The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

Chapter 440 A Good Thing Was Interrupted With Hickeys

Chapter 440 A Good Thing Was Interrupted With Hickeys (1)
Jinling City, Yunfu.

Yun Qing changed into that blue dress, and sat beside the bronze mirror with Nong Yue helping her put on makeup.

At this time, Chu Limo came over, came behind Yun Qing, and told Nongyue, "Go down first, leave this place to me." Nongyue stepped back, and Chu Limo's hand lightly touched Yun Qing Qing's hair, said softly: "From now on, I will pull Qing Qing's hair and thrush."

Yun Qing smiled lightly, turned around and looked at Chu Limo, "You haven't done this before, have you?"

"It will start today." Chu Limo said softly.Then he bent down and kissed Yun Qing's forehead, "From today on, I will tell everyone that Qingqing is mine. Qingqing is my wife, my only wife."

Yun Qing smiled shyly, looked at Chu Limo, "When will you learn to say these sweet words?" But even so, Yun Qing still felt very sweet in his heart.Isn't a woman's biggest dream that the man who loves her so much belongs only to herself?In this age of three wives and four concubines, very few men can marry only one wife in this life.

"Qingqing likes to listen, I will tell Qingqing to listen to it every day from now on."

Yun Qing smiled slightly, looking at the man in the bronze mirror who was pulling back his hair.His movements are a little rusty, but not messy at all.For a while, Yun Qing felt a little frustrated, as long as Chu Limo could do it just once.And she did it herself several times but couldn't do it well.

Chu Limo looked at the woman with curled lips in the mirror, and said softly, "Doesn't Qingqing like it?"

"No. I'm just curious, how can you do it once. I can't do it myself." Yun Qing pouted.Chu Limo smiled lightly: "Because I should do such a thing. This is called boudoir joy." When Chu Limo said this, Yun Qing's face became even redder.When did this man start to lose his integrity.

"Is Qingqing shy?" Chu Limo smiled softly.

Yun Qing scolded him, "Just laugh at me."

"How can I make a joke. I just want...just want to..." Chu Limo said very ambiguously.But it seemed like it was on purpose, but he didn't say the last words.

"Just thinking about something." Yun Qing looked at Chu Limo.

"..." Chu Limo whispered something next to Yun Qing's ear, and after listening, Yun Qing's ears became even redder.Seeing such a charming Qingqing, Chu Limo moved, "Did Qingqing think about it too?"

"You're a pervert."

"My color embryo is only clear in color."

"Shameless." Yun Qing said that he really couldn't understand when Chu Limo started to become a hooligan.

"Can I understand that Qingqing is inviting me?" Chu Limo smiled softly.

Yun Qing turned his face aside, this man is too shameless.

"Qingqing doesn't speak, then I will take Qingqing as the default!" Chu Limo had already bent down, and Yun Qing stared blankly at the face approaching him, "You..."

Chu Limo swallowed the rest of the words before he finished speaking.Yun Qing's lips were tightly pressed against his lips, and she almost couldn't breathe.His kiss was hot and filled with boundless lust.Yun Qing was taken aback, this guy wouldn't be thinking at this time...?
"Li Mo... We still have to go to the palace banquet." Yun Qing squeezed out a word from his lips.If he wiped her clean, how could she go to the palace banquet.

"Let them wait." Chu Limo said, "Qingqing, I can't bear it anymore. Qingqing, shall we stay here?" Although he wanted Qingqing very much, he still had to ask Clear opinion.

(End of this chapter)

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