Chapter 413
Yuhen smiled and said nothing.

Over there, Nangong Jin also finally broke free from the crowd.As soon as he broke free, Nangong Jin ran away quickly.The girls in Jinling City are really tough!

The illusion of Yuhen among the women over there will not catch up for a while.Seeing this, several people hurriedly left the street.

Finally, on a quiet street, Nangong Jin stopped.Yun Qing's laughing and joking voice came from behind, "Nangong Jin, you are so blessed!" Look at the smell of rouge on Nangong Jinna's body and the hickey marks left on his face and clothes, this Jinling City Girls are indeed stronger.

"Hurry up and wash it, it's so dirty." Chu Limo pointed to a river next to the street with a disgusted expression on his face, which meant that you jumped down quickly to wash off the smell on your body and come up.

"Dirty! How dare you despise me for being dirty? If you two hadn't used illusions together, would I have been trapped? Can those women act like crazy?" Thinking of those disgusting women groping on him, he I was so sick I wanted to vomit.It's not good where these two people compete, but they have to be on the street, and they have provoked such a group of women.Whoever he provoked provoked him.

After hearing Nangong Jin's complaint, Yun Qing looked at Chu Limo and Yuhen with curious eyes, it turned out that these two people performed the illusion together.Did she really think that the women in Jinling City were extremely powerful?
However, both of them know illusion?Chu Limo seems to have hated Yuhen a long time ago. Every time they meet, the two seem to have a secret rivalry. Could it be that there are other interesting stories in it.

"You're stupid, and you're ashamed to blame others." Chu Limo gave Nangong Jin a white look, and looked at Nangong Jin with disgust, a distance away from Nangong Jin.

"It's indeed quite dirty, so let's hurry up and wash this body clean." Yun Qing answered.Otherwise, if Bai Yue sees it later, I don't know what will happen to Bai Yue's barbaric temperament.But Nangong Jin will definitely be repaired miserably.Then Yun Qing took a look, where did Bai Yue go, and why hasn't she followed up.

"Yun Qing, even you bullied me with them, I'm dead..."

"Okay, okay, the front is drunk and dreamy, you hurry up and change into clean clothes. We still have things to do." Yun Qing said.Then looking at Yuhen, she didn't know what Yuhen wanted to do, but she had other things to do, and she didn't have time to go shopping with them.Yun Qingdao: "Yuhen, you came here so early in the morning, presumably not to have breakfast, let alone go shopping together. I don't know what you have to do. But the first thing I promised you, I also agreed." It's already been done, but if you want to be friends, then, shouldn't you be sincere and don't follow us anymore." This way, she would feel that Yuhen did all this just to know their whereabouts.


"We are very busy now, so we don't have time to go shopping with you. If you want to go shopping, I think there will be many people willing to accompany you." Yun Qing interrupted Yuhen.She doesn't have the mind to go shopping at all right now, what she wants to do now is to rescue her mother from the forbidden area of ​​Qi Mansion, kill Qi Mingyang, and get Li Hun San.And when Yuhen Xuelian and her exchanged three conditions, what existed between them was a deal, since it was a deal, it was impossible to become real friends.

"Yunqing..." Yuhen wanted to shout again, but Yunqing had already moved away from Chuli Mo Nangong Jin.Yuhen's gentle eyes sank: Yunqing, why can't you look back at me and try to believe me for once.You are willing to believe even Yechen, why can't you try to believe me once, you must know that I will not hurt you!
(End of this chapter)

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