The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

Chapter 430 Qingqing Why I Would Be Willing to Leave You

Chapter 430 Qingqing Why I Would Be Willing to Leave You (1)
"Where is he? I want to see him, take me to see him." Yun Qing whispered.

"Okay. I promise you, I will take you to see him, but you also promise me, don't get excited, okay?" Nangong Jin said softly.

"Yeah." Yun Qing nodded with a tear of grief.

Did Li Mo really die to save his own life?
This blow was so heavy for her, it was too heavy for her to accept.If Li Mo is really dead, what's the point of her being alive?

Nangong Jin took Yun Qing to the door of the room where Chu Limo lived before and stopped.

"Is he inside?" Yun Qing asked.

"Yes. He is inside. He is not dead." Nangong Jin said.

"What? What did you say?" Yun Qing said excitedly when he heard that sentence.He is not dead, he is not dead.Yun Qing was so excited that he couldn't speak at that moment, and it was difficult to calm down the mood of sadness and joy.At that moment, she only wanted to see Chu Limo.She just wants to see him.Yun Qing couldn't wait to push the door open.But there was no figure of Chu Limo in the room.Seeing this scene, Yun Qing thought that the sound he heard just now was not dead, but an auditory hallucination.Yun Qing said frantically: "Didn't you say that he is not dead? Where is he? Where are others?"

"He's in there." Nangong Jin pointed to the painting on the wall.Yun Qing stared blankly at the wall that Nangong Jin was pointing at.Nangong Jin walked over and took down the painting, and behind the painting was a secret door.It was a secret room.

"Yun Qing, he didn't die, but he transferred the poison from you to him, triggering the unfeeling Gu on him. He's gone mad now, he just wants to kill people now, and he doesn't know anyone anymore. Including You, so you have to be mentally prepared to go in later, no matter what you see, don't get close to him." Nangong Jin looked at Yun Qing and said.

"No matter what he becomes, he is the Chu Limo who will always protect me and love me. I believe in him, he will never hurt me."

"Evil girl, Nongyue, you two don't come in, just watch outside." Nangong Jin turned to look at Baiyue and Nongyue and said.Then, Nangong Jin and Yun Qing went into the secret room.

The secret passage is not big, it can only accommodate about ten people.This secret room should have been integrated with Chu Limo's room originally, but later, it was probably transformed into a secret room by Chu Limo.She has lived here for several months, and she hasn't noticed it at all.Come to think of it, when Chu Limo remodeled this secret room, he was afraid that he would go crazy, so he remodeled it specially.

In the secret room, Chu Limo's hands and feet were locked by a black iron chain.He kept trying to break free from the iron chain, but he couldn't seem to break free no matter how hard he tried.He looked crazy and painful, and his eyes were red, the color of bloodthirsty.

"You're all going to're all going to die. I'm going to kill you." Chu Limo, who was locked up, shouted frantically.

"Li Mo." Yun Qing shouted.Seeing him become like this, Yun Qing felt distressed.

"Don't go there. He doesn't know you now. If you go by like this, you will only be hurt by him." Nangong Jin pulled Yun Qing back and said: "That day, after transferring all the poison from your body, we all thought Chu Li Mo he will die. However, Chu Limo's body was originally carrying a strong poison. When the unfeeling Gu encountered Lihunsan, the poison of Lihunsan was swallowed up. However, it also caused him to go crazy. It took a lot of internal energy to save you, but it still took Yuhen and Qi Rong a lot of energy to subdue him."

(End of this chapter)

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