Chapter 412
The streets of Jinling City can be described as extremely noisy. Early in the morning, stalls, acrobats, and shops opened their doors and started business.

Then, Chu Limo's words: After finishing talking, go shopping in the street, and then it's weird, they really went shopping together in the street.

"Yun Qing, what the hell are they doing!" Bai Yue asked softly in Yun Qing's ear.

Yun Qing shook her head. Can she say that she doesn't know what these people are doing?
Originally, it was Chu Limo and Yuhen, but now it is better, and Nangong Jin is added. The three of them together, the picture is indescribably weird.

However, by the way, didn't Chu Limo always dislike Yuhen?How could he even go shopping with Yuhen at this moment.Unfortunately, these two people seem to be competing for something, Nangong Jin also ran to join in the fun, aren't you afraid to wait for those two people to kill him?

"Let's see what the hell they are going to do." Yun Qing said softly.He and Bai Yue walked behind the three of them.

"Yeah." Bai Yue nodded and looked at the people in front of her.

But when the three of them appeared together on the streets of Jinling City, they fascinated a large number of women, causing people to scream incessantly, causing quite a stir.Especially Yuhen and Nangong Jin, who appeared on the street with their true colors, their monstrous faces made the women on the street scream.They gathered around one after another.Chu Limo was fine.He has always deliberately dressed up as an uncle in Xiyue.Those women may all prefer handsome young men like Yuhen and Nangong Jin, and they don't have a good impression of "uncles" like Chu Limo.

Then, I saw a more spectacular scene, I saw Nangong Jin and Yuhen surrounded by women on the street.Then, Chu Limo was squeezed out by the crowd.But Yuhen and Nangong Jin were surrounded by the crowd.

"Who is it... don't touch my face."



Then, there was Nangong Jin's screams on the street.But there was no trace of Yuhen's voice.

"Get out of the all get out of the way." Bai Yue rushed up and shouted loudly when she heard Nangong Jin screaming so miserable.But there are too many people, no matter how hard Bai Yue squeezes in, she can't squeeze in.Only Nangong Jin's screams could be heard one after another.

"Look at you, you're happy now." Yun Qing looked at the person in front of him, curled his lips and said.Just when she left the house, Nangong Jin was tricked like this.It's just that he heard Nangong Jin's voice but no Yuhen's voice, Yun Qing felt a little strange.

"Who made him stupid." Chu Limo smiled and said, "Qingqing, let's go."

Yun Qing looked at Nangong Jin who was surrounded by people and had eaten a lot of tofu, and curled his lips, "It doesn't matter whether he lives or dies."

"He can't suffer." Chu Limo said.Pull up Yunqing and walk in the direction of another street.

"It's better to be together!" At some point, Yuhen suddenly appeared in front of Chu Limo and Yun Qing, with a gentle smile on his face.

Yun Qing was startled for a moment, what's going on?Wasn't Yuhen surrounded by these women just like Nangong Jin?What's more, she saw clearly just now that the jade mark didn't come out at all, but was surrounded inside all the time.

"Illusion really deserves its reputation. It seems that it is better than that old man Wuchen." Chu Limo snorted.

Illusion!Yuhen actually knows illusion.No wonder the news that was able to disappear quietly from so many people just now has not been noticed by anyone, even she has not noticed.However, she also heard from her master in her previous life that it is very difficult to learn illusion, and it requires a strong and firm willpower, and using illusion requires a lot of skill, but in front of people with strong martial arts, those who use illusion are supportive. It won't be long, because it is easy for people to find out their own flaws, and thus be killed with one blow.Therefore, ordinary people would not easily use illusion.Unless it's an emergency.

(End of this chapter)

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