Crown Prince? Could you please tell me."

"Qingqing, I can't promise him."

"It doesn't matter if we listen to His Highness the Crown Prince." Yun Qing smiled, and then looked at Yuhen, "A snow lotus, why do you think I will agree to your three requests, Prince? Even if I agree, you, Prince Are you not afraid that I will cheat in the future?"

"I know...Miss Yunqing will definitely agree. Nangong Jin's in Miss Yunqing's hands. As for the issue of Miss Yunqing's cheating in the future. Yuhen believes that Miss Yunqing is a trustworthy person .”

"Tell me. What are your three requirements." Yun Qing's tone turned cold.She hates people threatening her the most.However, for the sake of Nangong Jin, she endured it for the time being.

Yuhen smiled suddenly, "The first request is that I hope Miss Yunqing can let go of her prejudice against Yuhen and treat Yuhen as a friend. Naturally, we are friends. I hope Yunqing will stop calling you a prince, call My name is fine. I will call you Yun Qing in the future. As for the latter two, I haven’t thought of it yet, and I’ll talk about it when I think of it.”

"It's that simple." Yun Qing stared at Yuhen.

"It's that simple." Yuhen said.They clapped their hands, and immediately, Akabane came over with an exquisite box in his hand, Yuhen said: "This is the snow lotus you want, Yunqing."

Akabane handed the snow lotus to Yun Qing, Yun Qing took it, opened it, and it was indeed a snow lotus.It's just that he didn't expect that Yuhen would give it to her so easily.

After leaving Yuhen's mansion, Chu Limo looked at Yun Qing with a cold face and dissatisfied: "Qingqing, why did you agree to Yuhen's request? He just has no good intentions."

Yun Qing smiled, "Saving Nangong Jin's life is the most important thing now. We got the snow lotus now, let's take it back and let Nangong Jin eat it. As for agreeing to Yuhen's three requests, if he makes some unreasonable things at that time As for the conditions, I’ll just play tricks. Even if the day comes and I can’t get rid of it, aren’t you still here?”

Only then did Chu Limo smile with satisfaction, nodded Yunqing's nose, and said domineeringly: "Qingqing, you are mine, and I will not allow anyone to take you away. I will not allow anyone to take your idea. Whoever dares to fight with you If I clear it up, I'll kill him."

It's just that Yun Qing never thought that agreeing to Yuhen's three requests today would make them fall into love-hate entanglement for the rest of their lives, and they would never die!
(End of this chapter)

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