The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

Chapter 415 Who are you in the trick

Chapter 415 Who are you in the trick (1)
The preparations in West Vietnam are ready, and the things that should be evacuated are ready within a day.And now they just had to wait for the night to fall.

In the Qi Mansion, the night was dark, and the silence was strangely eerie.Several figures moved quietly in Qi Mansion.The speed was too fast, like a gust of wind blowing by.

In this matter, Yun Qing only asked Qi Rong to help in secret, because he was afraid that if he was discovered, Qi Rong would not be involved.These days, Qi Rong's Qing sister and Aunt Yan have already treated Qi Rong as a friend.The most important thing is that Qi Rong is also Chu Limo's fellow apprentice.Therefore, she will not involve Qi Rong.

Outside the courtyard wall of Qi Mansion, Nangong Jin and Bai Yue were guarding outside, and a large carriage was parked outside the courtyard wall.

This time, Yun Qing and the others did not go down to the forbidden area through the secret passage in Qi Mingyang's room, but directly entered the forbidden area through the entrance of the rockery.Several people carefully avoided the patrolling guards in the mansion and came to the rockery.Yun Qing has been here several times, and he is very familiar with the road here.Soon, Yun Qing opened the entrance behind the rockery.Everyone entered carefully.

After a while, everyone has arrived at the center of the forbidden area.Yun Qing's mother's coffin was still placed there, and Yun Qing's mother was still lying quietly in the coffin.

Yun Qing looked at the woman in the coffin, and said softly: "Mother, Qing'er is here to pick you up. Qing'er will not let you stay here and suffer."

"Qingqing, don't be sad. With me here, we will definitely rescue mother safely, and there is Nangong Jin outside, so we will definitely save mother." Chu Limo stepped forward and said softly.Yun Qing nodded.

Yes, knowing that mother is still alive is more important to her than anything else.She believed that if uncles, aunts, and grandfathers knew that mother was still alive, they would be very happy.Now, what they have to do is to rescue mother from this place.

"Open the coffin." Chu Limo ordered.It is not advisable to stay in this forbidden area for a long time, they must take people out as quickly as possible.

Wuqing and others opened the lid of the crystal coffin. This crystal coffin is too heavy, and the exit in the secret passage is too narrow. It is not easy to go out with the coffin.Instead, it took too long to be discovered by Qi Mingyang's people.Opened the coffin.

Yun Qing looked at her mother who seemed to be sleeping peacefully, "Mother, don't be afraid! Qing'er is here to take you away."

As for Wang Luoyan, who was lying in the coffin, her closed eyes suddenly flickered because of Yun Qing's words, but only Yun Qing saw this scene.Seeing this scene, Yun Qing shouted excitedly: "Li Mo, did you see that mother moved her. Mother, did you hear what I said, right? You heard it, right? ?”

Hearing Yun Qing's words, Chu Limo also looked into the coffin, but the people in the coffin did not move at all.Chu Limo said: "Qingqing, you are wrong. It is not suitable to stay here for a long time, we have to leave here as soon as possible." Then Chu Limo gave a glance to the people beside him, "Be careful, don't hurt Madam."

All the actions were very fast, and several people quickly brought Wang Luoyan out of the forbidden area.Coming out of the rockery, Chu Limo and Yun Qing looked at the quiet Qi Mansion, and felt that the Qi Mansion seemed a little too quiet tonight.

"Everyone, be careful, something is wrong." Yun Qing looked at the strangely quiet Qi Mansion and said softly.

"Hahahaha..." Suddenly, a laugh came from the quiet Qi Mansion. Immediately, the whole Qi Mansion was brightly lit. I saw Qi Mingyang leading a group of guards coming over, blocking Yun Qing and others at the exit of the rockery At the place, Qi Mingyang said in a deep voice: "It's only now that I realize something is wrong, it's too late. Someone, come and arrest these people."

(End of this chapter)

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