Chapter 414
Drunk life and dream death.

Yun Qing ordered someone to bring a bucket of water, and asked Nangong Jin to quickly clean up the smell of his body.Nangong Jin lived here for a while, and his room and clothes are still kept here.

"What about others." Yun Qing looked at Shuangshuang and said indifferently.

"This is the box sent by Mr. Qi." Shuangshuang handed the box to Yunqing.Yun Qing opened it and saw that it was a key.It was the key that could open the box that her mother held in her hand.This Qi Rong is more reliable in doing things.It took a few days to get the key.There was also a letter inside, and Yun Qing and Chu Limo burned the letter after reading it.

"Order to go down and act tomorrow night." Chu Limo said.

"Yes." Shuangshuang took the order.

Yun Qing took a look at Zui Sheng Meng Sui, and said softly: "We are about to leave Xiyue, have you thought about how to deal with Zui Sheng Meng Sui?"

Once they leave here and Qi Mingyang finds out what happened in the forbidden area, Qi Mingyang will definitely come to search drunk and dreamy, and he will definitely take the opportunity to destroy this place.It would be a pity if this fine brothel was destroyed.

"Don't worry Qingqing, with Qi Rong here, this building will be fine."

Yun Qing looked at Chu Limo with raised eyebrows, "You seem to trust Qi Rong very much." Now that Yun Qing was thinking about what Chu Limo had said to her back then, she became even more suspicious. What kind of relationship exists between people?
"Does Qingqing want to know about our relationship? If Qingqing wants to know, I can tell Qingqing." Chu Limo said: "Qi Rong and Yuhen are the apprentices of old man Wuchen, Wuchen and Lingyin They are brothers from the same school. Many years ago, Wuchen and Lingyin had conflicts over something, and they had a fight in the West. Later, Lingyin went to Lingyin Temple to become a monk, and Wuchen lived in seclusion in the deep mountains and old forests. But at that time, it was said that the two had made an agreement to have a martial arts competition every three years, saying that it was to enhance the relationship between the brothers and sisters. Later, this martial arts competition fell on me, Yuhen and Qi Rong. Over the past ten years, Yuhen and I have fought more than a hundred times without winning or losing. The first time I met Qingqing was because I met Yuhen and competed with him. Both of us were seriously injured , Later, I inadvertently broke into Qingqing's courtyard."

After listening to Chu Limo's explanation, Yun Qing finally understood that these people were gone, no wonder she always felt that these people were weird.Like knowing, but also like not knowing.Like an enemy, but not like an enemy.It turned out that they were brothers in the same school.It's no wonder that every time they meet, it's a fire-splashing scene.However, it is too unreliable to have two masters like this to fight to enhance the relationship.The two of them are not afraid, whichever strikes ruthlessly and seriously injures the apprentice he has trained for more than ten years to death, then the gain will outweigh the loss.

"That Yuhen went to Dachu to find you for a martial arts competition. Does Yuhen know who you are?"

"He doesn't know, and he didn't come to me for a martial arts competition." Chu Limo's tone turned cold when he mentioned this, "For more than ten years, Yuhen has been looking for the so-called destined person in Wuchen's mouth. Yuhen went to Dachu He is looking for this destined person. It’s just that he happened to meet me. Qingqing, the one he’s looking for is you!”

"What?" Yun Qing was taken aback.

Yuhen looked for her.I have been looking for it for more than ten years.But she didn't know Yuhen at all before, why did Yuhen find her, and what happened to the so-called destined person?Yun Qing felt that she had fallen into a huge vortex.

"There is news from Da Chu that Yuhen's people have taken actions in Da Chu. Yuhen has sent someone to secretly monitor every move of Li Wangfu."

"Then he doubts your identity?" Yun Qing said.

"He should have secretly monitored the movement of Prince Li's Mansion after he got the news that you were given a marriage to me. If he really knew who I was, Jinling City would have been surrounded by now. Qingqing, we Get out of here quickly, I won't allow Yuhen to have your idea."

"Okay. Tomorrow night, we will act immediately and leave Xiyue." Yun Qing nodded.She also doesn't like being calculated by others, and even less like being the so-called destined person.

(End of this chapter)

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