Chapter 429
For the life of the master, as well as the lives of Mr. Nangong and his future wife.Even if he risked his life today, he must stop Yuhen.

"You think you can stop me." Yuhen snorted.Today, he must see Yun Qing.

In an instant, there was a fight outside the gate of Yunfu.Ruthless against Akabane, but no one stopped Yuhen, Yuhen directly entered Yunfu.Seeing Yuhen broke into the mansion like this, the ruthless sword struck fiercely.But Akabane is a close servant trained by Yuhen, and his martial arts are comparable to ruthless.For a moment, Wuqing was tightly entangled by Akabane.

Passing through the front hall, Yuhen came directly to the backyard where Yun Qing lived.Only Bai Yue and Nongyue are guarding here.Even if these two people join forces, they are not Yuhen's opponents.

"Stop! You are taking a step forward, don't blame the sword in my hand for being merciless." Nongyue drew out the sword in her hand and pointed at Yuhen as a warning.After fighting for their lives, they couldn't let Yuhen go in and disturb the masters.Even if this person is the prince of Xiyue.

Yuhen glanced at Bai Yue and Nongyue, "I never hit women easily. If you don't want to die, you'd better get out of the way."

"Don't even think about it!" Bai Yue and Nongyue stared at Yuhen and said in unison: "If you want to break in, kill us first."

Yuhen was holding a jade fan in his hand all the time, Yuhen's warm and jade-like pupils suddenly turned cold, and the jade fan moved slightly.A strong force shook the two of them apart, Yuhen was showing mercy.He didn't use all his strength, otherwise, the two of them would have already turned into two cold corpses.

What Nangong Jin said kept ringing in Bai Yue's ears: if someone breaks in and disturbs them during the treatment, all three of them will die.

Seeing that Yuhen has already stepped out.Bai Yue suddenly rushed over and wanted to hug Yuhen to prevent Yuhen from taking a step.But Yuhen saw Bai Yue's actions, and saw the jade fan in his hand move, and Bai Yue was hurt by Yuhen's true energy and flew out.But Bai Yue shouted loudly at the moment before Fei Luo went out: "You can't break in. You will kill them."

Hearing what Bai Yue shouted, Yuhen stopped suddenly.Yuhen's blow didn't kill him, but Bai Yue was still injured by Yuhen.

"Miss Bai Yue, how are you?" Bai Yue fell directly in front of Nongyue.

"I'm fine." Bai Yue looked at Yuhen, "If you break in like this, all three of them will die. You treat Yun Qing as a friend, do you want to kill Yun Qing? If you don't want to kill Yun Qing, you Just don't break in."

in the room.The two people in the room naturally heard such a big commotion outside the courtyard.

"Concentrate. I don't want to be killed by you."

Chu Limo looked at the woman in front of him, and there was only one thought in his mind, and that was that she could not die.

Six hours is so hard.Every minute and every second passed, Chu Limo only felt pain and discomfort all over his body.Because all the poison on Yun Qing's body was transferred to him.This is what Nangong Jin said about exchanging lives for lives.

When Yun woke up, it was already a day later.

The first time Yun Qing opened his eyes, he saw the figures of Bai Yue, Nangong Jin, and Nongyue, but there was no figure of Chu Limo.

"How long have I been asleep." Yun Qing's voice was a little hoarse.

"It's been two days since you fell asleep. In the past two days, Prince Yuhen and Qi Rong have both visited you several times." Bai Yue said.

In the end, after hearing Bai Yue's explanation, Yuhen didn't break in.It was precisely because he didn't break in and didn't disturb Nangong Jin's rescue that Yun Qing was able to cure the poison without any danger.

Yun Qing moved her body, "It hurts so much."

"Of course it will hurt, you have such a big wound on your back." Nangong Jin replied.

Yun Qing glanced at the people in the room, and she remembered that she had been hit by Lihun, didn't she?She remembered that they said that there is no antidote for Lihunsan in her.It was precisely because of this that she remembered that she asked Chu Limo to agree to her, and went to Qi Mansion to kill Qi Mingyang.After that, she didn't remember anything.Now that she has woken up, is the poison on her body cured?How did you solve it?
Yun Qing stared at Nangong Jin, and asked, "How did I get rid of the poison on my body? Have you found the antidote? By the way, why didn't you see Li Moren? Where did he go?"

Yun Qing was a little puzzled, if he knew she was awake, Chu Limo should be the first person who wanted to see her wake up.Why is there no one else at this moment.

"He..." Bai Yue faltered a little, not knowing what to say to Yun Qing.

"What happened to him? What happened?" Yun Qing asked anxiously.She always felt a bad premonition that something happened to Chu Limo.

"Oh! That bastard has to leave Xiyue for a while. Before he left, he said that we should take good care of you." Nangong Jin said.

"Is there something wrong?" Yun Qing obviously didn't believe that there was something important, Chu Limo would leave suddenly at this time.And in front of the few of them, it was obvious that they were lying.

"Tell me, where did he go?"

"Yunqing, stop asking. The most important thing for you now is to recover from your injuries," Bai Yue said.She really didn't know how to answer Yun Qing's question.

"I'm going to find him." Yun Qing lifted the quilt and was about to get off the bed.Judging by their expressions, something must have happened to Chu Limo.

"Yunqing, calm down, calm down." Nangong Jin grabbed the excited Yunqing and comforted him, "Calm down first, and listen to me, okay?"

"Then tell me, where did he go? What happened to him?" Yun Qing said excitedly.

"Yunqing, do you know that there is no antidote for the Lihun powder on your body. The only way is to transfer the poison on your body to another person. In other words, you need to exchange your life to save it. you."

"Life for life! Life for life! Life for life!" Yun Qing murmured softly, and kept repeating this sentence in his mouth.Yun Qing stared at Nangong Jin and smiled horribly, "You mean, Li Mo saved me. He transferred the poison from me to him. Isn't it?"

"Yes." Nangong Jin replied.

Yun Qing suddenly cried, with a tear of grief in the corner of his eye, "How can you be so cruel, why didn't you stop him. Nangong Jin, how could you be so cruel? Why didn't you stop him. Why did you save me?"

"Yunqing, please calm down. He saved you because he hoped that you could live a good life, instead of seeing you like this. He will be very sad and distressed when he sees you like this." Bai Yue Hugging the excited Yun Qingdao.

"He's dead, isn't he? Where is he? I'm going to see him."

"Yun Qing, he..."

(End of this chapter)

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